Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

I know I shouldn't be temping... But I had a HUGE drop today, below my coverline so I'm a little worried. I'm getting bloodwork again this morning, so hopefully I'll have some answers.

Good luck on your blood test. I will say a quick prayer that your numbers come back higher.

Did you all have constipation issues in early pregnancy? I have been a bit constipated and it causes my lower back to hurt SO bad every am when I wake up :-\. Anyone know of any good tricks to cure this?!

I've been constipated this whole time. I wish I had a magical cure but I don't. You can take Colace to help and drink lots of water.

Jess, thanks for the tip on the head rest. I'm planning on doing some research first. I've never seen one before and didn't even know it was available.
I hope you feel better soon! My cold is still lingering and I also have so much to do.

Michelle, maybe the stress of upcoming nrs has caused you a bad night's sleep? Maybe that is why your temp is low or just hormones. I have faith that all will be well with your nrs later. :hugs:

Mary, I have been on iron tables since I found out I was pregnant and they added to pregnancy constipation. I've had a few days on the loo crying and found Lactulose syrup to be awesome!

Laura, I'm so happy Chip is okay :dance:

Dani, sorry about your test. Do you have to do the 3hr now or go back another day? I don't know how those tests work

AFM: Blackberry is working again so I'll be able to keep up better now with you ladies on my phone and laptop.

All the baby blankets, burp cloths, newborn and 0-3 months clothes have been washed. Waiting for them to dry and then I'll be able to pack and restore order in the nursery.

For now it is raining and I'm thinking that a nap is in order - urgh so hard to be on ML :rofl:

Yay for the inter webs working again. Sounds like you e made tons of progress in the nursery!

34 Weeks!

Aww Dani, I am sorry to hear that. FX that it causes no issues!

Laura, glad Chip is ok, make sure you rest up!

Michelle, FX your numbers are great!

Mary, lots of constipation at first and since the third tri hit. Ugh!

Jess, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, hope you feel better soon!

Look at your bump! You look great!

Ermahgerrrrrd... Always SO much to catch up on when I take the weekend off frm BnB :dohh: I'll try my best!

Jess - Yes, seriously the poo thing... ugh I have quite the opposite of a lack thereof. This weekend, especially last night, was bad. I keep telling OH that I've never ever had such a problem with going TOO much while pregnant and wondering when - and IF - the constipation issue will ever set in :rofl: I use The Bump app as well as Babycenter app for bumpies. OH and I have been talking about and are on the same page with wanting to hold Cameron a lot BUT also needing to make sure he gets "independent" time as well so he isn't always fussing to be held and also allowing him to nap in his bassinet/crib and NOT in someone's arms. Ooh I never thought about having someone at the hospital handling photos for us... I'm going to check into that! It's definitely a relief that we have a few options for sitters. To be clear, OH's mom doesn't have the drug issue... it's her kids that smoke marijuana in her house and that doesn't sit well with me (if anyone was getting the wrong idea about that). I did tell my boss that I plan to work all the way up until I go into labor. I won't stick around work long at all if contractions start and definitely if my water breaks! Cameron could come at a fast pace and I want to be sure I have enough time for an epi if I feel I need it! Wow the map really shows how spread out we are! So neat! BOO on the cold... hope it goes away quickly.

Thanks Daphne. We were very bust over the weekend so I don't think OH really did anything concerning applications for a different job :nope: I'm sure he will take the time soon to tackle that... I hope, anyways... That's SO scary regarding ISIS! Hoping that mess stays far enough away from you guys. Do you and DH live there for employment reasons? I think you should move over here closer to us! That's interesting about 39 weeks being full-term. Both of my kiddos came at least a week to a week and a half early... so I'm assuming Cameron may follow suit. Yay for ML!

Finding and adding you on Facebook Laura! Hard to believe you've hit the 10 week mark! Time is going by so fast! Glad you and Baby Chip are OK after the fall... be careful!

