Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Jyllian, sorry things are a little tight with finances, hopefully your OH can find a better job soon that he's respected at.

Mary, SO excited that your scan went great today and that you were able to see the heartbeat!

Cheryl, I hope your client starts the project soon! I loved Jamie's suggestion as well.

Also.. If we're making a map of where we're located, I'm in Austin!

Thanks, Michelle! Do you have any idea when your first scan is?! I'm so excited for that!

I have no idea yet. I think they're probably waiting for my hcg to get to a certain level. I'm hoping for over 1000 on Monday!
Wow Fi! You're wayyyy over there!

So just as I suspected, OH was pretty much relying on ME to fund any additional expenses such as food and drinks or whatever. I told him I don't have extra money to spend while we're at the event and he said 'well I'm sure there's a fast food place or something like that nearby'... like, implying that I'd use my credit card :saywhat: Um, I was under the impression this was his thing and I could come along and enjoy myself. More importantly, I don't appreciate him planning to do this and assuming I will pay for stuff or can even pay to begin with. I've been handling enough financially around home. I already funded our Disney trip last year in November as well as our trip to St. Louis in May when him and I traveled for my cousin's wedding. I asked him how he was even getting gas to travel to this thing and back, as well as register/enter his truck and his dad is fronting the money. His friend even offered to loan him some money. Omg now is not the time to be borrowing money when I just helped him out of an overdraw on his bank account and let him borrow money to pay his car insurance :growlmad: Not smart at all. He said that we need groceries anyways so could get some stuff to make and take with us. Well guess who would be buying the groceries... me. Ugh. I said if I'm buying groceries I'm getting stuff to cook and eat at home, not random crap for a truck show. So irritating. I said I would just not go. Like, I'm gonna be standing around at the thing in the heat and humidity with nothing? I'm defo gonna get hungry and for sure thirsty. What really irks me is that we are tight on funds and need groceries but I'm expected to handle that while he finds ways to fund this activity when there's obviously more important matters. I refused to fund any of this trip tomorrow and I guess he figured things out to make it work. Blegh... ok rant over.

On a brighter note, however, since I guess we're all going tomorrow his friend's girlfriend cut my Future Minitrucker shirt into a super cute, edgy tank top! Not sure if anyone is familiar but it's this technique - cut with just scissors, tied and knotted

(Forward to 1.50)
Michelle, my mom lives there, my mil lives 8 miles away in Weimar. I went to school there in junior high, and part of high school. All of my friends were older than me, and I had a fake id, so we used to all go out down 6th street!
Michelle I actually went to law school there! Random

Jyllian that sucks! At least he's figuring it out on his own but I would personally be like hell no! Men...
Oh and our friends are team yellow and had their anatomy scan today. She already has two boys so I really want to know what their first "ours" will be! What do Yall think based off this skull shape? You were right for me!
free upload
OK! I read back through and got all caught up with like 30 something pages. Please forgive how long this post is :)

Daphne – your bump certainly has changed! I would say that for sure it looks like the baby has dropped down. Are you feeling more pressure in your pelvis? Thank you for the gif website. It’s really been fun playing around with it! Don’t worry too much about your weight. I have heard that it is common to lose a little bit of weight in the last few weeks before delivery. You also could have been backed up at 30 weeks and less backed up now. Are you still weighing around 61kgs? The weather here has been crazy! It’s in the upper 70’s during the day and then rains in the afternoon and through the night. I’m sorry you have been having trouble sleeping! I think its common in the last few weeks as I am up by 6am everyday and can’t seem to fall asleep until after midnight every night…. But closer to 1am. Our bodies are preparing us for a lack of sleep I think lol.

Mary – I really enjoy the mayo guide to a healthy pregnancy. It doesn’t scare the crap out of you the way some books do. Looking at your ultrasound on the computer I would say that your baby implanted on the left, which would suggest you are having a girl. I’m so excited for you and happy that everything is measuring right on track. Could your DH pick up a snow shoveling job in the winter to make up for the lack of lawn care (pretty sure that’s what he does) jobs in the winter?

