Still looking for our May Flowers...

Erin, thanks. I think I will ask and see what they think as far as p tests. If it is low this cycle than they would know in advance and be able to treat me next cycle. Have fun on your trip!

Suzy, thanks for the positive vibes! I hope you get your bfp soon too!

Wantaminime, not to complain but what is worse is the people who don't understand and know infertility is real and effecting so many woman. While I am sad for myself and a bit jealous when I see pregnancy announcements...I am actually so thankful for that family. I don't know what they went through and I am glad that she has a healthy pregnancy. Our time is coming soon ladies!

Beaglemom, what a sweet husband you have!
I feel so much better today. Last night I guess it showed how exhausted I was. The first 2 days of AF are really hard on me physically. And only being able to take tylenol makes it worse. So I came home & said I was taking a shower. My husband came in & asked what I wanted for dinner. Then I get out of the shower & the house is quiet. I called out & didn't hear him. I just figured he may be watering the plants out front. I only had on a t-shirt, so I got on the couch with my comforter. Then he came home. He had gone to the store to buy a hersheys bar & a mt dew. He never gets the timing right each month. There is a small window where I need chocolate & usually I want a chocolate cake with butter creme icing. This time the timing was perfect. So I ate my chocolate bar with my mt dew while he made us dinner. So today is day 3 & by 3 it is usually smooth sailing.

It will be nice to take the month off from appointments & taking all those meds. Then I can start fresh in June. Our next trip is not until the end of I will worry about that timing when it comes around.

Work will be slow again for me today. My banker is out sick...he was out yesterday, too. Very unlike him.

I'm glad you're feeling better Beaglemom. And what your husband did is so sweet!!! Oohh... You got yourself a keeper :thumbup:
He is definitely a keeper. He is the only thing that stops me from giving up every month.
I guess that's their out of pocket pricing. Will double check though. Thanks ladies!
Got my peak last night, so I go in for my IUI in 45 minutes. Here's hoping month 10 and IUI #2 are successful. Last month I didn't ovulate until CD 17, but this month I'm hitting exactly on CD 14. Wasn't expected, but I'm glad, since I was hoping for a longer than 11 day luteal phase this time.

I continually torture myself with planning and dates... like, if we conceive this time, I want to buy DH an early father's day card (AF due the week before) and tell him the test was positive that way. Or my parent's 40th wedding anniversary is in September and since this would be their very first grandchild, it was be awesome to be able to tell them around then. I guess it's still good that I'm really hopeful ;)

Best of luck to all the ladies still awaiting their BFP this month and I'm excited to see what June brings for the rest of us. Happy Memorial Day weekend!
I am also always thinking of the next holiday for telling people when I am pregnant. One of these days it will actually happen.

I went to the outlets today with my friend. She does not know about TTC. She asked me about taking a vacation with her to Costa Rica in April. It sucks because my mind is never in that mode anymore. If the dogs can't come, I just don't want to do it. Also I am hoping to be pregnant then or just delivering. My husband says I should tell her but I just couldn't. I know she would be supportive...but I hate when things turn in to just about all conversations lead to that. Plus she is totally not in my life stage & may never be. I also desperately wanted to go to the Carter store since so many sales this weekend...but couldn't with her. But there will be more sales & one day a sale when I actually am pregnant. I really don't need to be buying anything else until then...unless of course I find an amazing deal on something like furniture.
I agree, I always think about announcements and what I could do to make it exciting. Who I would tell first, etc. My moms birthday is next month, I would love to surprise her with good news.

I hope everyone is having a good, relaxing weekend. The weather and lake are beautiful here. Our boat is going in the water tonight, summer has officially started!
on CD 36 since last period in April. I am going to test tomorrow since the other day I got a negative. Hoping for the best and hoping for bfp but if not just wish af would just come already.
Happy Memorial Day, ladies!! Hope you are having a nice weekend. We were in DC for the past couple days visiting friends. Savvy, the boat sounds so nice!