Mary I totally hear ya on the sore boobies! And yes, especially after birth. Yowzas! My milk didn't come in until a day or two after giving birth and WOW. I'm hoping Cameron is hungry and we get the hang of nursing because I'm going to need his help. I joke with OH that I'll have the baby on one side and him on the other :laugh2: Wish I could be more help with the poo issues but I seem to have the opposite problem :shrug:

Love the shower photos Pam! Wow, you got A LOT of nice things! Enjoy your ML. Sounds like you got more work to do at home... but it's well worth it! Gosh your bump is so perfect and round! And gorgeous! You and Daphne are getting SO many nice items from friends, family and coworkers!

Kirsty I don't know how you do it?! All the walking as well as caring for an infant while being pregnant. I do good enough to handle myself right now and it helps tremendously that my kids are older. I can't believe your almost halfway!!!

Happy halfway mark Fi!

Good job refraining from slipups Jamie :thumbup: Happy belated birthday! Excited for when you tell everyone the news!

Cheryl I totally agree... nesting sucks! Impressive you have such detailed ideas for the nursery. Sounds awesome, can't wait to see photos as it's coming along! Happy V-Day!!! :happydance:

Michelle you better burn that thermometer woman!!!

Don't worry Dani, I've seen a lot of woman on the Facebook groups failing... I keep blaming myself for posting all of my yummy food and treats :winkwink: FX for your 3 hour test!

Lovely, adorable bump Kenna! Your are defo all belly! Not much longer now...

AFM - We did go to the show on Saturday. OH's dad went and basically funded the trip for us which was very generous of him. I was sure to thank him for going and for his help. It was a beautiful day, sunny and hot. Had a good time and even got to tour the haunted prison which was pretty interesting! Got my pregnancy belly piercing bar in the mail. It's super long but I managed to cut it down some. We went grocery shopping later than evening after we got back (which totally screwed up my funds even more but was required). Sunday we got a bit done at home, which helped me not feel so stressed. I got the stairway trim painted, as well as the hallways and daughter's bedroom trim. OH worked on rewiring the electrical downstairs. I got all the dishes done, bathed the dogs, fixed dinner and did some laundry. I also made OH some chocolate chip cookie brownies he wanted. Wasn't going to deny him :winkwink:

My Future Mini-Trucker shirt, cut by OH's buddy's girlfriend:

The back:

The outside of the prison:

Part of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was filmed here. They had some movie props on display.

Last year at a Tennesee show:

This year:

Show held at the closed "Haunted" Mansfield Prison:

Last year:

This year:

My kids as we toured inside the prison:

Not sure how many of you are familiar with the rapper "Lil Wayne" but in 2004 he used one of the cells at the prison to shoot part of his music video. Kind of neat to see.


We were a bit creeped out, especially by the odd rope tied the the bent bar to my right side in this photo...

I followed your weekend on Facebook. Looks like you had a great time! That was kind of your so's dad to pick up the tab on the whole trip!

Love your pics Jyllian! Seems like you've had tons of fun :D

Thanks for the belly compliments! I'm enjoying the attention haha

I don't think that the company I use to work for understood my resignation letter as they phoned me about an hour ago. WTF :growlmad: I didn't answer but would appreciate if they left me alone!!!

If they call back answer and tell them you no longer work for them, consult the manual you wrote. Did they leave a voicemail?

Blaaaaaaah. Such a Monday for me. Work is hectic (good for passing time quickly, and of course I still manage to BnB during the day!). I have yet to receive an email from the program instructor/scheduler lady regarding my volunteer ultrasound this Wednesday. It's the one I'm really looking forward to, as I've been told they have a 3D machine and give you a CD of photos as well as a DVD. I called the school early last week (I think?) and the guy that has something to do with the program as well told me the lady doesn't have a personal phone line but usually emails volunteers the weekend prior to an appointment. OK... :shrug: No email. I sent an email inquiring about my appointment and asking for details regarding the location and such, if I need any paperwork from my doctor or anything else and carbon copied the program guy hoping that will help get me a response. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow morning, I'm calling him again. I am taking time off work and traveling a little ways to do this so it's be nice to have some instruction other than a date and time...

