Yes they were very painful
but nowhere near as painful as my first labour. DD1 was back to back & that was a million times more painful than the contractions from DD2 xx
How long after the pessary did the contractions start hun?? and were
you dilated or having any signs before you were given it? x
About 20 minutes after the pessary I felt definite contractions but the monitor showed they started almost straight away.
I was 2cm dilated the week before at my first sweep but cervix not soft had a second sweep last Friday and was still 2cm but cervix very favourable. I'd been losing my mucus plug for a few weeks although the previous few days it had been a lot more of it but no bloody show.
I'd had irregular contractions for a few hours on odd days over the last few weeks but they'd always fizzled out.
Have you had any signs anything is happening? Xx