Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Daphne, my water didn't break with Aiden. It was actually extremely stubborn! Lol. It took the nurses multiple tries before they were able to break it. I didn't know how common it was for it not to break until I saw your post about it. I also didn't get the "bloody show". I fought my labor pains all night because I had no other signs other than contractions but in the a.m when I was on my hands and knees to get somewhat comfy, I knew it was time to go. You'll know when that time comes, too :). Its coming up so soon!! :happydance:
Mary it can actually help if your water doesn't break, it makes the birth really comfy on the baby and padded sort of? I know we always associate the start of labor with water breaking because of movies! I was surprised to learn that in Bradley. I forget the specifics :D I just know we put don't break waters on our birth plan and had a good reason at the time!

Daphne there's a lot of things you can do to get labor to come on.... If you're ready! :sex:, nipple stimulation (ohhhhhh yeah), sucking your thumb, kissing.. I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to it! Get to BDing girl! More aptly named than ever :rofl:

Laura those are adorable! Very creative way to announce. Reminds me of when we announced to my parents and gave them spoons that said grandma and grandpa and they didn't get it AT ALL. They didn't look until we told them to, ha! But we were filming them so they said they were trying to be "proper" :haha:

Happy 3rd tri dani!! I can't believe I'm right behind you.. Almost a tww to the 3rd! Insane. I still remember when NONE of us in this thread (that I knew from the other thread that is) was pregnant. Wow

Have fun at your party today Jamie!! Take lots of pics!!
Here's my contraction timing while at rest. They're getting closer than this morning's. On a scale of 1-10 of pain, i think i'm about 3-4 still tolerable....
Daphne, that's so awesome!!! Your getting me more & more excited! :wohoo: I cannot WAIT!!!!! :) He's definitely coming soon! Less than 2 weeks!!!! :dance:
Dh and I were just looking at our u/s again and it almost looks like two separate specs, rather than a bubble...Now I'm a little nervous, LOL :haha: We'll know in 4 days!

EDIT- I just looked up identical twin u/s for 5w2d and they showed two "bubbles" so now I feel strongly about it being one again...One healthy baby girl ;) lol. I'm telling u all, I get these STRONG feelings. I can't wait to know they're right! :)
Oh, i made a ticker based on LMP and it shows I'm only 9 days away to EDD :haha: Maybe i could be giving birth on the 13th of June. :D or at 39w2d based on actual O tickers :dance: like Cheryl's guess....

I'm confused on when your actual EDD is now.

Glad to hear your appointment went well Pam!

Wow Daphne! Are you really 9 days away from your EDD? Or are you now currently 38 weeks and 2 weeks away? I'm so confused, which is 90% of my life now :dohh: The suspense is killing me... not knowing exactly WHEN Adam is going to make his appearance, but it's SO SOON!

Sorry you're feeling crummy Dani. I've never ever had MS so no help to anyone :nope:

Mary I Googled that ultrasound photo and whoa... creepy. How far along was the pregnancy when they saw that? When I was looking at photos from my most recent volunteer scan my daughter and I noticed what could be perceived as a small face of a man in one of the photos - round chin, mouth kind of open, nose and dark space(s) for eye(s). So weird.


Birthing class was super informative and fun!

Ready to get our breathing and relaxation on!

I think I was the only "veteran" there but there's a lot I've forgotten over 10+ years. The instructor had the girls get into a group and list all of the negatives of pregnancy and the guys got together and listed the positives. Of course, us girls had no problems making a looong list. The guys had a decent list but most of their responses were stuff like "unprotected sex and not worrying about getting her pregnant, bigger boobs, increased sex drive, etc." Men... :roll: There was juice, water and tons of snacks :happydance:

Yesterday marked one year since my brother passed from leukemia :cry: He was 52 years old. It was a sad day but I'm at peace knowing he's no longer suffering.

I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. I saw the post on facebook. I couldn't imagine going through something like that.

How many more classes do you have?

Yay for the car seat almost installed!!