I hear ya on announcements to family. My husband's family is having a family reunion in the middle of August, would love to share then. His cousins have so many babies and four cousins are pregnant now....ughhh.

I'm on CD 31, but that's when I got my AF last month, so not holding my breath. I want to wait until CD 35, if AF doesn't show up, because my longest cycle was 34 days.

Outdoor girl, hope it's good news, but also understand wanted to start a new cycle if AF is going to show up.
I've done a lot of thinking. I have decided one more IUI then I'm doing IVF. I am so frustrated. I read a great book. I will add the link. I showed my husband the chapter for him. And he had no opinions. So I am buying more vitamins. I wanted him to do some google search instead of me researching everything. He just says he will do whatever. I hate it. I think i am just ready to be past all this. Plus we are coming up to the year mark. I am ready to move forward. I plan to make an appointment to see what needs to be done to move to IVF.
I've done a lot of thinking. I have decided one more IUI then I'm doing IVF. I am so frustrated. I read a great book. I will add the link. I showed my husband the chapter for him. And he had no opinions. So I am buying more vitamins. I wanted him to do some google search instead of me researching everything. He just says he will do whatever. I hate it. I think i am just ready to be past all this. Plus we are coming up to the year mark. I am ready to move forward. I plan to make an appointment to see what needs to be done to move to tIVF.

I can totally understand why you want to move on to ivf. When is the next IUI scheduled?
I've done a lot of thinking. I have decided one more IUI then I'm doing IVF. I am so frustrated. I read a great book. I will add the link. I showed my husband the chapter for him. And he had no opinions. So I am buying more vitamins. I wanted him to do some google search instead of me researching everything. He just says he will do whatever. I hate it. I think i am just ready to be past all this. Plus we are coming up to the year mark. I am ready to move forward. I plan to make an appointment to see what needs to be done to move to tIVF.

I can totally understand why you want to move on to ivf. When is the next IUI scheduled?

next cycle...just on femara this cycle. I am going out of town this weekend, so the timing was off for the IUI.
Well baseline ultrasound went great. Lining was good and no cysts. Had a tiny follicle at 11. So started letrozole and will do CD12 ultrasound on June 2 so IUI should be around June 4/5! DH and I had a heart to heart and after this cycle (if it's not successful) we are taking a break from ttc for a little bit. I have to take 2 praxis II exams to get 2 endorsements. Plus I will be interviewing for jobs, hopefully! So ttc stress plus trying to get a job stress doesn't sound good to me. So maybe we can pick it back up in July/August.
I am so excited for my RE appointment this afternoon! I have my charts printed from FF and all my questions written down. I am on 8dpo, so I am going to see if they can do a progesterone lab and see what my options are for next cycle.

Beaglemom, I know you are ready to move on and I think giving the IUI one more chance is a good idea before moving onto IVF. Plus it is good to think ahead so that you can complete any necessary requirements.

misaacs, glad your ultrasound went good! Fx'd for a bfp this cycle!

Suzy, how are you doing?

I hope everyone had a good weekend, check in and let us know how you are doing!
I will report back later on how my appointment goes, I am nervous and excited at the same time!
I am so excited for my RE appointment this afternoon! I have my charts printed from FF and all my questions written down. I am on 8dpo, so I am going to see if they can do a progesterone lab and see what my options are for next cycle.

Beaglemom, I know you are ready to move on and I think giving the IUI one more chance is a good idea before moving onto IVF. Plus it is good to think ahead so that you can complete any necessary requirements.

misaacs, glad your ultrasound went good! Fx'd for a bfp this cycle!

Suzy, how are you doing?

I hope everyone had a good weekend, check in and let us know how you are doing!
I will report back later on how my appointment goes, I am nervous and excited at the same time!

Savvy, I am so happy AF stayed away long enough for your RE appointment to start...that is some perfect timing. Now you can move ahead with all your testing. It is also a good time for your husband's SA since you are past ovulation. I am def excited to hear how it went. I know after today, you will feel so much better about your TTC journey.

