Hi Ladies! Beaglemom, I'm sorry AF got you.
But I'm glad your RE was willing to work with you on the meds and u/s. That's great! You never know, this could be the one, and no more procedures for you!
Unexpected twist of events today. My nurse called and said my RE is favoring a Lupron lead-in to IVF for me, rather than BCP. That is taken starting day21 or 22 of the cycle. They test P on day21, and if its good, they have you start Lupron for 10 days. Then I "think" your period comes, and you start the stim injections for IVF. I'm not totally certain, but I think that's for 10-14 days until ready for egg retrieval..? Anyway, my RE also said, interestingly enough, I could still go ahead and do an IUI cycle now, because even if I do start the Lupron on day21-22, it does no harm whatsoever if I did get prego from the IUI, because it is only suppressing hormones that we don't produce (and don't want) during pregnancy anyway. (I'm still a little nervous about that, so I plan to talk to her about that next Wed at my appt).
So I did may scan today, and all looked good to get started. I got the Femara which I will start tonight, days 4-8 this time. Next Tues will be u/s, and probably trigger that night, with IUI next Thurs. Then on day21, they'll test my P, and then I'll start the Lupron (as long as I'm feeling totally comfortable that it really wouldn't affect an embryo implanting, just in case the IUI is a success). I think, if the IUI is unsuccessful again, just by doing a rough calculation of how long I'd be on stim injections, then they'll be retrieving my eggs for IVF somewhere near the first week of July. And then embryo transfer 5 days later.