Afm- I've always been a nearly A bra size, so very tiny boobies! And now I am filling out my new B cup bras to the max! DH is enjoying the new Cleavage .. I feel like I've gained a pound all in my boobs!! Lol I'm gonna need to buy C cup bras soon!!!

That's pretty much how I was. I went from a 32 AA or barely A to a C cup, and am now bursting out of the C cup so I went to nursing bras. I love my big boobs and hope they stick around lol

I have this annoying AT&T advertisement that wont stop popping up everytime I go to a different page on bnb today. I cant even get into certain threads because its blocking me from being able to click it! Anyone else having this issue from their phone on here today?

Yes! It has been doing it on my phone for days but not on my ipad.

Mary I hate that thing too!!! Bnb is really giving in to some promos that drive me nuts, I wouldn't do that on my site! At our 8 week ultrasound our little one looked just like a shrimp cocktail when the 3D photo was printed :haha: marine life!!

Daphne :wohoo: for car seat!! Adam is now ready to come at any time :thumbup:

Pam no napping!!!!!! Just kidding, please nap as much as possible. Baby coming soon!

Jyllian I'm sorry to hear about your brother :( that's way too early for anyone!! Glad you and OH had fun at birthing class though

AFM kinda freaking out because I emailed my big client like I mentioned to you ladies, when I sent in this batch of photos. They've sent me responses before where I'm like BUT YOU DIDNT RESPOND TO.. Ugh. But this is what I said..

I was also wondering if you thought this might be a bit ongoing. The reason that I ask is that I’m pregnant and due in late September, and I was wondering if you thought it’d be possible to get a couple months of copy a bit ahead of time, if so. I want to make sure that I get everything you need done well in advance, just in case the baby comes earlier than planned! I’m only taking off a bit of time but would of course rather be prepared. Just let me know - thanks so much!

The response I got was literally "thanks so much, they look incredible!" :saywhat: so I'm partly freaking out because I'm worried I don't have many clients right now and partly confident that I'll hear soon and everything will be fine and partly ok with just cutting back a lot and being a SAHM! At least part time :) bleh. Do you think what I said was like pushy or anything??

I think your response was perfect. They should have addressed it in the first email back to you, so it doesn't sound like a company very on top of things. Did you ever hear back?

Cheryl, I agree with Mary. Nothing wrong with the email you sent.

AFM: I pooped 3 times yesterday, twice today and nausea is back like a bitch :( In bed now @ 2pm in the hopes of feeling better when I wake up later. I just feel off and it doesn't feel like a stomache bug so it's all preggy related.

I hope you aren't getting sick. Feel better soon!

Mary I'm getting quite annoyed with the Gain ad that keeps popping up when I'm trying to navigate BnB on my desktop at work :growlmad:

Cheryl I don't think you were pushy whatsoever! You're being responsible and pre-planning, and have a very good reason to be doing so! Clients should appreciate that.

Yay for the car seat Daphne! :happydance: Now coooome on Adam! We are all waiting for you... impatiently :coffee:

Jess! I saw your post on Facebook, do you think Luke is still possibly venturing head down?!

AFM, my daughter - and even OH - helped with the Baby-Q shower centerpieces yesterday evening. I just need to get a little more ribbon for like three jars. I also have the materials for the banner I'm making and will start that this weekend :thumbup:


We went for a walk around the block yesterday after dinner and took the chihuahuas with us. They were too excited! Rico made it 90% around then stopped and sat down in the middle of the sidewalk just a ways down from our house :laugh2: He was pooped out when we got home.


The centerpieces are so cute. I love them!!

Looks good Jyllian.

Cheryl, I think you hit the nail on the head. Don't read too much into it. They've could have given you a no thanks right then.

Confession: I've been peeking at my registries. I see a few things purchased and I'm excited, but I'm the worst! I'll have to fake the surprised face LOL

I peeked too but no one really got us anything off of the registry lol. It's still a surprise because you don't know who got you what.

