Still TTC - For the ladies who have been here a while

Welcome Duffy!!
Hope you all had a good Xmas. It was my birthday 26th so I have been spoilt. I'm am counting diwn the days til 2012, I have such a good feeling about it, I can't wait to get the year started!
Hope u all have a fab time news years eve! I'll speak to u in 2012!!
Hi Duffy:) Welcome!

I'm STILL waiting for O...

you poor thing, i really thought you were about to a few days ago.

i just caved a got a new reading from messina, i went fro a £10 spirit reading, fancied seeing what came out of it, with out the ttc/pregnancy influence.

tallmom, i really don't know what to say, i wish i could kick your menstral cycle's butt into shape for you. did you ever get any blood tests done? xxxx
girls i just got a great deal from facebook
1 year vip fertility friend $24.95 / £16.63 .
here's a link for it
That is a great deal!

Happy Birthday btw:hugs:

I'm not giving up hope on O, still think its on it's way, fx!

Can't get blood test done until I start a new cycle. I'll be getting the base line test first.
happy new year!!:xmas12:
lets get some :bfp: in 2012!!!

i started charting again today, mid-cycle, with a new thermometre, in fahrenheit,( i think its a bit more precise) i've already o'd this cycle.

i'm having a scan friday to check everything is ok, then the following week i should get an appontment to see the fertility Dr to discuss the plan of action. i think we may just miss it next cycle, so i reckon we'll start around the 10th of feb. :happydance:

i hope your about to O tallmom.
Paula are you charting at the mo?
sorry the :witch: got you. :hugs:
i poached this from another site, and tweeked it a bit!!

Alarm goes off, the BBT therm by my side,
I stuff it in my mouth, my excitement I can not hide.
Close my eyes and drift back to sleep
Only to be awoken with a start to the sound of beep, beep, beep....
Bored at home, with TTC issues in my mind.
I check out the forums, where the women are kind.
It doesn't matter if I am feeling blue
The girls at BnB will see me through.
Catch that eggie, fingers crossed
not a moments b'ding, to be lost.
Now we're finished, with my legs in the air
I watch t.v. for a while laying there
DH by my side, snoring away
I'm hoping his "boys" find their way
In the 2WW, and what's that I feel?
Symptoms, wondering if they are real?.
The CM is creamy, or is it sticky?
Just a while back I'd have thought this was icky!
Here i am waiting, 13 dpo
Wondering if the evil :witch:will show
My bb's feel big...wait! now they feel small
I wonder if i can have a baby at all!
These cramps i feel, what do they mean?
Will i soon become the pms queen?
Some days i cry and feel so blue
And sniffle to dh, what can we do?
Now we make some phone calls, and ask around
Who's the best fertility Dr in town?
Please stop this mad ride, i've had enough
The monthly let down is really quite rough!
Well, tomorrow A.M. upon a stick i will pee
Please, God, send me a :bfp:!
happy new year!!:xmas12:
lets get some :bfp: in 2012!!!

i started charting again today, mid-cycle, with a new thermometre, in fahrenheit,( i think its a bit more precise) i've already o'd this cycle.

i'm having a scan friday to check everything is ok, then the following week i should get an appontment to see the fertility Dr to discuss the plan of action. i think we may just miss it next cycle, so i reckon we'll start around the 10th of feb. :happydance:

i hope your about to O tallmom.
Paula are you charting at the mo?
sorry the :witch: got you. :hugs:

Oooh I've got my fx'd for hun Hispirits, it won't be long til we are hearing the pitter patter of tiny feet :dance:
I am not sure its AF but more like an odd bleed, as it has stopped!! So I will have to wait to see if it comes full force or not!! :wacko:
Hi Tallmom how are you doing?!

Hispirits- love the poem!

