Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

I think DH has it too. He gained a lot during this pregnancy. He started his diet after his colleagues noticed his weight gain :haha: There were 2 episodes when he even puked while eating fish he can't stomach it which is odd because it's his favorite.
Mary, hope you start feeling a bit better! I never really had morning sickness ever :shrug: Just severe exhaustion at times.

Cheryl that's funny about DH :laugh2: OH hasn't said much more to me as of late, but I swear he's still convinced he has CS :dohh: He says he's "craving" something, or has tired spells and says he totally gets my difficulty moving with a belly in the way :rofl: I try to be compassionate but it's kind of humorous too in a cute way.

I feel really un-motivated and out of the loop when it comes to anything other than eating, working and standard prepping for baby. No regular excercise, yoga, massage, diet... nada :nope: I never incorporated anything extra with my other two pregnancies and am just SO busy with a full time job, kids, construction/remodeling in our home, chores and just life in general :wacko:

If Cameron came now, we would most def NOT be ready! Hoping to have major stuff buttoned up within the next three weeks so we have space for everything after the shower :thumbup:
OH made homemade sloppy joe for dinner yesterday and seasoned the brussel sprouts I boiled. I told him he's taking a huge risk allowing me to have brussel sprouts and he replied with 'That goes both ways, ya know'. Yikes.

Let's just say I have been totally fine and pretty sure OH will never ever let me have brussel sprouts again :rofl:


Poor guy spent a majority of the late evening and before bed like this :laugh2:
Ugh feeling extreme nausea out of no where right now!! I have to go pick up the littlest one from preschool in 29 mins and I'm dreading getting in the car:nope: I haven't felt this duck since first tri!

J- cute bump!

Daphne- you're getting soooo close!!! My guess is 39 weeks 0 days! :happydance: I'm so excited for you! Are you nervous/anxious at all for labor?

Pam- Adam Levine shirtless is amazing.. Very good looking man!!

Happy bday Jess !! I hope ur contractions are better now!

Cheryl- that's funny DH was watching cs videos! Lol mine has been gaining weight since our wedding so he can't blame it on sienna ! lol

Sorry if I forgot anyone, feeling out of it/tired and blah!
37 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant Update:

Went to the hospital today for our appointment since we can't make it tomorrow due to doc's schedule. We heard his heartbeat again. :yipee: Adam is measuring 2 days ahead with an estimated weight of 6.75 lbs and est. height of 19.5 inches. I know these are estimates so i checked, and it looks like we're spot on. :dance: I was having BH while he's doing my scan and he asked if i'm having contractions because he felt my belly became so hard. Told him yeah, but it wasn't painful so we're good. Doc said everything looks great and Adam has engaged!!! I repeat engaged!!!!! :wohoo: We'll be back next week to monitor Adam's movement (progress maybe?) as per doc's own word. As expected he never did an internal exam... He said they'll do it once i'm having an irregular but painful contractions. Now we wait.

Edit: From here i'll stop taking baby aspirin and continue taking calcium and iron supplements.

That's great news Daphne. I am so glad to hear Adam is in the right position and getting ready to make his appearance into the world.

I think it is pretty normal and that I speak for everyone if I say we all had cramping in some form or another during early pregnancy.
Your uterus was the size of almost nothing and is going to have to stretch a lot now to make space for baby so there will be some pains coming still.

Like you said, as long as you are not bleeding it is all fine :hugs: Welcome to the club :D

Sorry your boobs are misbehaving...

Mine seems to like hot water so when I get into bath at night it's go time for the ladies :haha: I've heard from a few ladies that once baby is born and you struggle you should just take a nice warm bath to help and looks like there is truth in that for me at least.

Hoping you don't have anymore leaks :hugs:


This one is partially for you but for me too. I saw him in a music video last night and I thought I was going to die because of all the hotness :haha:

I hope you have a better day and that the contractions have stopped. Weird that they cannot figure out why you are contracting!

That is such a great update!!!!