Cheryl I'm just like you, I prefer little dogs. OH likes big breeds (ahem, the pit bull...). The smaller the dog the smaller the upkeep and mess :thumbup: I have actually had to carry Rico at times when we've went for walks because he just stops and refuses to walk any further :dohh: I took a little sandwich baggie with us juuust in case someone decided to drop deuce and good thing I did... Cisco decided to squat just after we made it around the first corner lol

Omigawwwd Dani now I don't feel so bad! I was going to confess that I ended up peeking too! :laugh2: I signed onto one of my registries after seeing a stroller I really liked and saw that a few number of items were purchased. It just shower a number, not the actual items, so I didn't look because I knew OH would be upset with me. I told him some things were bought but I didn't look and we agreed we wouldn't spoil any surprises. So then we are sitting on the couch yesterday and all of a sudden he says "How do you look at what's been bought because I wanna see" :rofl: Ugh! So then once he saw I had to look with him! At least we don't know WHO got what so that's still a surprise, right?

Also forgot to mention... OH was on his way home and told me his boss at his current job told him not to come into work today because the guy he is working with is out of town and won't be there. So... more hours lost :growlmad: I was laying in bed for a bit when he got home and then he suddenly came in and told me that he got the new job and starts next week! :happydance: It couldn't have happened at a better time. He is going into his current/soon to be former job on Monday to work and get his paycheck then saying so long suckas! His boss seems like a real douche canoe so I don't blame him for being anxious to leave. He'll be making the same hourly pay at the new job but MORE HOURS. So excited for him... and PRAYING this is a job that he really sticks with [-o<

What is his new job? Hopefully this one works out and he is able to stick with it!

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I used pink food coloring to dye the cake pink and also put pink vanilla flavored frosting in between the two cake layers!! :happydance: I'm not that artsy but it came out decent! All ready for tomorrow's reveal party!!

How did it go? I love the cake idea.

Wow Jamie I can't believe you are nearly halfway! Weren't you like 8 weeks just a few weeks ago?! I'm deathly allergic to cats! My OH hates my little yappers (mostly I think because his big, giant, drool slinging, hairball shedding dog isn't there) but is quite find of Rico (dog I pictured). He calls him "Fat Man" :laugh2: They are very easy to corral to a certain area of the house, like our back addition, or I have very short small gates that we sometimes use to prevent them from wandering into a bedroom or something. Once Cameron arrives I won't be allowing them free roam of the main level but they have their kennel, bedding and water dish in the back room with a doggy door for unlimited access to our backyard :thumbup:

Daphne I bet the increase of BH is a very good sign Adam will be making his grand appearance in the near future! :happydance:

Since he had the day off work OH has been figuring out the electrical dilemma downstairs - the wiring in our house is so screwy! I stopped home for lunch and he showed me what he found and now hopefully can get the new recessed lighting installed and working. It's a bit of a disaster down there again and when I spoke to him after lunch he was talking about getting some wiring from his dad's... but not for the house, for his truck he wants to work on :growlmad: Nursery door still not hung up, carpet not shampooed, our closet doors still are not up and there's a pile of dishes in the sink. Looks like I'm gonna be busy trying to initiate him to do something productive in the house when I get off work as well as doing housework and anything else I can do myself.

I really wish your OH would be more reliable and motivated to do things on his own without you having to tell him what to do. I'm so frustrated for you having to do everything on your own while your OH sits on the couch or plays with his car.

I love the centre pieces! Party decor is going to be amazing :flower:

I'm glad that OH got another jot which will hopefully be much more stable than the current one.

Don't overdo it at home later :hugs: Just saying but I really wish men would understand more and help more!

I must admit that I am (SECRETLY :haha: ) happy you put in a few more temps into your chart as it really is looking great!!

Enjoy the relaxing time with hubby this weekend!!

Now that you are past 38 weeks I think we are all going to become really impatient :haha:

Are you bouncing on your yoga ball and dancing naked under the full moon??? If not get to it lol

Cute teddies!!

Happy 19 weeks!!! Almost half way :dance:

The cake looks great! I bet your family will be overjoyed once they find out the news

How are the other ladies doing so far?? Fi, Jess, Kirsty, Mary, Kenna, Dani anyone else that I've missed??

