Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

Michelle :hugs: so sorry. Glad you are feeling ok about everything though. Your forever baby is right around the corner!

Pam thanks for the tips! It's weird because I swear I heard *cold* cabbage leaves or that's what I remember from this picture Amanda peet posted :haha:

Meeting with the doula today went well! DH really likes her and I realized today that she could be our midwife for the next one! Once we get through a calm uneventful birth I think I can convince DH on a home birth and my doula is also a midwife :thumbup: she urged me to take a daily probiotic as that greatly decreases risk of strep b or whatever it's called, though I'd already probably know if we carried it from early tests. It's great for baby too since they're born with a sterile gut! So we got some tonight. I'm pretty good about eating real yogurt but definitely not everyday. She also measured my fundal height and it was 26.5.. Is that not weirdly accurate?! :shrug: LO is head down and I think posterior which is great that he feels comfy that way! Stay that way little guy...!! Just saying :D

DH today said "I guess Sawyer is fine for the name" which is about as much enthusiasm as I'm going to get from him BUT we had been talking about the name Leo lately.. My grandpas name was Leonard and he died when my mom was very little. He was a photographer after flying fighter jets in the Air Force during WWII and had a camera shop here, so I think that's pretty awesome, especially being a photographer myself. Anyway I really like the idea of naming our son Leonard and calling him Leo, but DH doesn't like the name Leonard. I don't blame him honestly but he LOVES the name Leo! So I'm kinda like :saywhat: is it really that big of a deal? Anyway as soon as he agreed to Sawyer I started thinking I really love the name Leo! My grandma called my grandpa Len too which I like. Anyway, randomly my doula was talking about her kids and she has a Leo too! I thought that was a super weird coincidence. So not sure what we're doing now! Possibly trying to convince DH on Leonard :D

So I got a Snoogle a while back but wasn't wild about it since it was very itchy.. I didn't feel like buying a $40 cover for a $50 pillow so I just put it up. But lately I've been less comfortable in bed so I pulled it out and determined that the Snoogle can in fact wear men's fleece pj pants!! :rofl:

Excuse my leg just like flopping about but I had to share!

I've actually also heard cold cabbage leaves. The lady said that they both work but out of personal experience having them warm works better. I think you need to just see what works for you but hoping we won't need to. She said that the heat helps opens up the 'tubes' so that that milk can flow easier and I must admit that at night when I lay in a warm bath I can literally just brush against my boob and the colostrum comes running :haha: So maybe there is truth to the heat as well.

I love how your pillow is dressed! :D DH cannot get jealous about you cuddling that because at least you are using his pj's so not cheating :rofl:
I'm so confused now! This may totally be false and I will be gutted if it is but

I have never slept so bad as I did last night. Between literally waking up once every hour to pee, back ache, real period pains and a sore bump I really didn't get to sleep much. TIRED!!! Plus I had like side stitch pain in my right side of my belly the whole night as well. Like when you are unfit and overdo it with exercise - that type of pain

At about just after 6am I decided I'm just going to get up and will sit on the couch and sleep but that didn't work either - the sleeping part :haha:

I had 1 sort of painful contraction before bed last night so wondering if the other aches could be leading up to early labour?

My back is still sore and still getting period pains but my bump doesn't always go hard. Sometimes the hard bump and uncomfy/pain will go together and other times my bump will just go hard a the top like BH.

Plan for the day is to tidy at home a bit (not a nesting urge just a decision to do so incase), vacuum the car that the car seat will go in when we leave for hospital, take a warm bath to see how I feel then and do my 39 Weeks bump pic.

FX that I'm leading up to at least starting early labour... if not then at least getting some sleep
Ah Kirsty happy 6 months to Luca. I'm dreading the they grow so fast phase as well. He will be home for long still :D like 18+ years :hugs:
Confusion continues still!! Urgh. I've cleaned house and just need to vacuum still. Now I don't know what the lower back ache is due to... early labour maybe or cleaning.
Had some tightenings at the top and then at the bottom of my bump while cleaning but nothing really painful... WTF please just give me a sign already like a plug or something :haha:

I'm going to take a warm bath for a bit and see how I feel after. If I'm still feeling good after I'll go for a waffle and come home to bounce on my ball.
Michelle I am so very sorry for your loss :sad1: It seems you have prepared yourself for this enough and are as optimistic as possible, though I know it's still difficult. Hoping you can begin TTC again and have your little rainbow blessing very soon :hugs:

