Sticking Together Until We Are In Diapers Ourselves!

This is my message to my little bean today and I thought I would share with you ladies as well.

With my heart condition though I'm sure that my baby will probably frown when he/she hears it for the 1st time... Like "WTF is that?" :)
With my first, my morning sickness lasted from 6 week until the very last day of the first trimester, and then life was good again. For 2 weeks, until the acid reflux started up ;)

I did end up with a girl...but I had no nausea this pregnancy and it's a girl too. I was SO convinced I was having a boy because my symptoms were ALL different, this whole pregnancy has been different. But, NOPE. Another girl!
Thanks MarieMo
Then I have 6 more weeks to go :)

My elder sister had full on morning sickness until the very day she went into labor :shock: and as happy as I am to go through this all for my bean I don't think I'll be able to do that.

I've only physically thrown up once (TMI sorry) but the constant nausea makes it very difficult to eat anything and everything looks so good!!!!! :haha:
My first trimester with Chase, the only thing I could eat without puking was eggo waffles, and cold leftover cheesy bread from Papa John's pizza. Nothing else would stay down. I asked my OB if that was a concern, and she basically said hey, you're eating something - baby will be fine. She'll get what she needs!

Ugh. I can't imagine being sick throughout the entire pregnancy. That would be beyond brutal. 40 weeks is a really long time!!!
With my first son, I had a rare condition which caused really bad morning sickness from about 4 weeks on all the way through 24/7. It was horrible! I never was able to eat before noon or after 6pm and rarely kept anything down! I pretty much survived off of saltines and French fries and went from a size 7 pre-baby to an 18 post-baby. I even threw up on the operating table during my C-section!! But my second was much different (so much so that I was sure he was gonna be a girl and cried for a week after he proudly showed me his boy bits on the ultrasound!) and I only had a little bit of nausea from 8-9 weeks to 14 weeks and almost never threw up and that was only in the first couple hours after waking. So try not to get scared by my first experience. But if you are suffering like I did, demand that your ob help you bc mine never bothered to take me seriously and it turns out he could have helped me. (That's the same ob who tricked my naïve self into a section for his own convenience. Too bad he skipped town before I wised up; I wasn't able to sue.)
I know.... 40 weeks of sick is just too much!

You actually just made me in the mood for waffle!!!! with lots of ice cream and golden syrup :haha:
With my first son, I had a rare condition which caused really bad morning sickness from about 4 weeks on all the way through 24/7. It was horrible! I never was able to eat before noon or after 6pm and rarely kept anything down! I pretty much survived off of saltines and French fries and went from a size 7 pre-baby to an 18 post-baby. I even threw up on the operating table during my C-section!! But my second was much different (so much so that I was sure he was gonna be a girl and cried for a week after he proudly showed me his boy bits on the ultrasound!) and I only had a little bit of nausea from 8-9 weeks to 14 weeks and almost never threw up and that was only in the first couple hours after waking. So try not to get scared by my first experience. But if you are suffering like I did, demand that your ob help you bc mine never bothered to take me seriously and it turns out he could have helped me. (That's the same ob who tricked my naïve self into a section for his own convenience. Too bad he skipped town before I wised up; I wasn't able to sue.)

Thanks, as mentioned I can eat without throwing up at the moment so no need to see doc.
Just want to eat but cant :haha:

Here is to hoping that with your next pregnancy all is smooth sailing!
I am really jealous of all you ladies who can find out the gender. Here in India its illegal. :| On the other hand DH is very happy we cant find out as he wants his first to be a surprise, and he knows too well that if we had the option I could never stay team yellow :haha:

As for nausea, oddly it hit me in week 11! That too luckily while brushing. I gag everyday and have thrown up 2-3 times in the past week. :| But I know I am luckier than a lot of ladies, though I hope this doesnt continue all through my pregnancy.
I am really jealous of all you ladies who can find out the gender. Here in India its illegal. :| On the other hand DH is very happy we cant find out as he wants his first to be a surprise, and he knows too well that if we had the option I could never stay team yellow :haha:

As for nausea, oddly it hit me in week 11! That too luckily while brushing. I gag everyday and have thrown up 2-3 times in the past week. :| But I know I am luckier than a lot of ladies, though I hope this doesnt continue all through my pregnancy.

I didn't know that about India! I hope your sickness eases up <3
Wow MolGold that is strange. I respect all religions even though I'm Christian and I find everyones beliefs fascinating. If you don't mind me asking, is there a reasoning behind why the gender won't be revealed?
Hi ladies. Mind if I join you all?! :)

I'm expecting my 5th in May (must be mad!! Lol)

I have 4 beautiful kiddies already aged 9, 7, 2 and 1 x
Hi ladies. Mind if I join you all?! :)

I'm expecting my 5th in May (must be mad!! Lol)

I have 4 beautiful kiddies already aged 9, 7, 2 and 1 x


Wow, sounds like you've got your hands full there! How many times have you heard the "don't you own a tv?" joke? This is our first and we've already heard it a few times.

Ha! If someone ever said that to me, I would give them the eyebrows/eyeroll and walk away. I hope to have many kids!! But have no idea if that will really happen, seeing as I'm 27 now and just starting, and we are both out-of-home full time workers. I just think I want that now :)

Welcome 05mummy07!
I gave him 2 biscuits and a belly rub after about 10 minutes... took some time to calm down (I'm a crazy lady lol) but I still feel guilty.
He doesn't know any better or understand my hormones...
Ah I'm just being soppy now :haha:

How long did you ladies have nausea for? Just want to know/hope for a more or less time when food will actually taste good again??