AFM: I was really nauseated this morning and usually after giving in to the urge to throw up I feel better but not today :nope: So I was sicky all morning long while we were in town. Got home and went to lie down at 2pm to see if I would feel better after waking up. The nap was great and a little less nauseated but still could be better.
I just feel soooo tired and between lower back ache and tummy aches I'm having a blast!! *sarcasm noted* :rofl:

Have you been trying to keep something light in your belly at all times?

Jyllian that's awesome that OH got a new job!!! :thumbup: perfect timing man, good job! :haha: how far away is your shower now?!

Dani when is yours? I did that too with our wedding registry!! Our shower is sooooooo far away it's not even worth checking. But we are slowing marking off stuff we have bought ourselves!

Daphne love the stuffed animals! It's funny because I'm a big Argentina fan (messi!) and DH prefers neymar although he doesn't love Brazil ntl. We need to get the LO an FC barça onesie!! That's our team :D

Trying to get DH to talk about names is impossible! He is such a slow thinker, like he likes to have tons of time to think about everything and I am NOT that way at all so it's frustrating. He's always like "we have until September to figure it out!" But I tell him about you all and how jealous I am you get to refer to baby by his (and her! :wave: Shelby and sienna!) name rather than "the baby". I just started Hypnobabies too and they say it's important to call baby by his name, it helps bonding and feels less medical. Urghhhhh. I really feel like we will end up with Sawyer but DH is not making the process pleasant. Blah

That being said, I got maybe-Sawyer doing some crazy moves on video tonight! The first one is pretty creepy I think :rofl: what are you doing in there little man?!

Jamie so excited for your party!! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Your bump is so cute! So high too. Such a girl bump!! Imagine that :haha:

Jess so glad your mom is ok :D

Maybe you should just start calling him Sawyer all the time and see what your DH does. He may just be being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. We had names picked out with our second pregnancy so the debate wasn't really a debate at all. The biggest debate we had was choosing between Lily and Emma Lee if this little guy was a she.

Jess - so happy to hear (read) that your mom is doing well.. :D

Jamie - Love the cake... and your bump is so cute really starting to pop out more... :dance: Enjoy the party...

Cheryl - We're not really a fan of football but after being here for so long we started to get familiar with the sports. Arabs so so love it. I only knew Messi and Ronaldo... :haha: Maybe-Sawyer is now becoming a football star i think, his kick is so strong... <3 FX your DH cooperates more in picking names.

Pooped with walking and bouncing. Never thought its gonna take much longer.. I'm losing patience already, i read most women started having strong contractions weeks before their delivery but mine seems not to be progressing... Urgh.... Adam moves alot when i sit after my 30-min walk today maybe he wants more... :haha:

I don't put much stock in this as I've been having strong contractions for almost 2 weeks and havent delivered or even started dilating yet. Hopefully he is on his way, but it still could be awhile.

So exciting daphne! Can't wait for some babies in this group!

We got these :)
Going to offer them around at Amy's party hehehehe

Those are so cute Laura! I saw your post on wordpress today from the Queen's garden party. :) You are so sneaky hiding your pregnancy for so long! I don't know how you do it!!

It sounds like everyone is doing well and orogressing nicely!

Happy third trimester, Dani!

Daphne, maybe those contractions are the beginning? Hope Adam come soon. We need baby photos! :)

Laura, those M&Ms are a super-cute idea for the party.

AFM, I'm happy to be at the six week mark! I did keep temping because I was curious to see what my temps would do after stopping progesterone. I'm excited for my appointment on Monday to get some answers one way or another, but I'm hopeful for good news.

I can't wait to hear your results on Monday. Have you tried cheating and using a digi with weeks estimator? Good luck!

Happy 3rd Tri, Dani! :wohoo:

Happy 6 weeks, Michelle!! I think Monday will bring lots of extra joy!

AFM, still sick. I thought I was better yest a.m but nope. It doesn't look like ill be making it to the wedding/gender reveal today :(. Ive never heard of a.m sickness lasting ALL day and night for 7 days straight! Usually people at least get a little break from it, even for just a few short hours. Blaahh.