Ladies I used cold cabbage after having my DD... not sure about my son :shrug: I remember being so engorged that I had my ex DH run me to the grocery store where I made a beeline for the produce. He wanted to look in the sporting goods section :dohh: Men... There was a baby crying in the store and my boobs were throbbing! I shoved the leaves in my bra as quickly as possible. It does work... maybe a little too well in my case. I won't be using them this time, however, as I ended up drying up. Not to totally blame the cabbage but I do recall sleeping with the leaves on my breasts. I woke up with soggy salad titties :laugh2: I have been advised in the past to use a warm washcloth so will try that. Also, will likely invest in Lansinoh breast therapy pads. My friend has them and they seem legit. You can het or cool them and they come with little slipcovers:​

Cheryl that's great Sawyer/Leo is head down! I think the name Leo is super cute! Not a fan of Leonard... but Leo, Lenny and Len are cute alternatives, imo. You're too funny, first you were all determined to get DH on board with Sawyer... and now that he has agreed you're switching to Leo :dohh: The story behind the name is pretty cool.

Pam it really sounds like your body is beginning to show very early signs of labor.

If I can recall correctly, my first sign of anything with DS was some super mild cramps just above my pubic bone. I noticed the sensation and that they would continue to happen, like maybe about 10 minutes apart. My mom had just gone to work (night shift, so it was like about 11pm) and I think my dad was home with me. I had called my sister and was like "Do you think these are early contractions?" She stayed on the phone with me and we counted the time span between the "pains". Somewhere in there I guess we determined I was in early labor and decided to call my mom, who drove me along with my sister and my niece (who was like 13 or so at the time) to the hospital where I was admitted. With DD it was about 1am and I sat up on the side of the bed to use the restroom and my water broke, with instant contractions that were very tolerable so I knew right away it was go time. Everyone's body is so different and I'm very curious as to how my labor will start this tie around.

Wow Kirsty that's crazy. Time goes by so quickly. Happy 6 months to Luca!

OH got the drywall hung yesterday so I was able to slap some mud on the seams. He wanted to go downtown to a car show but it cost money to get in and I was very motivated to work on the house, which he wasn't too happy about. The show is held every Friday over the summer so we can always go another time. We went to the hardware store where I purchased a table saw (he was happy about a new tool lol) and some wood to finish out the bottoms of the bifold closet doors for our bedroom because they had to be cut down due to height and it left an open gap at the bottom. Got the first door fixed and clamped with glue so it's ready to be installed today. Second half should be done later this evening... hopefully. Then we can move onto the nursery closet doors. I have drywall sanding and more mudding to do today and a bit of painting downstairs. Seriously thisclose to being DONE! We were up past midnight last night and I was up at 6:30 this morning and into work by 7 :thumbup:

Oh and sort of good news about OH's job. He called about the possibility of working next Sunday and the lady told him after his drug test and physical it takes around a week to get all that info back and processed, then he would have orientation before starting so he likely won't work until the week after next which means he won't risk missing our shower... but another week without a paycheck stinks.
Pam sounds like something's going on! Honestly first babies come at an average of 41 weeks 1 day so you might have a little while more to go. I know you're ready though! I think the cold cabbage I read helps with engorgement and sounds like warm would help let the milk flow! Cool!

Jyllian I think I heard you're only supposed to use the cabbage leaves for like fifteen minutes at a time :haha: soggy salad boobs! It sounds like oh's job is like more.. Legit? Than last time? Like with the last one they fired him without much given cause and whatever and this job sounds like it has more checks and levels so that could be good! Glad he won't miss the shower too :D so glad you guys are getting close to finished! I know that will be a huge weight off you!

Happy half birthday Luca!! I remember when he was born.. I feel like I've been prego for a long ass time! :haha;

So our Father's Day is today! We're celebrating it today at least. I've really downplayed it with DH to throw him off but my parents are coming over to "help us with stuff around the house" and bringing the grill I got him and then we're all grilling steaks and stuff tonight! I'm getting some sort of cake or something for DH and making roasted strawberry buttermilk ice cream, real margaritas topped with champagne, and piña coladas from scratch (remember DH's obsession with those?!) so they will be spoiled a bit :D
Yay Jyllian, sounds like things at home are progressing well and remember to take it easy!! :D I cannot wait for pics of your baby shower!