Jyllian – I’m so jealous that you haven’t had to experience the lack of poo issue. It really sucks! I love your gif. Have you been using the baby center app for your weekly bump pictures? I remember you posting about your drains on facebook. I’m glad that you got all of that, plus your car taken care of. It’s strange that your SO keeps getting called off of work. What would happen if he showed up anyways? You’re fb comment photo cracks me up. I’ve been telling everyone that I don’t think I’ll put Luke down for a long time after the struggle to have him. All I will want to do is hold him and snuggle him. Of course I know that it isn’t good for him and will have to put him down but its going to be hard! I wonder if you could set up a camera in the corner to take video as you are in labor and delivery? You could grab still shots from that for photos. I know that a lot of hospitals also have photographers on call. That could be an optional 3rd party that has nothing to do with either side of the family so that you and your SO could be the only 2 in the room. How funny that your friend lives just a few minutes away. That would be great if she could watch the baby while you are at work. We would probably take Luke to my parents house for my mom to watch him if need be, but for the most part in your situation it might be easier for the moms to come to your place. Especially the one with the drug problems. You are a brave woman finishing out your shift if your water breaks. I am so glad that I am not working (even though it would be summer break when I go into labor anyways).

Cheryl – what kind of statistics do they give in the book you are reading? Those undies you posted are pretty freakin awesome looking, but kind of weird at the same time. I think they would be good for after delivery when you still bleed for a bit, but I would really be nervous about leaking right out of them into my pants. Shelby and Sawyer sound really cute together too! Maybe you and Kenna could hook your kids up lol. Game of Thrones is kind of lame this season, if I do say so myself. I am seriously considering a gopro for Ronny to wear if I have to have a c-section. I don’t want to miss out and thought that would be the best way to get to experience the birth without being actually present for the birth. Ronny seems to have a different opinion though. I’m jealous of your belly button. I’ll post a pic of mine. My abdomen literally is flat where my belly button is and the scar from my multiple surgeries is now stepping in as acting belly button for the time being. Ramzi method was right for me. Baby implanted on the right and is definitely a boy. I definetly think that being proactive in your work situation is going to be better than trying to work through. They shouldn’t discriminate against you because you want to take maternity leave and shouldn’t have a problem sending you the stuff early. If they do, they aren’t a company you would want to work for anywyas.
Jamie – I love the name Sienna Elizabeth. I will for sure use Sienna as much as I can to see if you really truly like it. I’ve worried about the name selection thing too, but at this point its too late to go back now. It sucks that your hospital doesn’t just list the classes and whatnot online. I wonder if they have a pamphlet laying around somewhere with all of the information. If you don’t think about it too hard, you will be less likely to slip up. I would always refer to Luke as he, even before we knew so it wasn’t much of a slip….maybe stick with baby. Sweaty under boob isn’t as bad as sweaty crotch in my opinion. You can’t wipe that off lol.

Michelle – The numbers are still rising which is great news. Try not to stress out too much (I know, it’s hard). Did they do a progesterone check in your blood work? Your progesterone levels at 67 is really good for where you are into your pregnancy. Seeing as that you didn’t have progesterone issues previously, I would bet that your body is doing really well at producing progesterone on its own. Of course if you already have the suppositories it wouldn’t hurt to keep using them. As for weekend plans, my husband is doing the daddy boot camp class tomorrow to learn about babies in a “manly” setting. I’m just going to be hanging out at home cleaning up a bit. Sunday I am thinking of inviting everyone over for a small pre-birthday party as my birthday is Wednesday and everyone will be busy. I’m thinking of a pool party but need to run it by my love first. I’m glad the bill was a mistake and you got it taken care of.

Chelsea – What are the names that you have picked out?

Pam – it sucks that your internet is being wonky! I couldn’t even begin to imagine how frustrated you must be with it. How excited are you to be on maternity leave finally? I hope that they ladies they got to replace you can handle the job so they leave you the heck alone! Enjoy your time off. Are you going to share the pics with us from your maternity shoot?

Laura – I love love love your announcement. How many people outside of us know that you are going to have a baby? P.s. what is a fascinator? I would love to be facebook friends so I can see your big reveal. You can find me at Jessica Reppenhagen.

Dani – Nevermind what your doctor said about your weight. Everyone is so different when it comes to that subject. I was told that your body is going to gain what it needs to support you and the baby during the pregnancy and beyond. Plus at 26 weeks, you have 14 weeks to go. If you only gain a pound a week from here on you would only gain like 40 pounds total. My sister gained 60 with my first nephew and 80 with my second. Putting the crib together is exciting weekend plans. It makes it so much more real!

Fi – congratulations on hitting the halfway mark. Sorry you are so busy with work. I hope things calm down for you soon.
I also went through and made a map of where everyone is in relation to eachother.


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Mary - Wonderful updates.... Glad everything went well. You must be so overjoyed seeing the heart flickers..... How did Aiden react seeing the pic? Can't wait for your next scan....

Pam - Congrats for finishing work.... Enjoy today's shower and photo shoot. Hope your throat is 100% ok now.