Paula- sorry AF got you:(

I'm pretty sure I know why I haven't Od yet. I've been super stressed and in turn lost some weight (not good for me).
My body is still trying I think but I need to chill. I've for my sights set on going to yoga class this thursday. I know that will help. Once my anxiety subsides I think my body will then think its okay to O.
Not the way I really wanted to start out the new year but I'm hoping it will only get better from here on out.
:dust: for the new year!
happy new year!!:xmas12:
lets get some :bfp: in 2012!!!

i started charting again today, mid-cycle, with a new thermometre, in fahrenheit,( i think its a bit more precise) i've already o'd this cycle.

i'm having a scan friday to check everything is ok, then the following week i should get an appontment to see the fertility Dr to discuss the plan of action. i think we may just miss it next cycle, so i reckon we'll start around the 10th of feb. :happydance:

i hope your about to O tallmom.
Paula are you charting at the mo?
sorry the :witch: got you. :hugs:

Hi hun good luck today with your scan :hugs:
Did you get your Mesina reading?

Hispirits- love the poem!

Paula- sorry AF got you:(

I'm pretty sure I know why I haven't Od yet. I've been super stressed and in turn lost some weight (not good for me).
My body is still trying I think but I need to chill. I've for my sights set on going to yoga class this thursday. I know that will help. Once my anxiety subsides I think my body will then think its okay to O.
Not the way I really wanted to start out the new year but I'm hoping it will only get better from here on out.
:dust: for the new year!

Hi Tallmom how are you? Hows things going with Yoga?

Hispirits- love the poem!

Paula- sorry AF got you:(

I'm pretty sure I know why I haven't Od yet. I've been super stressed and in turn lost some weight (not good for me).
My body is still trying I think but I need to chill. I've for my sights set on going to yoga class this thursday. I know that will help. Once my anxiety subsides I think my body will then think its okay to O.
Not the way I really wanted to start out the new year but I'm hoping it will only get better from here on out.
:dust: for the new year!

its a stressful time of year hun, my years not started on the high i was hoping it would either. its other people who are dragging me down at the moment, i just want to cocoon myself away from everyone at the moment.
im starting part time hour as of next week, so i'm waving good bye to the people i see every day and i'm going to fester at home a speak to you guys :happydance:

hopefully over the next few days things will ease up for you! :hugs:
happy new year!!:xmas12:
lets get some :bfp: in 2012!!!

i started charting again today, mid-cycle, with a new thermometre, in fahrenheit,( i think its a bit more precise) i've already o'd this cycle.

i'm having a scan friday to check everything is ok, then the following week i should get an appontment to see the fertility Dr to discuss the plan of action. i think we may just miss it next cycle, so i reckon we'll start around the 10th of feb. :happydance:

i hope your about to O tallmom.
Paula are you charting at the mo?
sorry the :witch: got you. :hugs:

Hi hun good luck today with your scan :hugs:
Did you get your Mesina reading?


scan went well everythings 'normal', which s good, i got my mesina reading. it was good, but not too ensightful, if you know what i mean, didn't tell me anything i didn't really already know, no surprises, it was a spirit reading

here it is

I have done your Spirit reading today, thank you so much for your patience. Spirit readings work differently than my other readings, in the sense that the readings are channeled through Spirit directly and the messages can be a bit more cryptic in places. I tend to find that things do indeed make sense as they come up and to me, Spirit readings are far more interesting watching them unfold! Don’t worry if there are things you cannot take straight away, see how things manifest.

Any questions, just feel free to email me for some clarification. I am fairly busy at times, so just give me a few days to respond as my readings are always my top priority.

The first images that Spirit give me are you calling out to your Mum asking her what she is doing. I see her walking away from you and you walk the other direction upset and not understanding her actions. Something here feels a bit frustrating to you and possibly a little emotional – although I get no sense that the outcome is harmful, just perhaps that time is needed to fully grasp your Mum’s actions or decisions.

Then Spirit show images of you with a pillow in your shirt looking at yourself in the mirror – a pregnancy is desired. A woman in Spirit is standing behind you and telling you to be patient, that your children are to come. I feel that she is holding a baby for you and is taking the child back with her for a while – but will come back to give you the baby. To me this represents a pregnancy that is coming soon in your life, but that the time is not quite here.

Then I feel you unmotivated – you seem bored in your life as it is now and you know that there are bigger things up ahead destined for you. Motherhood is strong in you – I feel that you are almost biding your time until you can become a Mum yourself. Nothing seems satisfying and you feel impatient. Not so much that you cannot wait or make the most of your time, but you feel held back and worried that your life will not settle in the way that you want it to just yet.

