Still looking for our May Flowers...

Beaglemom, could you please tell me what your husband did to increase his sperm count? I can't remember. We haven't done an SA yet but just in case, I would like to know what helped you guys. Thanks :kiss:

He took fertility blend, zinc, macca...he is also on a multi vitamin & some other supplements I can't remember. It takes 3 months for any change to show in count, so you should start now.
Hubby is jammed up at work so even though my meeting cancelled, we cant do the class tomorrow - so June 5th it is (hopefully).

Erin - I think the timing wouldn't work out this month because they are down for maintenance for 2 weeks in June - so I would have to wait for a July retrieval anyways. So the question is do I want to find out just before my vacation or wait until I get back...
New cycle for me, guys.

I have put in a call to the nurse to see what to do...she called me back...I basically said we are doing timed, u/s on day 9 instead of 10...she was hesitant but by the end gave in & said ok. Besides, I am not out nearly as much on timed because insurance will pay for that. So not holding out much hope this cycle...but at least I am not totally out.
Savvy - I was not out of town when my rabbit died, but at the time I was traveling a lot. I think I was away a week or two before he passed away and it made me cherish my pets even more. And I can't help but keep thinking what would happen if I'm not here when one of them goes? I would never be able to live with myself if that happens.

I have two cats and we just got another rabbit a few months ago. They are all my babies but I was especially close to my first rabbit (the one that passed away in September). He was a surprise five-year anniversary gift from DH and we both treated him like our son. I used to joke about how he was my "substitute child" since we didn't have any human children.

I've been temp'ing vaginally since August of last year. Actually I keep two charts - one oral and one vaginal, taken with two different thermometers. DH has absolutely NO IDEA that I temp vaginally because I do it discretely under the covers (even with the one I use orally). I've been trying really hard to sleep in the same matter, wearing the same clothes, keeping the room in the same temperature, and taking my temp at the same time every day so my oral chart doesn't really vary that much from my vaginal chart but each month there's still enough of a difference that sometimes my o date is different oral vs vaginal by a day. So I keep temping both ways just for comparison.

Still no AF for me. I'm definitely stopping the progesterone early (12 DPO if still BFN I think) next cycle. I really hate it that it just delays my cycle and prolongs the TTC efforts.
Beaglemom, sorry AF showed. Will you be on femara with the trigger still? You never know what surprise you might bring home from your weekend trip! :)

floridasian, it is so hard to lose a pet, especially since they are part of the family. I think the weather has changed my temp slightly, we keep it cool in our house at night (66) during the winter, now that it is warmer out our room is warmer, no way would we keep it at 66 in the summer. Plus the temps are warmer here, then cold again, so I never know what to wear when I leave the house or go to bed, it gets irritating. Plus in the summer months we go to the lake house, I have seen that temps really vary on vacations and stuff. So far my temps are consistent with the positive opks, so right now that is all that matters to me. I will see what the RE thinks when I show her the charts...I hope she doesn't think I am crazy, I have a whole folder of info put together. I do like your idea of keeping to separate charts, one for oral and one for vaginal, thanks for mentioning it!
Hi Ladies! Beaglemom, I'm sorry AF got you. :( But I'm glad your RE was willing to work with you on the meds and u/s. That's great! You never know, this could be the one, and no more procedures for you! :)

Unexpected twist of events today. My nurse called and said my RE is favoring a Lupron lead-in to IVF for me, rather than BCP. That is taken starting day21 or 22 of the cycle. They test P on day21, and if its good, they have you start Lupron for 10 days. Then I "think" your period comes, and you start the stim injections for IVF. I'm not totally certain, but I think that's for 10-14 days until ready for egg retrieval..? Anyway, my RE also said, interestingly enough, I could still go ahead and do an IUI cycle now, because even if I do start the Lupron on day21-22, it does no harm whatsoever if I did get prego from the IUI, because it is only suppressing hormones that we don't produce (and don't want) during pregnancy anyway. (I'm still a little nervous about that, so I plan to talk to her about that next Wed at my appt).

So I did may scan today, and all looked good to get started. I got the Femara which I will start tonight, days 4-8 this time. Next Tues will be u/s, and probably trigger that night, with IUI next Thurs. Then on day21, they'll test my P, and then I'll start the Lupron (as long as I'm feeling totally comfortable that it really wouldn't affect an embryo implanting, just in case the IUI is a success). I think, if the IUI is unsuccessful again, just by doing a rough calculation of how long I'd be on stim injections, then they'll be retrieving my eggs for IVF somewhere near the first week of July. And then embryo transfer 5 days later.
Beaglemom sorry about AF… Are you ok?

Floridasian I’m sorry about your rabbit. I know what it’s like to lose a pet. My beautiful dog Maggie passed away 7 years ago and it was all so sudden and she was too young (6 years old). It broke my heart and even to this day I can’t think or speak about her without getting emotional. I still have her daughter and love her very much. But she never filled the void her mom left.