I'm so glad that everything is perfect and that Adam is enganged. I guess this would explain all the pressure you are feeling down below :happydance:

Thank you.

Yeah i am steering clear of the girls, told DH no more attention for them and he got sad! :rofl:

Maybe tell him he can play with them again if you've hit your due date and labor hasn't started yet. Nipple stimulation is a natural prostaglandin released that could get things moving.

I guessed so too Pam... I told him about the pain im having and he said it's normal.. :saywhat: telling me "it's because baby is dropping and putting a lot of pressure in your pelvic region" would be so much better than just hearing It's normal. :ninja: :gun: Anyways, i'm happy everything looks good.

That was my guess awhile back: that Adam had settled into your pelvis which was causing the pain.

All of our poor DH need to make their own forums about not being able to play with boobies! Haha!

Good luck, Pam! I have repacked my hospital bag 4 times lol!!!!

We packed ours in a rush yesterday for just in case. I think it's time I seriously sit down and get it ready. Lukes bag is packed up (brought him a couple receiving blankets, 2 white onesies in newborn size and 0-3, a going home outfit in both sizes and a cute outfit in each size just in case. Going to take everything else from the hospital)

Aww, I remember thinking about all of those things :). Have u had alot of heartburn? Old wives tales say heartburn means the baby has more hair BUT I did have heartburn with aiden and he only had a tiny bit of hair so idk how true that one is!

My mom said she only had heartburn with me and I came out with a full head of curly black hair. She had it so bad she had to sleep sitting up.

We should take a poll on when we think Adam is coming!! I saw 39w2d :D that was completely random but I bet it will be within about 8-9 days! Can't wait to meet him!!

Mary this is the size of your bubble this week!

Pam no napping on the job!!! More baby clothes folding!!! Get to it!! :rofl:

Have any of you done perineal massage? I can't seem to convince myself to do it when I hit 34 weeks but I know it reduces the chance of an episiotomy a lot. A friend of mine had a really bad botched episiotomy and is going under full anesthesia today for surgery to fix it!! I mean I don't want one anyway of course but that's terrifying! And she delivered at an incredible hospital where people come from all over the world to be treated.. Where I'm delivering! So yikes. That being said... Ew. Maybe I'll get over it in another 10 weeks

Hypnobabies comes today!!! :happydance: I got this package in the mail yesterday from a food company partner and they sent gift cards so we ordered our little man's co-sleeper bassinet last night too. We're getting close! We're nearly to the point where he could come home and have plenty of stuff.. Not that we want him to for another 15 weeks minimum!! But it feels good to be prepared. Just need a crib mattress and I think we're pretty solid! Pretty soon we'll just leave the rest to our registry I think

I read a really well-done study that said exercise has really no impact on your labor and birth except for prenatal yoga! In a quality study they showed that women who were made to do a prenatal yoga program had less pain in labor and their Lahore were 2.5 hours shorter! So off to the yoga mat for me again this morning :haha: whatever it takes!

My guess is 40+1 for Daphne.

I tried the perineal massage thing once but can't reach my vag on my own all that well......and hubby won't do it for me. At this point I'm like eh, whatever. I would rather tear naturally than be cut anyways.

That's awesome about the co sleeper. I would suggest getting the crib matress from Walmart. Ours was $38 and is adorable (and comfy....I took a nap on it)

Another poll? :haha: I like 39w2 anything after 39w is what i want.... :haha: My guess at 39w4d June 15th. DH guessed June 24th 40w6d which i don't like of course :rofl: Adam's choice must be taken into consideration though. :rofl:

Keep those baby stuff coming Cheryl.... You'll be shocked how fast time flies....

No truer words have been spoken

I noticed a tiny bit of liquid coming from my nips the other day. Haven't messed with them since. I recall while in the hospital, maybe the day after I had my DD, I was leaking quite a bit of colostrum. Then the next day I was engorged as my milk really came in.

How are you feeling after last night Jess? Still having contractions? I'm so hoping Luke turns last minute for you before it's officially time to deliver. Happy birthday mama!