Cheryl, enjoy your early Fathers Day celebrations... I could really do a steak right now with creamy pepper sauce... This is me pushing my laptop away so that I don't salivate all over it :haha:

House is clean, car is vacumed and I'm finished with the soak in the bath. I was in there for a long time and had 3 bump tightenings while in the bath. Lower back ache still there and head ache starting to come on too... Feeling pretty much the same just adding the head ache now :(

I was thinking that if Matthew would come today or tomorrow then that would be present for DH seeing that Fathers Day is tomorrow and all... just not sure how to get this show on the road :rofl:
Pam if you're ready try some :sex:, nipple stimulation, long walk, and kissing! I'm gonna check this article I pinned for more..
Pam, it definiteky seems like things are starting. Keep us posted!
Cheryl your early Fathers Day celebration sounds great! I still have to get OH something for tomorrow :dohh: Hopefully I can sneak over to Target and Old Navy right after work and get him a few things without him suspecting... I'm leaning towards a back massager, holder for all of his K-cups, some mesh shorts and tees (he could really use these)... hey, pretty much all things he can use together when relaxing - if I ever let him :laugh2:

Once the downstairs room is done, he can put on his comfy mesh shorts and a tee, fix himself a cup of coffee and use his back massager while in the recliner watching TV :thumbup:

Thinking we could grill some steak and chicken and make skewers with peppers and onions tomorrow... mmm!!!
Omg Cheryl, I seriously want your whole menu including drinks!!!! Yummmmmmm

J- so happy you're almost done with remodel stuff! Hip hip hoorayyyy!

Kirsty- happy half birthday to Luca!!

Pam- it def sounds like you're getting close!! My guess was tomorrow but maybe more like Monday? Bounce on that ball girl!

We are celebrating Father's Day today with my father and then tom with DHs father. Nothing for DH this year. Next year I'll make it extra special!

Have a great day ladies!

Jess- how are you doing? Read you blog, you seem super anxious. Maybe you should look into the essential oils I posted about another day for Pam on fb!
Sounds like you all have some good fathers day plans :)

Dh, Aiden, & I are going to the lake with dhs aunt & uncle (they're more like his mom & Dad) and we'll be having a yummy cookout. They just got a nice new RV so if I feel sick, there's plenty of beds that I can nap on :thumbup: And then tomorrow we will probably have dinner at my parents house. I want to go play mini golf but we'll see how I'm feeling. Its hard to make plans at the moment because of MS.

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi real quick. My head is pounding right now..hopefully a quick nap will help before we have to leave. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy fathers day weekend! :)
Nothing new to report on my side. Same aches and pains still here. They haven't progressed but haven't calmed down either so not sure :shrug:

I tried lying down earlier to nap... I'm desperate for sleep and after about 15 mins I got up because I started getting same aches and pains as last night. I've now made myself comfy on the couch and will be sitting and sleeping to see if it helps. I cannot walk around anymore as it is 19h30, cold and dark outside. Plus I'm soooo tired.

FX that it picks up a bit or something. I've decided to see how I feel tomorrow night and if I'm still not sure what is going on I might go to the hospital just to ask them to check if I'm in early labour or not. If not dilated or anything then something else must be the cause of why I'm feeling so crappy...
Think it's time I bit the bullet and started looking for a double stroller. Do any of you have any suggestions?
Kirsty I've heard great things about the bugaboo donkey!
Cheryl - that sounds like a lovely Father's Day surprise for your DH. Enjoy!

Jyllian - I'm glad your OH should be around for the baby shower, and the job sounds more organised. You're making huge progress with your house - I bet it's starting to look amazing.

Kirsty & Mary - It's amazing how quickly little ones grow! Crazy. Mary, I hope your MS settles soon

Pam - you poor thing. Nothing like being tired and frustrated. I hope you get some rest, and some more clarity about what's going on

We went to see Dirty Dancing the Musical on Friday night - it was so much fun! Yesterday we went to the baby expo. It was pretty funny. Everyone was rushing around frantically looking at things and comparing pumps, cloth nappy brands, furniture etc. My DH and I walked in, bought some baby togs and hats and then left to get a burger. Priorities.
Pam - anything happening yet?

Jamie - I am doing ok, just feeling really overwhelmed with the scary possibilities that could come into play. I think it is a normal response to worry that something bad might happen.

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