Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

That's great Michelle!

Mary, I had them too. Water , sleep, ice packs and essential oils (peppermint specifically) helped me. My doctor recommended a little caffeine too if you went cold turkey in that.

Enjoy today Cheryl!

Afm: me and DH are driving 3 hours to the beach. Probably will just stuff our faces and stick our toes in the water. He wants to put his new jeep on the highway and I want to..well... Stuff my face! My brother is about 30 minutes from the beach so we may pop in to say hello. So lots of car riding and away for me.

Today is the day! I'm so nervous! So much to do... Ermagah

I actually had a dream last night Where I could peer into my belly and you know what I saw? Literally like.. A ball sac. Yep. Guess I'm going with boy now. I'd asked my body if I could have an accurate dream yesterday and that's what I got :rofl:

We are doing the reveal in 8 hours so the non-US ladies will probably have to wait another day :cry: this is our last for a while I think right? Laura next.. Then Mary and Michelle? Is that right?! Damn I'm the runt!

Only a thousand things to do today, jealous of your relaxing agendas Pam and Kenna! Since I'm a blogger I have to do Lots of photography today so I can use the recipes on my blog so that makes it more stressful than it would be otherwise I think but it'll be great to use for content

Mary I don't know much about migraines but I'm sorry you're getting them! :/ oh and I had super high betas (I was worried about Down syndrome actually! But I read they are usually CRAZY high with DS) so we'll see if it turns out as boy for me like Jess :D and of course girls are stronger.. Duh! Do yall have even the slightest preference one way or the other? Little sister for Aiden? Do you know the siblings that your donor had? I know that actually influences it.. Crazy!

I'm finally finishing up this massive gender wives tales video today so the earlier ladies can use that to make their own predictions! We'll see how accurate mine were..

yay, cant wait for ur reveal!

As for our donor, we didn't want ANY info other than ethnicity, skin ton, height, and eye color. In my head, we didn't use a It may sound crazy but that's truly how I feel :). But we do want a boy but we ALL are more than ok with a girl too. We all just want a healthy and happy baby so I dont think the gender really matters to any of us right now! Aiden is leaning a little more towards a brother now, tho. Idk what happened to the sister he wanted so badly! Lol

I remember with Jess I guessed boy because of her betas but then my RE told me its actually girls who have the higher betas, normally. I don't think anyone truly knows but jess's def made that theory seem true! We shall see!

Also, I KNEW before my gender scan w Aiden and a dream was 1 of the things that made me think "ITS A BOY!" so your dream very well could have just revealed it for u! ;) You must be soo excited! Your very strong holding out this long! I'll probably have to know right away but we're going to keep it quiet to reveal to everyone else.
See, our dreams are our first "true" gender reveals ;)

Thank u for the tips, Dani! I love essential oils, too! The peppermint is my favvv! I haven't used them in awhile because I wasn't sure if It was ok to use while TTC and pregnancy & I just never asked my doc about it. Good stuff!
As for the caffeine, I actually cut that out of my diet last year. I do drink 3 decafs/week. Maybe I need 1 of those. Its been a few days.
Deep Blue has been my life saver. I've used it for headaches, backpains and leg cramps throughout my pregnancy.
I dreamed of boys too but my instinct says otherwise and always love pink but got it wrong the whole time. :haha:

Oh, Cheryl, 8 hours? That would make it 1 am tomorrow here and 12mn for pam. I think i could wait before i hit the bed. :haha:

Michelle, i agree with Pam, your temps are looking great so no need to worry i know easier said than done but that's we can do while waiting for more confirmation. FX for doubling or tripling #s.. :D

Kenna/Dani, did you both agree to go to beach today? Oh, i miss our beach back home. Here, it's all rock and couldn't even bathe in it. :cry:
I've actually dreamt of both! Most recently it's been girls, or I find out it's a girl, like at our anatomy scan. Crazy! So it was weird to have a boy dream last night! I know mine were influenced by assuming we'd have a boy at first
Looking into your belly and seeing a ball sac! Lol! That's funny and I'm so curious now!! DH and. Both only had dreams of it being a girl!! Sooo it was true in my case! Can't wait to find out tonight!! Excitedddd