Then there is an image of you rolling the dice at a gambling table – something is coming up that you will “gamble” on. I feel money is involved, but this is not literal gambling, this feels like something either with work or through an investment of some kind. Spirit show me the dice having two ones – like “snake eyes” – snake eyes is a low roll in gambling and spirit may be trying to prepare you not to take this risk. It may not pan out the way that you want it to and you could lose money. You will know what this is, as you will feel yourself taking a risk when you are considering it.

Then i feel a female who seems an equal to you – I believe this is a friend. They show her with a pot of Honey in her hands, which I think is some sort of symbol or clue to her. Then I feel her lashing out at you and you feeling surprised and saying that you are trying to help. This girl is going through a bad time and I feel you being there for her- yet she seems to not treat you well as a result. While I am not convinced you will completely lose the friendship, you may feel hurt by her actions and have a bit of an argument with her. I feel love is her problem and she is feeling betrayed by people around her in her life.

Now strangely I am seeing a white kitten meowing at you – it has a little pink collar and is just so sweet. The color pink represents spiritual love and compassion and the kitten suggests that perhaps Spiritually you are being watched and given a gentle spiritual love energy. Cats often symbolically suggest that we look within and trust our own instincts – they have very strong instincts cats and tend to act on their inner intuition. You are being asked to trust yours and being given a watchful eye in your venture – I believe this is in life generally and with the situation with your friend.

I see now you standing in an empty house with boxes being taken out the front door. Spirit are saying that there will be a move up ahead in time – one that will feel significant to you. They say you will grow in this new place and be able to spread your wings. I am not suggesting that the move is more imminent- mostly that spirit are preparing you that there is a move to come. It feels like a positive step in the right direction and leaves you feeling hopeful about life generally.

With work I am seeing a judges gavel and him pounding on the gavel shouting “order! Order in the court!” – there are judgments to come through work and there seems to be a degree of chaos ensuing. There will come a time that brings more order, but until then I see a period of time where things look disorganized and likely a little worrying. I see a woman saying “move along, move along” giving me the message that Spirit are preparing you for others to leave work or be let go. I am not saying that you will be one of them – I just see this upcoming and you will feel unsettled about it.

Then I see you being handed a bag of money and feel that you will be provided for financially this year. I sense some things ahead that feel quite positive with money and even perhaps a chunk of money that you will be able to do something with.

There are relationships in your life that will feel unsettled – prepare for this. Others in your life are going through changes and I feel you caught up in some of it. Between your Mum and this friend, amongst others too that may be pulling in and out of your life for a while, you may not know where you are with people. It will pass, just let things flow and allow them to work through it.

There is also a woman around you who will be giving birth to a baby girl – I see her with a pink aura around her belly. This will be hard for you, as I see you desiring children yourself. However you seem happy and I feel you trying not to be too worried about your own family to come and likely enjoying the new baby for her.

Then I see more images with you in front of a mirror, except now you are changing outfits – they look like grand outfits for a play or stage show. Then they get simple and back to extravagant again –my feelings are that you are working on your image this year and paying a lot of attention to how you project yourself outwardly. I also see you working within and tending to your body.
I see you and a man shouting at each other – there are stresses in love up ahead but nothing that won’t make you stronger! You seem frustrated however and I get the feeling you want to be “heard” but do not feel you are being so. These are short lived and I keep seeing May –it could be nearer that time.
Spirit are wrapping you in a pink cloth – Pink is quite the color for you at the moment! It is the color of spiritual healing, compassion, love of yourself and others in your life – I believe wrapping you in pink is Spirit’s way of helping you heal yourself and give yourself some self love. I feel a down period up ahead and this is their way of picking you back up again!