Also, OH texted me saying he thinks he's about to get laid off work. Ugh... not what I need to hear right now :nope: He's got a bad feeling because his boss just hired another guy which makes absolutely no sense, seeing as the workload isn't divided up in an organized, productive fashion with the workers they have now. The job they are currently on was supposed to be finished like a month ago I think. Sometimes - many times - OH is left with small odds and ends jobs to do, not utilizing his full capabilities and it gets boring and drags the day on for him. He took this job with enthusiasm and excitement, not just because it was a job and income but because it was something he could see himself really getting involved in. He has done SO much work at home and has really surpassed mine and his own expectations of himself and was really looking forward to utilizing and improving his newly found skills and learning more. He's really capable of more and I just hope he finds a job/career that fits, where he is actually excited to go to work and be a part of something.

Looking forward to our first birthing class this Wednesday eve though! I'm more excited for OH and anxious to meet others expecting couples as well as spending some time with OH and learning together.

Does the chemist already know your job? Perhaps they are trying to learn before you go just in case. The more others do for you the more bnb time you have :) Sorry about ohs job situation. I hope he keeps his job, or finds a replacement soon. Which birthing class are you taking? Will you share info?

Cheryl, thank u for the many tips!! :) And its funny you mentioned me being sick with this LO being a sign of it being a girl because I said the same to dh. Is that an old wives tale? Do u know?

Supposedly morning sickness is associated with having a girl, but I was so incredibly sick and definitely a boy is in me.

AFM: not sure what's going on with my body. I have a really bad sore throat and stuffy nose but not nauseous or coughing. I wonder if the tdap vaccine lowered my immune system enough to get a cold started but not enough for it to explode. Either way I took some cold medicine that's safe after the first trimester and am going to take some more in a bit. It's shocking that I went this long without getting any kind of cold and now that I'm on the last leg of this thing I'm starting to catch something.
Symptom wise today I just have a lot of lower abdomen pressure. Like af pains and lower back (almost in my tailbone) pains.
Oh and don't forget heartburn :haha:

Other than that I'm not having much symptoms

Any news on your numbers yet? I've been keeping FX for you and starting to cramp now haha :flower:

:rofl: maybe I should pretent answer like that!

If it comes up at work you can always tell your boss that you didn't ask anyone to do it as you are more than capable of doing your work.

I hope the lady responds to your email soon as we are all looking forward to the scan in 3D coming Wednesday :dance: Also enjoy the birthing class Wednesday

Sorry about OH and work too :( Not fair that every so often you have to be saddled up with his work problems. Must be so frustrating and I hope he can get something more permanent soon if it does end badly.

I've only managed to wash all of the clothes etc. Still struggling to get it all dry and then more progress will be made.

Nobody left me a voicemail. I would have preferred them to leave one so that I could decide as to whether I want to respond or not. Hopefully they won't call again!

Are you feeling better?
Not yet! I was hoping they would call before lunch, but no such luck. Thanks everyone for praying for and keeping your fingers crossed for me!
Jyllian that sucks about OH! Hope his intuitions are off :( keep us updated.

Daphne Vancouver is so nice! DH has mentioned moving there. Just wish we could all move there before the babies.. they have such good maternity leave policies!! :rofl:

Bumpdate day! Today is a special one, since little man has reached viability!

And of course, the gif!
Well I guess it is official... OH's boss did tell him he would be laid off and today is his last day for now :cry: Ugh... WHY does this have to happen AGAIN?! So much going on right now and coming up this month and the couple months following. Not happy but nothing I can do but just hope and pray he applies for as many jobs he can and SOMETHING more stable comes along sooner rather than later. I'm devastated.

Jamie the chemist does know my basic lab procedures as I trained him when he joined the company nearly a year ago. I just think he does it because he can or maybe has not much to do in the morning or sees me "busy" working (more like busy on BnB lol) at my desk and wants to help a bit. Here's the link to a list of the classes my my hospital offers:

I'm taking the Childbirth Preparation class (it's once a week, for four weeks) and the Breastfeeding Basics class (2 hour class on a weekend morning). I just noticed there is a Breastfeeding and Return to Work class... I might sign up for that one and take it after Cameron is here, before I go back to work if I've established breastfeeding.

I think the nurse at my doctor's office mentioned that Tdap vaccine to me. She said the used to give it to the mother after baby was born, but now offer it prenatally. I can choose whether to get it or not and my first instinct is NO just because I want to avoid any more needles! My OH is iffy on vaccines, saying he feels in some cases it makes you sick rather than immune :shrug: We will be vaccinating Cameron, however.