Afm - Well I totally blew it!!! �� had dinner with my twin sister tonight and as we were saying gbye, I totally slipped and said "her" referring to the baby.. I'm so so so mad at myself and completely bummed. I was so nervous to see her knowing I could slip up. And yup. I did :(. I was so excited for the reveal party to see her initial reaction when we tell everyone we are having a girl. She has a 9 month old girl so I knew she would be so excited I'm having a girl too. After I let it slip I totally tried to cover it up like it didn't happen and continue normal conversation but I know she caught it. She didn't react though probably bcuz she knows how badly I wanted to keep it a secret until the party.. But now I wish she did react so I at least could've seen her happy excited first reaction when she first finds out it's a girl! Now I Feel jipped of that natural reaction of excitement and she prob will have to pretend at the party, but I will know I missed her first real true reaction.. So totally bummed out, I can't get over it. Ruined the rest of my night, cried the whole way home and I'm still in a bad mood the next day over it! DH thinks im being too hard on myself and it's not that big of a deal. But it was to me. She was the one I was most excited to tell and see her reaction and I ruined it! Sigh
Aw im sorry you slipped up twinsie buut she may not have truly caught it. Even now at almost 5wks, I already say "he" or "she" and I clearly have no clue what we'll be having! Lol. So maybe she thought u just accidentally said "she" while talking..? I hope so! I bet you'll be able to tell when u see her reaction at the reveal ;) I just came over to this thread, as u know, so I'm a little behind! When is your reveal?!
So sorry Jamie for slipping. But maybe she didn't caught it. FX she didnt and you still get to see her first reaction. DH is right, don't be too hard on yourself but i don't agree with him saying it's not a big deal. ~men~ :dohh:
I hope that's the case too Mary! But she knows we found out the gender so a slip means a bit more unfortunately.. I know what you mean tho, I would say he/she before I knew the gender too! And when I slipped last night it was totally one of those moments that I didn't even see it coming bcuz I sad "her" in the way u would've said it before knowing it was a girl. Idk. I guess well see. It's not until June 6th so I have awhile to wait and I'm seeing her again next sat for my mom and grandpas bday dinner! So now I'm terrified to go and slip again!!! I didn't wanna make the reveal so far away but we tried to accommodate others schedules. It's so hard waiting and keeping it a secret !
I def know the feeling, Fi. I'm suppose to finish Friday and will only go in for 3 hrs tomorrow but I'm dreading it already! :(

What is everyone up to for the day? I'll keep my post short as I'm doing NOTHING, literally lying on the couch and I only move for food and if I need to pee :rofl:

My plan is to do the load of laundry of clothes we wore yesterday, wash the rest of the baby stuff and work on my two super secret projects. Mostly just going to be lounging today since I did so much yesterday.

We are probably going to the beach and then sorting through our goodies from yesterday.

I was looking through your photos on fab. It looks like you had a great time!

Do any of u ladies know any good tricks to help really bad migraine's? Other than sitting in the dark of course. I have had a KILLER migraine since last night and I cant seem to shake it :(. It's making me feel all around sick. Ugh.

Kenna I hope you have LOTS of fun at the beach today! I'm sure ill be texting you while ur there! lol :)

Pam, definitely take advantage of those naps now! And take advantage of sleeping while ur in the hospital after birth as well. I made the mistake of not sleeping much after having aiden and believe me, the tiredness hit me quick when I got home with him! Lol.

I'm a little behind...What are we waiting on Cheryl for?! I dont even know yet and u 2 are getting me excited! :rofl:

My advice would be to drink a small can of Mountain Dew or a cup of caffeinated coffee. You could try 2 extra strength Tylenol and a bunch of water too.

Jess, I do have YouTube. Good thinking! :)

Pamela, for now we've been planning out the decorations and such. We want it to be purple & black themed. We have a BIG backyard so we've been doing yard work, making it all look nicer & pointing out to each other where we'd like decorations, chairs, tables, and the tent to go. We were going to go to some wedding boutiques today but my migraine has gotten in the way :-\. Its ok though, there's always next weekend! I want to go dress shopping soo bad but honestly, I think I better wait until the weddings a little closer for that specific thing. I dont want to fall in love with a dress that my 18wk bump wouldn't fit in to... :haha:

Are you going to try to get a fitted dress to the waist or something a bit more flowing?