Anyway, I have a doubt and hope you ladies can help me. I started taking Provera on Monday to induce AF. Supposedly AF would arrive a couple of days after taking the last Provera pill. And then, on CD3 or 4 I have to get blood tests. BUT, I think AF has arrived already. TMI alert! I started w/ cramps Monday evening, spotting yesterday and today there’s blood. It’s not quite the same as AF but it’s headed in that direction. Now, do I stop taking Provera? When is my CD1? And when can I take the blood tests? The Dr wanted to test me without any drugs in my system. I don’t know what to do. If I take the 5 pills I’m supposed to, I will end them on Friday. But that would be CD3. When do I get the blood test then? Or will I bleed even more when I stop taking the pills? I think I need to call my Dr. This is so confusing! Does anyone have any experience with this type of situation?
Erin, what an exciting cycle this will be for you! It sounds like you have a double chance and at least you can still squeeze in an extra IUI, which might be all you need! Does the IVF timeline work out okay with your job/vacation?

Suzy, I am sorry I can't help out, all I can say is that you should probably call your doctor and see what they say to do. Good luck hun, and keep us posted on what the doctor says.
Suzy - def call your doctor.

Beagle - sorry about AF - glad the timing is working out for this month and who knows maybe they an still time an IUI for when you get back.

Erin - That sounds like a great plan - this way you don't actually lose any time!! FXed this IUI does it!
Suzy, I don't have experience w/ provera, but I've had that red blood spotting twice. Once with my OB and then this cycle with my RE. Both times, they said not to consider it AF until you have a full flow. So it depends on if you're getting more than just spotting on a pantyliner or something, where you'd feel like you wanted to use a normal pad or use a tampon. But with provera, I don't really know. If you were having a hard time getting AF to show at all, maybe they'd consider this AF. So I'd call your Dr on the morning if you haven't already. :flower:
Suzy - def call your doctor.

Beagle - sorry about AF - glad the timing is working out for this month and who knows maybe they an still time an IUI for when you get back.

Erin - That sounds like a great plan - this way you don't actually lose any time!! FXed this IUI does it!

Yes it would be pretty cool if the IUI ended up just working and I didn't even need to go on to IVF!
I def know the pet bond thing...sometimes I have horrible anxiety about vacations or leaving the house. So now I try to make all vacations pet friendly.

Erin it sounds like you & I will be close this cycle again...your IUI is Thurs & if I were having one, it would be on Sunday. Let's hope we both have better luck.

Suzy, thanks I am feeling much better now that there are no more what ifs going on. The cramping is bad & as I have said before, Tylenol is total BS! I want my ibuprofen!!! But for the most part I feel fine.

I hope we get lucky this cycle. But a lot relies on my husband not getting all anxious in the bedroom. Plus we will be at his uncle's house. So it is going to be WEIRD to say the least. I said I almost want to just go out for a few hours without them & get a cheap motel room.

I will still take the femara & follistim & trigger just like last cycle...only this time no IUI...just timed intercourse.

Suzy, sorry I cannot help either. Def call the dr. But I will say I consider CD 1 the first day of a heavy bleed or a significant red bleed. Just as long as it is not light & considered spotting.

I think I answered everyone. Thanks for all the support & concern.
Suzy I am on prometrium which is very similar. My nurse told me to stop taking it when AF arrived. So I would stop taking it because that could be what's making it weird. Please double check with your doctor though because I'm new at this too.

Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been trying to get all of my end of year things done. Data entered, books inventoried, room packed up, and student folders completed. It's been stressful. No AF for me yet. Took my last pill tonight. So hoping she arrives within the next week so we can get started again. I have been out for what seems like forever! Will have to reply when I get a chance. I always read up but haven't had a lot of updates.
Erin I have a feeling that youre going to be one of the ladies that gets ready for ivf and then fall pregnant right before their first attempt at ivf. good luck.

Beaglemom i hope you guys have a get away baby!
Suzy - my rabbit also died suddenly and was gone way too soon. Rabbits can live up to 10-12 years and mine was only 3. There was no signs at all that he was sick. From the time I noticed something wasn't right until I rushed him to the vet and he passed away was no more than a few hours. I'm now wearing a locket with his pictures in it. Time helps but it does not completely heal. And no, you definitely can't replace them with another pet. No matter how much I'll end up loving the new rabbit he cannot replace my old one. Sorry but I have no experience with this drug but starting it then stopping doesn't sound right. I would Prometriumdefinitely call the doctor.

Beaglemom - of course you still have a chance this cycle. As long as you BD during the fertile window, with or without any medical assistance, there is a chance!!

Erin, really excited about your cycle! I hope this is it for you!!

I must admit temping during AF vaginally is a little gross. I know that some vaginal tempers don't temp during AF. For me since my flow is on the lighter side and only lasts three days it's not that big of a deal but if yours is heavier you might want to skip it unless your cycles are shorter.
No I will wait until this weekend. I dont even know if i ovulated or not. if af doesnt come i will test. i was really sick this cycle. nope so than i knew. hoping for a good long weekend.
So I called my Dr and he told me to finish taking the 5 pills.
And I’ll do the blood tests once AF is over. Since I’m only starting with Clomid next cycle, I’ll be drug free then so that works out fine. Now I can relax and enjoy AF :wacko:
Just saw that my cousin gave birth today. She was probably in her TWW the last time I saw her in August so not yet pregnant and now she's a mom. I am happy for her but I should probably stay off Facebook today.
AF arrived. My last dose of progesterone was 10:30 PM at 13 DPO. AF arrived in the morning of 16 DPO. I will be testing in the morning at 12 DPO next cycle and stopping the progesterone if I don't get a BFP, making the last dose the evening of 11 DPO so I can get my AF at 14 DPO as usual.

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