Now I have a male Spirit stepping in, I smell smoke around him and feel him to be much older. He is showing me Stonehenge – I do not know why but he is showing it to me. He shows me spots on his skin, like brown spots – I would have said this man grew to quite an old age. He has piercing blue eyes, a very old soul this man – he saw a lot in his life and would have lived through quite tough times. He is saying what sounds like “Margret” – perhaps an “M” partner connected to him. He is giving you a story book – like a children’s book. I feel this may be his way of connecting himself to guiding you since childhood – or a reference to childhood itself. I just see him and he feels like a guiding force for you. He says he is not there all the time – but some times and I feel he checks in on you at points. He is showing me a very old photograph of him as a very young man with a military suit on – he is standing, the hat looks like one of those “boat style” hats (I hope you know what I mean?) the cloth hats that pointed at the front and back. I have to assume he served in the military as a young man. I also keep seeing what looks like a gold colored braid or something that I feel would have gone on him. He is just connecting to me and wants to make himself known and say hello. He shows me a lung – and I hear coughing – I would have thought his lungs were weak and whether he passed from this or not I don’t know, but he seems to have had lung trouble.

After he steps out, it is silent. I feel that is the bulk of the messages from Spirit at this point. However if you have questions, do drop me an email!

this last part about the man i have not connection too at all, so i think that may have been off, but i can relate to most of the rest of it, i didn't ask any questions at all, so overall very impressed, but i was hoping she'd say something like you'l be pregnant .....tomorrow!!
Aww that's great news that your scan was normal Hispirits, hopefully not too long to get your Ivf started.
Oooh your Mesina reading is good isn't it, maybe things she picked up are things that haven't happened yet!
Its great you'll be on here more often, you have us to lean on, and we won't drag you down! :friends:

Hi girls:)
I'm feeling better.

Hispirits that's a pretty cool reading, was it right on?
Glad your scan went good:)

Hi Paula :hi: hope all is well :)

My chart is so crazy!!! :wacko: something funky going on. Kinda wish AF would start so I can get my blood work done. This is really ALL about patience it seems!
Hi girls:)
I'm feeling better.

Hispirits that's a pretty cool reading, was it right on?
Glad your scan went good:)

Hi Paula :hi: hope all is well :)

My chart is so crazy!!! :wacko: something funky going on. Kinda wish AF would start so I can get my blood work done. This is really ALL about patience it seems!

it is indeed hun:wacko:, hopefull you'll get the answers that you need when you get the bloods done.

yeah the reading was really on, my frend just got pregnant thru ivf, i mentioned her a while back i think, we worked together and we have both been struggling to ttc, so she & i were bitter together, but the she got pregnant, (which i am really pleased about for her) but started doing all the things we used to moan about together that other pregnant people did, so anyway, thats the pregnant person i think messina picked up on.
the moving business, you already know thats on the cards. work & the gamble, i just decided to swtich jobs, still in the same company, but closer to home, it was a bit of a gamble because i love my job as beauty advisor at Boots, but the traveling i do to get there is crazy, so i've taken a job in the Boots down the road, but i'll be working as a health care trainee, not my feild at all, not even something i'm interested in, but its convieniance, and my new boss will be my sister in law, so she'll be a lot more understanding about the IVF etc.
she also picked up on me wanting a baby, which is an obvious one, so overall she did really well.

i'm actually going to see a medium face to face sunday 22nd! i can't wait, Elsiha ( my IVF pregnant pal) saw him just before she got her bfp, and he told her she would be pregnant soon.
so she's fixed up a psychic party and booked me in for a session with him, she told him nothing about me at all, when she was finalising times and dates with him, he said one of the ladies coming is longing for a baby and works in the beauty industry!!!! freaky!!! i cannot wait !!! :happydance:
i hope he tells me what i need to know, THAT I WILL GET PREGNANT SOON!!!!! I've waited so long, its got to be my turn soon????
Oooh that psychic sounds amazing, you'll have to let us know what he says?
Which of Mesinas reading would you recommend the question or spirit one, as I am thinking of getting spirit one?

Oooh that psychic sounds amazing, you'll have to let us know what he says?
Which of Mesinas reading would you recommend the question or spirit one, as I am thinking of getting spirit one?


try a spirit one, but don't expect anything, i did and couldn't help feeling disappointed. if you specifically want to know about ttc & pregnancy go fo a question one xxxx

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