Cheryl - Im guessing your friend is having a BOY based on the skull. Please keep us posted with what they're having.

Jess - I will try and weigh myself again at 38w and see if I gain, lose or stay at the same weight. I think i have dropped too but not that drop drop as others have maybe i'm just starting. I've been having lower abdominal pain, vajayjay and tailbone pain this couple of days every time i'm having a BH. BH is stronger now and been making my entire belly hard.... Oh, and last night while in bed, i had this urge that i need to poo (even though i just did)... Told DH and he thought maybe it's the start so he was on the look out every move i make he wakes up so he too had a restless sleep.. FX these are signs that labour is approaching. I love the map you did.

Jyllian - Im really sorry to hear about your financial struggles right now with OH not having a steady job. I know you'll get pass it but your OH need to start doing some thing find another job while keeping the current one, help you in the house (there's a lot to do), and drop other activities that are not so important, i mean it's not the end of the world and it's not the last truck show there will be more so if he can postpone it better and he'll have time to help you even save some money. Sorry i think i said too much... :D
Added you on Facebook Jess. If anyone else wants to I'm Laura Costello on there. Profile pic is same as on here.

A fascinator is the hat thing that I have on in the pic. It's not a hat... More like a bunch of feathers
Jess, thank you for the book recommendation! :) And I felt lots of implantation pains on the left side so it certainly could be the left! I was worried about ectopic because of how bad my left side hurt for 2-3 days. I kept getting a radiating feeling..i can't really explain it. But I do strongly suspect a girl & you just made me think its a girl even more...I bet we're right :). I never knew that which side it implanted on can predict whether its a boy or girl. Pretty neat!
As for my DH, he does do snow removal in the winter but that's a hit or miss. Some weeks it doesn't snow and others it does so its not very reliable here in NH :-\. We do make enough money but both of us feel we could have alot more if he had a different job. Plus he really wants something that provides good benefits for us & the kids. We have 3 places in mind that he will apply to this week so FX for 1 of those places to work out.
And omgosh jess, daddy boot camp?! Thats so cute! Lol. I want to send my dh to daddy boot camp but Ive never heard of anything like that around here. What a fun idea!
HAPPY 5 WEEKS, MICHELLE!!! :happydance:


And last but not least, HAPPY 36 WEEKS, PAM!!! :)
Mary, any plans of making a pregnancy journal? :D

hmm, I haven't really thought about it. I don't think ill do a journal on here but I'm going to make a pregnancy book filled with pics of my bump, big events, u/s pics, and ill be writing about certain milestones about the pregnancy in my picture/memory book. I'll try to figure out a way to share it when I'm done :)
Aww, can't wait to see that then.... How did it go with Aiden?
Ahhhh Daphne, you're going to have a baby soon!! Have you had any signs of labour yet? :D

(I haven't read back through so apologies if I've missed anything major :haha:)
So far i have, lower back ache (tailbone), BH than is stronger and makes my entire belly hard (not just the top or side), lower abdominal pain and vajayjay pain. And last night for the first time i feel like i need to poo even though i just did. And boobs feels heavier and sore like im about to get AF. So far that's it... Not really sure if those are signs that early labor is approaching or that could be it. :haha: Maybe i'm waiting for a show or water breaking out. :haha:
Aww, can't wait to see that then.... How did it go with Aiden?

Aiden was so happy to get his own picture of the baby. It said "To my Big Brother" on the back of it. He said "WOW, This is one small baby!" :haha: I can't wait for him to see the next few scans :).
I had a kidney issue when I was born so now everyone in my family gets a free, extra u/s to check on the babys kidneys. My sister liked that, as it saved her money on U/S's for all 3 of her kids, lol. My better insurance runs out at the end of June so that free scan will def come in handy. I wish we could watch our LOs every moment while they're in our belly's...I've been just staring at my little bubble from yest. Cant wait to see her again!
Aiden's reaction was too cute.... <3

Oooopsss, did you just say her? :D Yay for free scans.....
Daphne, you wait til after birth....Those boobies are going to be so incredibly sore! For me after having aiden, my bbs were the most painful part! I'm not even kidding. They had to give me perks JUST for my boobs. They were like rocks and when I didn't breastfeed or pump for a couple of hrs, they'd get soo full and the fuller they got, the more they hurt. You'll get through it tho! I wanted to warn you so you can make sure you keep those milk maker's as empty as possible afterwards! Lol.
Haha! Omg I said her! With aiden, I always referred to him as a "he" while pregnant and I was right! I def think I'm having a girl now! LoL.

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