Cheryl forgot your bumpdate is today! You're V-Day pose makes me think of "SUPERSTAR!" :rofl:

Jyllian, I'm sorry to hear about OH's job :(. Things always have to happen at the worst times, huh?! Ugh. Maybe this will lead him down a better career path...I hope so anyway. My fingers are EXTRA crossed for both of our OHs to get into better jobs! I'm sorry your going through this right now.

Thank u all for the tips on constipation! LoL. At least I know I'm not alone in this battle! :haha:
Kenna, your bump looks absolutely amazing! ;)

Same with yours, Cheryl. I LOVE how you design all of your bump pics from different angle's.

Both of you momma's are looking great!
Ah Jyllian, I'm so sorry about OH :nope: I really hope that he gets something new very fast so that you don't have to stress.

Cheryl, I love your bumpdates! You look great and your belly is really starting to show now :dance:
I decided to go buy a WalMart cheapie today, just to see how dark it is and the test line came up DARK before the dye could even finish passing through the strip, so within like 3 secs, lol. Its now darker than the control. I already figured it would be but was curious anyhow :haha:
Agh Mary you're making me want to POS :laugh2: I nearly bought a Dollar Tree cheapie the other week :dohh:

Instead of getting all bent outta shape and freaking out - because, really, this isn't by OH's doing and pretty much out of his hands as far as the layoff goes, and also being a spazz won't help matters - I'm trying to be as supportive and proactive as I can. I found numerous job listings that were posted within the last 3 days off of four different websites specializing in job posts. Many seem like very good opportunities. I hope OH does his part and applies for most, if not all, of them as soon as he gets home today.

I just realized I completely missed 6-7 pages from just today! Lol. I didn't realize how much I missed in just a short few hrs! We have a chatty bunch today :). I'll have to go back and catch up!
Well. it's not looking so good. Got the results back today, and hcg was at 625 (Thursday it was 305) and progesterone was at 26. The nurse said on the plus side, my numbers are increasing but definitely not near what they like to see. She said that they want to give every pregnancy as much of a chance, and want me to go in for another set of bloodwork in a week and an ultrasound (if nothing happens before then).

Feeling pretty sad, but if it is going to happen, I'd rather it be sooner than later so I can get onto trying again.
Jyllian so sorry to hear about OH :hugs: but you're right this is not DH's fault. Being a supportive wife is what he needs in this time and hopefully he applies for more job as soon as he can and land on something stable.... FX

Mary, you make me curious what my lines will be if i POAS this late. You think anyone did that before? POAS when baby is early term seems so crazy :haha:
:hugs: Michelle, not really sure if the progesterone needs to rise as well so i cant really give an insight about it. As to HCG, yours is rising and as i recall doubling becomes slower or requires more time as you go further. Every women have different hcg levels that could be normal for you. Can't they do a transvaginal scan sooner than next week? I know some require a certain level of hcg before they do any early scsn but at 5w2d they definitely can see something. That's the earliest scan i got. CROSSING EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!!!!
Oh no, Michelle! :( Are they having u take ur progesterone again? I hope so! I will seriously be praying for you every single day! Maybe you have "vanishing twin syndrome" and thats messing with ur levels...? That does happen. I know there's nothing I can ever say to make this situation any better. I wish I could give u a giant hug right now. Here's a virtual hug for now... :hugs: I am really hoping things turn around for the best. Tons of sticky dust heading your way... Love you Michelle! Keep your head up, as hard as that can be. More hugs! :hugs:
Daphne, I do know the levels need to exceed 1000 before am u/s can detect the sac. But I agree with what Daphne said about everyone's "normal" is different when it comes to HCG, Michelle. Hopefully this is your norm and all is good! I'll be praying!
Thanks! And I asked about the progesterone, and they said no, my levels are good enough that I shouldn't take it anymore. I am skeptical, but I guess I'll follow what they say.
Michelle, I hope everything is ok! I know it's stressful when all we can do is trust the doctors and faith :hugs:
Thanks! We will see how this week goes. Thanks for all the support, everyone! I'm just going to try to relax and see what happens. And if I do miscarry, I'm going to have a giant glass of wine AND a giant cup of coffee. :)

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