For you i'm going to give my wild wild wild guess based on your betas i'd say boy as well. But that will change in the future. :rofl: once you have your bump, tried baking soda + urine and other old wives tale.

lol! Idk why but I'm really thinking girl! They say female embryos are stronger and the one they transferred back was def the strongest, it looked like anyway. I wanted a boy and then 4 days after ET, I told dh that I thought it'd be a girl, which we would both be more than happy with of course! With aiden I was the opposite. I wanted a girl but shortly after pregnancy started, I had a strong feeling he was going to be a boy. I'm excited to find out! If this ones a girl, I MUST just have crazy good maternal instincts :haha:. At my gender scan with Aiden, I was SO sure it was a boy that I said "I already know its a boy, I just need u to confirm for my mother." And the tech looked at me and said "You can tell your mother you were right...Its definitely a boy!" But with aiden, I didn't KNOW he was a boy until between 10-12wks...That's when I suddenly "knew". Maybe I'll suddenly "know" its a boy (instead of a girl) in another 6wks...:rofl:

My first instinct for you was a girl as well.

Migraines are horrific. My solution is usually water and sleep. I got a lot more between 4 and 5 weeks but since then just a normal amount of headachyness for me

9 weeks tomorrow!!!! When are you revealing in the blogosphere?


Today is the day! I'm so nervous! So much to do... Ermagah

I actually had a dream last night Where I could peer into my belly and you know what I saw? Literally like.. A ball sac. Yep. Guess I'm going with boy now. I'd asked my body if I could have an accurate dream yesterday and that's what I got :rofl:

We are doing the reveal in 8 hours so the non-US ladies will probably have to wait another day :cry: this is our last for a while I think right? Laura next.. Then Mary and Michelle? Is that right?! Damn I'm the runt!

Only a thousand things to do today, jealous of your relaxing agendas Pam and Kenna! Since I'm a blogger I have to do Lots of photography today so I can use the recipes on my blog so that makes it more stressful than it would be otherwise I think but it'll be great to use for content

Mary I don't know much about migraines but I'm sorry you're getting them! :/ oh and I had super high betas (I was worried about Down syndrome actually! But I read they are usually CRAZY high with DS) so we'll see if it turns out as boy for me like Jess :D and of course girls are stronger.. Duh! Do yall have even the slightest preference one way or the other? Little sister for Aiden? Do you know the siblings that your donor had? I know that actually influences it.. Crazy!

I'm finally finishing up this massive gender wives tales video today so the earlier ladies can use that to make their own predictions! We'll see how accurate mine were..

Can't wait to hear about your party and see all the pictures and find out if baby is a he or a she! Did you decide to go with the leaves or syrup?

That's great Michelle!

Mary, I had them too. Water , sleep, ice packs and essential oils (peppermint specifically) helped me. My doctor recommended a little caffeine too if you went cold turkey in that.

Enjoy today Cheryl!

Afm: me and DH are driving 3 hours to the beach. Probably will just stuff our faces and stick our toes in the water. He wants to put his new jeep on the highway and I want to..well... Stuff my face! My brother is about 30 minutes from the beach so we may pop in to say hello. So lots of car riding and away for me.

Sounds like a fun day! I hope you have fun!


Today is the day! I'm so nervous! So much to do... Ermagah

I actually had a dream last night Where I could peer into my belly and you know what I saw? Literally like.. A ball sac. Yep. Guess I'm going with boy now. I'd asked my body if I could have an accurate dream yesterday and that's what I got :rofl:

We are doing the reveal in 8 hours so the non-US ladies will probably have to wait another day :cry: this is our last for a while I think right? Laura next.. Then Mary and Michelle? Is that right?! Damn I'm the runt!

Only a thousand things to do today, jealous of your relaxing agendas Pam and Kenna! Since I'm a blogger I have to do Lots of photography today so I can use the recipes on my blog so that makes it more stressful than it would be otherwise I think but it'll be great to use for content

Mary I don't know much about migraines but I'm sorry you're getting them! :/ oh and I had super high betas (I was worried about Down syndrome actually! But I read they are usually CRAZY high with DS) so we'll see if it turns out as boy for me like Jess :D and of course girls are stronger.. Duh! Do yall have even the slightest preference one way or the other? Little sister for Aiden? Do you know the siblings that your donor had? I know that actually influences it.. Crazy!

I'm finally finishing up this massive gender wives tales video today so the earlier ladies can use that to make their own predictions! We'll see how accurate mine were..

yay, cant wait for ur reveal!

As for our donor, we didn't want ANY info other than ethnicity, skin ton, height, and eye color. In my head, we didn't use a It may sound crazy but that's truly how I feel :). But we do want a boy but we ALL are more than ok with a girl too. We all just want a healthy and happy baby so I dont think the gender really matters to any of us right now! Aiden is leaning a little more towards a brother now, tho. Idk what happened to the sister he wanted so badly! Lol

I remember with Jess I guessed boy because of her betas but then my RE told me its actually girls who have the higher betas, normally. I don't think anyone truly knows but jess's def made that theory seem true! We shall see!