Mary I experienced a few mild cramps here and there early on. And, like Cheryl, I would get paranoid and run to the bathroom to check but nothing! Happy 6 weeks!

Daphne that's great news! I bet you and DH are super excited and anxious to meet Adam. Ahhhh, the waiting game :coffee: Such a cute picture!

OMG Kenna and Pam, that's too funny! :rofl: I've winced a few times lately when OH tries to squeeze or play with mine so he's backed off again. Poor guy.

AFM, did not heard a thing back from the school regarding my volunteer scan so I'm concluding it's a no-go :nope: I was pretty pissy and upset over it yesterday. Very unprofessional and inconsiderate. Not like I was super looking forward to this or anything :roll: Most of me wants to call again this morning and bitch the lady out big time... but then a bit of me feels that if I call or email again, I should be polite in case she can officially schedule me for a near future date.

27 weeks today! Helloooooo third tri!


Even though I missed out on my scan today, I'm still very excited for OH and I to attend our first birthing class together this evening! And holy cow - three weeks and four days until our baby shower! :wacko:

I'm still contracting like I was yesterday but it hadn't gotten worse. I would still show up to the place as planned and say you never got word it was cancelled. You may very well still have your appointment.

I think DH has it too. He gained a lot during this pregnancy. He started his diet after his colleagues noticed his weight gain :haha: There were 2 episodes when he even puked while eating fish he can't stomach it which is odd because it's his favorite.

My oh is opposite....he's lost like 15 pounds since I haven't been cooking lol.

Mary, hope you start feeling a bit better! I never really had morning sickness ever :shrug: Just severe exhaustion at times.

Cheryl that's funny about DH :laugh2: OH hasn't said much more to me as of late, but I swear he's still convinced he has CS :dohh: He says he's "craving" something, or has tired spells and says he totally gets my difficulty moving with a belly in the way :rofl: I try to be compassionate but it's kind of humorous too in a cute way.

I feel really un-motivated and out of the loop when it comes to anything other than eating, working and standard prepping for baby. No regular excercise, yoga, massage, diet... nada :nope: I never incorporated anything extra with my other two pregnancies and am just SO busy with a full time job, kids, construction/remodeling in our home, chores and just life in general :wacko:

If Cameron came now, we would most def NOT be ready! Hoping to have major stuff buttoned up within the next three weeks so we have space for everything after the shower :thumbup:

I think you do enough around the house to qualify for it being exercise.
Jamie I hope you start to feel better soon!

Good to hear Jess. Stay in there a bit longer, Luke!

I didn't want to just show up at the school today because I had been told by a orevious volunteer that I'd need my doctor to sign a consent form and also had NO idea where I was to go?! I was SO excited about it that it never occurred to me that the lady never gave me any confirmation of any sort :dohh:

But... good news! I got an email this morning from the scheduling lady asking me to call her. I got in touch with her immediately and apparently she never got my response email or any of the others aside from the one I sent to her Monday. She apologized and asked if I could come in next Wednesday at 9-ish or 2:30!!! I'm going at the 2:30 time since I'm supposed to have my glucose testing that morning, but may postpone that until the following day so I'm not overwhelmed. I'd prefer an afternoon time anyways so I won't miss much work :thumup: Super duper happy today! :happydance: Cannot wait to see our little chunky monkey again... and in 3D!
Thanks Jess. BTW, Happy birthday!!!! :dance: Glad contractions never got worst. FX Luke stays for a couple more weeks.

Jamie - So sorry sickness is back... Hope it eases up soon... :hugs: I'm a bit nervous about labor always thinking how bad the pain is and worried that if something is not right i end up having a CS and not having DH beside me....

Jyllian - FINALLY!!!!! So glad you got a response an another schedule... Can't wait to see Cameron in 3D.... "Stink Eye" :rofl:
Is your avatar a recent photo of Adam? It looks new to me or I've been blind for how long :haha:

Pic of you on the couch looks like me too just add more layers of clothes and blankets lol

Don't feel bad about complaining hun. There is nothing worse than morning sickness.