I hope everyone else is doing good and hopefully I'll be back to normal soon. I'm going to call my RE and find out how much longer they suspect that ill be on the progesterone. It seems like I get way worse about 20-30mins after inserting them. Cant wait for second tri!!!!

Did you make it to the wedding? Have they checked your progesterone levels and are you putting them in at night? If your levels aren't low you can probably safely stop taking them.

Mary it can actually help if your water doesn't break, it makes the birth really comfy on the baby and padded sort of? I know we always associate the start of labor with water breaking because of movies! I was surprised to learn that in Bradley. I forget the specifics :D I just know we put don't break waters on our birth plan and had a good reason at the time!

Daphne there's a lot of things you can do to get labor to come on.... If you're ready! :sex:, nipple stimulation (ohhhhhh yeah), sucking your thumb, kissing.. I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to it! Get to BDing girl! More aptly named than ever :rofl:

Laura those are adorable! Very creative way to announce. Reminds me of when we announced to my parents and gave them spoons that said grandma and grandpa and they didn't get it AT ALL. They didn't look until we told them to, ha! But we were filming them so they said they were trying to be "proper" :haha:

Happy 3rd tri dani!! I can't believe I'm right behind you.. Almost a tww to the 3rd! Insane. I still remember when NONE of us in this thread (that I knew from the other thread that is) was pregnant. Wow

Have fun at your party today Jamie!! Take lots of pics!!

Did you see that thing on what is called (I think) lotus delivery, where babies are born still completely in the sac. Apparently it is pretty rare, but can happen. We put no breaking of water on our birth plan too as I don't want any labor augmentation unless absolutely necessary (of course that won't matter if we have a c-section, but power of positive thoughts)

Here's my contraction timing while at rest. They're getting closer than this morning's. On a scale of 1-10 of pain, i think i'm about 3-4 still tolerable....

Getting closer.

Dh and I were just looking at our u/s again and it almost looks like two separate specs, rather than a bubble...Now I'm a little nervous, LOL :haha: We'll know in 4 days!

EDIT- I just looked up identical twin u/s for 5w2d and they showed two "bubbles" so now I feel strongly about it being one again...One healthy baby girl ;) lol. I'm telling u all, I get these STRONG feelings. I can't wait to know they're right! :)

My gut is still saying one little girl too.
Jess I thought a lotus birth is where you keep the placenta attached to the baby until it like.. falls off.. I mean I'm pretty granola crunchy but that's too much!!!

I have been calling him Sawyer! DH just like rolls his eyes, haha. He's just difficult sometimes. Both of them! Sawyer was kicking my bladder during my photoshoot all afternoon, I was like BROTHER PLEASE
Sorry for the long post ladies. I needed to catch up with everyone lol.

AFM: Time is really flying by. I thought that Luke was flipping on Thursday (I think) but be didn't end up flipping....he was just in a different location. I thought he flipped this morning too because I was feeling movements way up top and my bump looked different....but after I pooped he settled back in right where he has been this whole time. I think he was trying to get away from the poo as it moved through my intestines lol.

Ronny and I did go to Target and finish up buying most of the things on our registry. The only things left to get at this point are extra car seat bases (one for my eventual car and one for my parents car), breast milk freezer trays, 2 packages of gerber prefold diapers (to turn into inserts), and the baby monitor. Oh and the insurance company still needs to approve the breast pump and send that to us.