I had nausea from about 5 weeks until 17 weeks, it was pretty bad all day sickness. Thankfully here in Canada you can get a prescription for a drug called Diclectin that is safe to take during pregnancy, I don't think I could have survived with out it. Even with it I was getting physically sick at least every 2 days.
With my first son, I had a rare condition which caused really bad morning sickness from about 4 weeks on all the way through 24/7. It was horrible! I never was able to eat before noon or after 6pm and rarely kept anything down! I pretty much survived off of saltines and French fries and went from a size 7 pre-baby to an 18 post-baby. I even threw up on the operating table during my C-section!! But my second was much different (so much so that I was sure he was gonna be a girl and cried for a week after he proudly showed me his boy bits on the ultrasound!) and I only had a little bit of nausea from 8-9 weeks to 14 weeks and almost never threw up and that was only in the first couple hours after waking. So try not to get scared by my first experience. But if you are suffering like I did, demand that your ob help you bc mine never bothered to take me seriously and it turns out he could have helped me. (That's the same ob who tricked my naïve self into a section for his own convenience. Too bad he skipped town before I wised up; I wasn't able to sue.)

Thanks, as mentioned I can eat without throwing up at the moment so no need to see doc.
Just want to eat but cant :haha:

Here is to hoping that with your next pregnancy all is smooth sailing!

TY, but I was actually only pregnant 36 weeks with that one. My water started leaking the day before my (then) ob was leaving on scheduled vacay (not a gushing just a slow and constant leaking) so he admitted me and administered Pitocin. The baby was not in position and had not dropped and he made me lie 100% flat without even a pillow to prop my head up (which I know now was wrong) overnight. I was starving bc I hadn't eaten since breakfast and was chewing ice like a mad woman to try to not feel so hungry. The nurses actually got mad at me for constantly calling for the bedpan (because I wasn't allowed up) and left it with my sleeping (now ex) husband. When morning Finally rolled around and I was in a sleep and food deprived pain-filled haze, the ob checked my cervix. He said- and I quote- Well, you haven't dialated much in the last twelve hours and I need to leave on my vacation in just a little while, so we're going to go ahead and do a C-section. I swear he ACTUALLY said that to me. Hence section #1 for DS #1. I ended up keeping the baby wedged in the crook of my arm because I was afraid with my recent surgery that I might drop him or hurt myself if I moved to much. lol
Welcome Mummy!

Querida hope this pregnancy is a much better experience for you. Hearing about your OB made me so mad!

Pam, I am throwing up while brushing my teeth in the morning but oddly, it all started in the 11th week! Today I threw up water. :|

Kenna, In India there were many reported cases of female feticide - due to wanting a male heir, hence this rule was implemented way back. This has nothing to do with religion, thank god. Over time things have improved a lot, but we still hear the one odd case in the rural regions. To avoid even that one female fetus at harm, the rule is still in place decades later and I agree that it should be.
Hi ladies. Mind if I join you all?! :)

I'm expecting my 5th in May (must be mad!! Lol)

I have 4 beautiful kiddies already aged 9, 7, 2 and 1 x

Welcome!! :)

I don't think you are mad at all!!
Due with my first in June so not that far behind you :)

I gave him 2 biscuits and a belly rub after about 10 minutes... took some time to calm down (I'm a crazy lady lol) but I still feel guilty.
He doesn't know any better or understand my hormones...
Ah I'm just being soppy now :haha:

How long did you ladies have nausea for? Just want to know/hope for a more or less time when food will actually taste good again??

I had nausea from about 5 weeks until 17 weeks, it was pretty bad all day sickness. Thankfully here in Canada you can get a prescription for a drug called Diclectin that is safe to take during pregnancy, I don't think I could have survived with out it. Even with it I was getting physically sick at least every 2 days.

I also have the all day morning sickness at the moment with mornings being worst. I def gag in the mornings like I want to throw up but luckily I don't.
We have meds here as well that we can take but I'm not that bad and I think compared to other ladies I might just have it good so I wont go for the meds just yet.

Welcome Mummy!

Querida hope this pregnancy is a much better experience for you. Hearing about your OB made me so mad!

Pam, I am throwing up while brushing my teeth in the morning but oddly, it all started in the 11th week! Today I threw up water. :|

Kenna, In India there were many reported cases of female feticide - due to wanting a male heir, hence this rule was implemented way back. This has nothing to do with religion, thank god. Over time things have improved a lot, but we still hear the one odd case in the rural regions. To avoid even that one female fetus at harm, the rule is still in place decades later and I agree that it should be.

Thanks for the reasoning behind the 'no gender' reveal. I find it unimaginable that anyone can be so cruel as to harm their own child because it is not the gender you wanted... I mean why not chop off the man's willy?? It was after all his sperm that decided the gender! Oh how I should truly never be in charge of a country... People who do stupid things would suffer badly!!! :haha:

Sorry about the throwing up, hopefully it passes soon and you can have a pleasant 2nd tri :hugs:
I just love watching this video over and over again.....
Hey girls,

Just quickly dropping in to say my blood work came in, and the results are - LOW RISK! :happydance:

The baby has 1/12000 (.01%) chance of downs and 1/54500 (.000~1%) risk of Edwards :) Thats really better than I thought! Phew, what a relief!
Hey girls,

Just quickly dropping in to say my blood work came in, and the results are - LOW RISK! :happydance:

The baby has 1/12000 (.01%) chance of downs and 1/54500 (.000~1%) risk of Edwards :) Thats really better than I thought! Phew, what a relief!

Great news Molgold :happydance:

Are you still gonna do more tests in the future?

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