I had it pretty bad too and lost something like 4kg so I totally get how bad it makes you feel. We all know you are happy that you are pregnant but you remain human and like Daphne said, nobody likes puking :hugs:

If you can try and make yourself red bush tea without milk (you can add sugar if you want) and pickled ginger slices. It was one of my wonder fixes even if it only worked for about a week or so. Hoping it might give you some relief and that way you get fluids in as well.

The rest of the time I had water and toast with Bovril on which was all that I could stomache.

:rofl: at your DH - mine hasn't had any sympathy symptoms or anything. I wish he would have gotten some nausea at least but that's just me lol

Like Jess I cannot quite reach down there to do the massage. I've read many stories on it early on about ladies who said that they did it and tore badly anyway and others who didn't and say the massage helped.
I'm happy to go natural and let nature take its course.

So exciting that everything is coming together nicely for you and that you'll be ready for baby to come :D

Happy 27 weeks / Start of 3rd tri :dance:

You look amazing as always!! Glad you got another date for your scan after all the least they can do for leaving you (and us for that matter) hanging!

:rofl: at that pic of your OH - looks like more than the brussels were sprouting last night bwahahahaha

Enjoy your classes!!

Sorry that you are feeling sick hun. I had a few times that I went through short spells after the initial ms left. Hopefully it wont last long for you.
Chin up hun, soon you'll have heart burn to look forward too :haha:
Cute pic daphne!

J- yay for your 3D next week !!! Glad that's settled !

I'm feeling better for now! Had some crackers and popped a Preggie pop. Those always seem to help.
Pam, it's one of my 21w 3D scans when he was still smallish and so thin. Love seeing his teeny tiny feet... Oh my couch pic was after DH dropped me home relaxing (or lazy :haha:) as i don't have anything to do. :rofl:

Here's at 29w not 3D but definitely gained a lot!!!
I must admit that I did nap this afternoon instead of packing baby's clothes away :blush:

I'm making up for it now by cooking the beef stew that I've been craving for DH. Ah the things I do to keep my man happy :rofl:
HA Pam :laugh2: Kinda sounds like when I baked the chocolate chip cookie brownies for OH "because he wanted them" :rofl: We are so loving and thoughtful, aren't we? :winkwink:

In fact, I'm eating one of the last pieces of the brownies. Just finished lunch and ate two tuna melts - tuna with mayo on toast with cheese and broiled, leftover sloppy joe with shredded cheese, leftover brussel sprouts (I can't wait to sit near OH this eve at class! LOL!), a drink and now the brownie... yum!
Yummy! *becoming a drooling mess*

Yes we are so caring and considerate. When you let them rip at class tonight you should totally give OH a look of disgust when people start smelling it, or smack his arm and tell him how rude he is etc - make him blush :rofl:
HAHA!!! That's a fantastic idea Pam! :rofl: He has said when we're out in public and I've let one rip, people are automatically likely to look at and accuse him regardless so to have at it :laugh2:
Hahahahaha, dh and I do that to each other. He'll burp or something and then go "no Pam" and I'll be like :saywhat:

My step dad is however the master at making you cinge in public! He will all of a sudden start to drag his foot when he walks with you and then you try and walk away fast and he'll shout out "wait, wait for me, please" and then people look at you like you are so inconsiderate for walking away from him :rofl: that's just one of his many tricks
HAHAHAHA!!! :rofl: Too funny!

Aww Daphne your scan photos are making me super anxious for next week!
Lol, my dad is the same way! He once farted coming out of a home Depot, and stopped to shake his leg like something was going to come out, and he used to always take the basket and turn it sideways to push it, then yell out "there's something wrong with this basket". DH does the same kind of crap! I made the mistake of telling him that he can't embarrass me because I was used to my dad, he proved me wrong!
Your at a great gestation for awesome pics Jyllian! Cannot wait either :D

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