Also, I KNEW before my gender scan w Aiden and a dream was 1 of the things that made me think "ITS A BOY!" so your dream very well could have just revealed it for u! ;) You must be soo excited! Your very strong holding out this long! I'll probably have to know right away but we're going to keep it quiet to reveal to everyone else.

Mary, I know that you said you got minimal info about the donor but if something were to happen to the baby health wise would you be able to get his medical history?

I never had any gender dreams. In fact I don't recall a single dream in which I was pregnant this whole time.

Looking into your belly and seeing a ball sac! Lol! That's funny and I'm so curious now!! DH and. Both only had dreams of it being a girl!! Sooo it was true in my case! Can't wait to find out tonight!! Excitedddd

Afm - Well I totally blew it!!! �� had dinner with my twin sister tonight and as we were saying gbye, I totally slipped and said "her" referring to the baby.. I'm so so so mad at myself and completely bummed. I was so nervous to see her knowing I could slip up. And yup. I did :(. I was so excited for the reveal party to see her initial reaction when we tell everyone we are having a girl. She has a 9 month old girl so I knew she would be so excited I'm having a girl too. After I let it slip I totally tried to cover it up like it didn't happen and continue normal conversation but I know she caught it. She didn't react though probably bcuz she knows how badly I wanted to keep it a secret until the party.. But now I wish she did react so I at least could've seen her happy excited first reaction when she first finds out it's a girl! Now I Feel jipped of that natural reaction of excitement and she prob will have to pretend at the party, but I will know I missed her first real true reaction.. So totally bummed out, I can't get over it. Ruined the rest of my night, cried the whole way home and I'm still in a bad mood the next day over it! DH thinks im being too hard on myself and it's not that big of a deal. But it was to me. She was the one I was most excited to tell and see her reaction and I ruined it! Sigh

Oh Jamie I know how you feel. I kept what we were having a secret from my sister until it slipped literally minutes before the party. I was showing her a picture from the ultrasound and said but "he's" laying across my belly and she just looked at me and gasped. I started to cry because I was so mad at myself for slipping and she started to cry because she thought we were having a girl. My husband walked in on us crying, turned around and walked away. It really sucks when you slip and you get so mad but maybe your sister won't say anything.

I hope that's the case too Mary! But she knows we found out the gender so a slip means a bit more unfortunately.. I know what you mean tho, I would say he/she before I knew the gender too! And when I slipped last night it was totally one of those moments that I didn't even see it coming bcuz I sad "her" in the way u would've said it before knowing it was a girl. Idk. I guess well see. It's not until June 6th so I have awhile to wait and I'm seeing her again next sat for my mom and grandpas bday dinner! So now I'm terrified to go and slip again!!! I didn't wanna make the reveal so far away but we tried to accommodate others schedules. It's so hard waiting and keeping it a secret !

13 days to go!!
Jess, health reasons is something I could always access. We just want to know as little as possible, otherwise. Thats the first thing I asked when I asked about an anonymous donor. I may actually grab just that info. I just dont want to know anything else because in my mind, its 110% DH's baby and I dont want anything to change the way I think about it, u know?

And I'm not quite sure yet about the dress. A flowing dress would be nice because of the heat and everything but when I really think about our wedding day right now, I picture my cute belly making my dress pop out :haha: It'll probably be a "belly fitted" dress but we'll see which one I fall in love with most! :) Chelsey just gave me the name of a good website to browse through so ill try and get pics up when I pick a few out :).

My migraine is finally starting to go away!! My head still has a "heavy" feeling and I feel a little nauseous though. Hopefully it stays away!
Glad migraine is starting to ease off Mary. Boo for being nauseaus but it's a good sign that things are coming along nicely.

AFM, it's 12:19 in the morning lying in bed and waiting for Cheryl's reveal despite having a headache BP was high again. :cry:
Glad migraine is starting to ease off Mary. Boo for being nauseaus but it's a good sign that things are coming along nicely.

AFM, it's 12:19 in the morning lying in bed and waiting for Cheryl's reveal despite having a headache BP was high again. :cry:

Are u still awake over there? :rofl:
Jess, I remember after I told you I had a dream that you were having a boy, you said you had a dream you gave birth and you had a girl. That was a while ago, but you did have a gender dream! It just wasn't right! Lol!
I wonder what time zone Cheryl is in. I keep coming on to check!

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