This week has been pretty busy with my hospital visit, my mom's surgery and my birthday. I watched my mom and nephews yesterday and think I way over did it. My body hurts so badly today, so I took a rest day to catch up on the forums and blogs. The next upcoming days are going to be busy too. My nephews birthday is tomorrow (June 7), our 2 year wedding anniversary is Monday, I have to take my mom to the doctor on Tuesday, Thursday I have an OB appointment and then we are heading up the mountain to Ronny's moms for a last visit before the baby comes. We are going to the Renaissance festival on Saturday and then coming home so Ronny can be to work Sunday. It seems like the closer we get to our due date the more stuff comes up.
38w2d Update:

Had a rough night. :cry: I never had a solid sleep due to BH and Adam moving a ton... It feels like "pushing himself out move". I feel so exhausted, tired, and have a headache. Just woke up before DH left the house, ate breakfast and walked. Hopefully i could sleep for few hours now that Adam is settled down.
Oh dear Daphne :( sounds like Adam is planning his escape! Only 18 more years and you can have a good ol' sleep :hugs:
Feeling a little bit better today nausea wise. I just struggle to eat in the morning and the empty tummy maybe contributes to the nausea. Once I've managed to force something in I start to feel better.

Jess, your forseeable future really does look busy. I hope you get time to rest as well!

Mary, sorry you were still feeling sick yesterday. I saw you mentioned maybe not going to wedding. Did you stay home or were you able to go?

Jamie, how did your partie go??

Michelle, how was your weekend? Hope you got a lot of relaxing in with dh. Can't wait for tomorrow's appointment! I'm so sure news will be good :D

Sorry if I've missed anyone - will catch up properly later :hugs:
Glad you're feeling a bit better now Pam.

18 more years??? :wacko: BTW, Happy half-way Kirsty.... :dance:

AFM, managed to get some sleep but kept on waking up in between as i was having contractions. What really woke me up was the leg cramps it was so painful i shout when it happened and couldn't even move my legs and had a good cry... It was gone after a few minutes. Adam is awake now. Going to take a poo hopefully i can this time (yeah, im constipated again). Will time contractions again later.
Michelle, your temp rose again.... :dance: Its really looking great.. Can't wait to hear tom's update.
Pam, I had to miss it :(. My parents went and brought Aiden with them and they all had a blast. When I asked my mom about the brides reaction when she cut the cake for the gender reveal, my mom said, "Oh, I didn't realize they were doing that so I didn't pay attention to colors or faces. I think the cake was blue though.." LOL (which I knew). Oh well, I'm sure there will be pics for me to see and storys to hear. I was so upset we missed it but dh reminded me that our wedding is coming up soon and that'll be even more fun. And hopefully this sickness is completely gone at that point! :) FX!
Jess, I'm on the suppositories 2x/day (morning and night). I'm def going to bring up all of this when I meet with my actual RE for our HB scan on wed. Hopefully they'll send me for some labs after the u/s and maybe they'll at least let me change to 1/day for now. Most women have to stay on the for 8-10 weeks after IVF, as our bodies aren't producing normal Post O progesterone on its own for a bit, seeing as there wasn't actual ovulation, u know? I'd be so happy if they let me stop! (safely, of course). At the least, I'm going to ask for a safe nausea medication to be prescribed. Hopefully they can do Something to help ease it a little bit! FX!

And June sounds like a very busy month for you, Jess! I'm happy your having a relax day today. Enjoy it! And omg, thats too funny about Luke trying to get away from the poo! :rofl:

Edit-Just realized ur post was from yest. Soo I hope you had a good day full of lots of relaxation yesterday! :)
Contractions is still irregular....
Come on, Adam!!!!!!!!
:coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

2 pieces of furniture are together and I painted the knobs pink :)
Still waiting but contractions a bit more painful than yesterdays'.

Love the furniture Kenna... :D
Kenna, I absolutely love those two pieces! They look even cuter with the pink knobs! :) Dh and I are planning to buy something like the one on the left of the pic from WalMart. We went browsing through the baby isle a little over a week ago. Just window shopping for us, for now. Omgosh! Tomorrow you will be 35 weeks!! Only 5 weeks to go!!! :happydance:
Still waiting but contractions a bit more painful than yesterdays'.

Love the furniture Kenna... :D

I bet he comes on Wednesday!!!! That is my official guess :)

Thanks again, the furniture is helping to make me feel at ease! :)

Thank you, Mary!!!! That is where we got those two pieces from, very sturdy in my opinion. The dresser is full of clothes through 9 months, still deciding what to put in the armoire.

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