I had a pretty relaxing holiday weekend & got a few things done at the house I wanted to do. My husband also dusted off our bikes & we went for a short ride in the neighborhood. I am so tired of feeling so gross & fat. Nothing I wear feels comfortable. I had to buy new capris just to have something to wear when I go out of town this weekend besides yoga pants. It was depressing buying the size I needed. To everyone else, I am not fat or overweight. But I know what my body can be & I also see my thighs & hips that noone else sees. So I just want to drop some of that. I think I would feel good if I lost 15 pounds. I know this is a strange conversation for someone who wants to be pregnant. But it is also not good for TTC to have extra body fat. My husband needs to lose a lot too & he is worse than I am about excercising & eating snacks.

So this weekend is our weekend to go to NY for the Yankee game. It is exciting. I also got in a couple extra days off so we can come home & relax or work on the house some more. I will also have a little time to go see my sister in Baltimore & my 2 nephews. The strange thing is I am more excited about the drive. I love to drive long distances. I have already got some audio books reserved at the library to listen to.

I don't know what it is about this cycle, but I feel so much more relaxed. I think it is because no appts with the RE & no injections. I don't have high hopes just being on femara. But I feel good about my new plan I want to do. And if I do 1 more IUI then IVF, & I am successful...I will have a spring baby & I always wanted a spring baby. I think I will ask my husband how he feels about an RE appointment early in the week when I am off to talk about IVF...the money & what we need to do to get started. I have a 2 month head start & from what you ladies are saying, there is a good chance I will need that time for whatever my clinic requires. I also want to ask my doctor what she thinks about my doing IVF versus sticking with the IUI.
Beaglemom, I am so glad AF stayed away, even if she does show up in the next 3 hours they could probably do other testing, etc. My boobs are still in pain but my usual zit popped up this morning, seems like I always get a zit on my nose or chin a day or two before AF. I am so hopeful for this cycle, but I also feel like I only would have a slim chance because of my LP. I will report back later tonight, after my appointment my DH and I are going shopping!

You sound like me, all my weight is in my hips and thighs...ugh! I just ordered a new bathing suit with a cute skirt (not old lady looking) to hopefully cover my thighs. Luckily my stomach is super flat, but I hope to replace that with a cute bump!

A fun weekend trip will be nice for you and your hubby! Also a good time to think ahead to your IUI and possible IVF. Hopefully a short work week will fly by!
Beaglemom, I am so glad AF stayed away, even if she does show up in the next 3 hours they could probably do other testing, etc. My boobs are still in pain but my usual zit popped up this morning, seems like I always get a zit on my nose or chin a day or two before AF. I am so hopeful for this cycle, but I also feel like I only would have a slim chance because of my LP. I will report back later tonight, after my appointment my DH and I are going shopping!

You sound like me, all my weight is in my hips and thighs...ugh! I just ordered a new bathing suit with a cute skirt (not old lady looking) to hopefully cover my thighs. Luckily my stomach is super flat, but I hope to replace that with a cute bump!

A fun weekend trip will be nice for you and your hubby! Also a good time to think ahead to your IUI and possible IVF. Hopefully a short work week will fly by!

I am not lucky enough to have the flat stomach anymore. So before the weight started in my behind, then thighs...which was not all bad. When I first got married I had to wear a cup increasing bra to wear my dress. I was just over 100 pounds. So I needed some weight. But just in the past 5 years more it has increased more as my motabolism slowed down. So my stomach is also a major issue for me. I wouldn't be as upset if my stomach was more flat. I am about 5'6 & I would guess 145 now. Which is not horrible...but for my body type, I really should not be much over 130. And the numbers are not the big deal. It is the fat & the fact that I know it is all unhealthy weight gain.

Side note, I do not put any of those number out there to say anyone over that weight is fat...everyone's body is different. I just know for my body, I should either weigh less or if I weighed this much, I should have more muscle & less fat to be healthy. And healthy is the most important term. I don't want to be gross & have horrible habits when I am pregnant.
I am not lucky enough to have the flat stomach anymore. So before the weight started in my behind, then thighs...which was not all bad. When I first got married I had to wear a cup increasing bra to wear my dress. I was just over 100 pounds. So I needed some weight. But just in the past 5 years more it has increased more as my motabolism slowed down. So my stomach is also a major issue for me. I wouldn't be as upset if my stomach was more flat. I am about 5'6 & I would guess 145 now. Which is not horrible...but for my body type, I really should not be much over 130. And the numbers are not the big deal. It is the fat & the fact that I know it is all unhealthy weight gain.

Side note, I do not put any of those number out there to say anyone over that weight is fat...everyone's body is different. I just know for my body, I should either weigh less or if I weighed this much, I should have more muscle & less fat to be healthy. And healthy is the most important term. I don't want to be gross & have horrible habits when I am pregnant.

I think your numbers sound good - I know that us woman are never really happy about the numbers, and it is more how you feel and how our clothes fit. Before I got my stomach issues a few years ago I was between 155-160, I am 5'10" and I dropped to around 125, I looked sickly thin, I got up to about 135 and I felt really good, now on my diet I am not sick all the time I have gained about 10-15 pounds...I will not weigh myself! I would love to be 140. My plan is to start walking 2 miles in the morning and eating more fruit and veggies. If anyone wants to join me, we could make a fitness club or something online. :)
I am not lucky enough to have the flat stomach anymore. So before the weight started in my behind, then thighs...which was not all bad. When I first got married I had to wear a cup increasing bra to wear my dress. I was just over 100 pounds. So I needed some weight. But just in the past 5 years more it has increased more as my motabolism slowed down. So my stomach is also a major issue for me. I wouldn't be as upset if my stomach was more flat. I am about 5'6 & I would guess 145 now. Which is not horrible...but for my body type, I really should not be much over 130. And the numbers are not the big deal. It is the fat & the fact that I know it is all unhealthy weight gain.

Side note, I do not put any of those number out there to say anyone over that weight is fat...everyone's body is different. I just know for my body, I should either weigh less or if I weighed this much, I should have more muscle & less fat to be healthy. And healthy is the most important term. I don't want to be gross & have horrible habits when I am pregnant.

I think your numbers sound good - I know that us woman are never really happy about the numbers, and it is more how you feel and how our clothes fit. Before I got my stomach issues a few years ago I was between 155-160, I am 5'10" and I dropped to around 125, I looked sickly thin, I got up to about 135 and I felt really good, now on my diet I am not sick all the time I have gained about 10-15 pounds...I will not weigh myself! I would love to be 140. My plan is to start walking 2 miles in the morning and eating more fruit and veggies. If anyone wants to join me, we could make a fitness club or something online. :)

I have started swimming since my pool is warm enough now. When the water gets really warm, I can actually swim before work at like 6:30. I did that last year. But my plan is to swim once a day either before or after work, try to get a walk in at home, & also at lunch, I plan to walk around the shopping center where I work at least one time. I hope to do the walk at lunch sometime soon...but I know today & another day this week I have errands I need to take care of.

I have not weighed myself in a while. So I am guessing my weight based on when I was weighing myself. I don't think the number matters...but how we feel. When I was 100 lbs, I don't think I looked sickly, I just looked young & little I think. When I gained some weight, I think it made me look more mature & have a more womanly figure. I was happy with that gain. I actually couldn't gain weight when I was younger...I ate whatever. I still want to eat how I want, so that's why I need to be more active.
So I was not able to get the appt for next week when I am taking time off. But I did get one for June 16th. I just will have to leave work early again. This should be a few days before I can expect AF...depending on how this cycle goes. So I will talk to her about IUI v IVF, what path she thinks will be a good one for me & find out what I need to have done already before I can classes or whatever. And also talk to their financial people. But I am really thinking one more IUI is all I want to go through before moving on...but if she is optimistic, I may consider 2 more. That would be 3 with the scpecialist which is a good number. Most people say stop at 3 - 6.

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