Still TTC - For the ladies who have been here a while

well i brought it wednesday, and still haven't got it. how long did yours take to come thru?
i got it, i have to admit :blush: i am impressed

this is all i asked

when will I have a family?

this is the reply

Past: The past shows me setbacks for you in relationships – I believe that you have faced hard truths in love and as a result had to begin your journey again in love and thus put on hold the plans for a family. Your connection to Motherhood is strong and I believe that you are a woman who has tried to make the best decisions regarding children and yet you are now struggling as you seem to view this as something you don’t want to miss out on. I feel that this is simply down to where you thought you’d be in terms of having children, versus where you’ve actually ended up and believe that you have carried a heavy heart but do your best to stay optimistic. My belief is that you are going to find a deeper bond in family as compared to others and I also feel that when children are introduced into your life you will find that the family unit stays together in time. But your past issues have not been easy ones to digest and it feels as though you have struggled emotionally because of it.

I am also connecting in your past area to a little girl – have you lost a child before? I feel a strong pull toward her in the past yet she is moving her energy into the future telling me the same child will try to come again. If you have not had a literal miscarriage then I would say that she was due to come earlier in your life, but there is a message that the timing would not have been right for her either way.

Present: Here I see strength and a new start. I believe that you are moving into a new cycle and phase in your life where things will start to feel easier and more connected in love and relationships. You seem much more at peace and are beginning to look ahead still hopeful, but equally worried as the messages keep pushing things to have more time. I see you trying to find a timing for you that seems right, as when I feel you ready issues around pregnancy are not. Someone is not fully prepared in your relationship – do you find your partner unsure about “when”? I feel a bit of a strain trying to settle on what feels right for you both and believe that it may take some time and patience to pull everything together. This may have equally been true in the past, but I feel you are working through it nicely.

I feel a lot of commitment on your part to this, naturally. I see that you are starting to get frustrated at times and yet other times putting your faith in what is meant to be. I also have a feeling that falling pregnant may take a bit of time, yet there is nothing physically blocking you. Just be prepared for that up ahead.

Future: There is a bit of a blockage surrounding pregnancy and I feel once again that more time is needed, which is not what I wanted to feel for you. I see a few issues that will need attention and resolved, most of which become emotional ones. There is a reason for this, as I stated your family life in the future is very bonded and very lasting in its feeling. I feel two children for you in the future – with the possibility for a third yet you seem to wonder by then if you truly want a third child as you seem to be getting yourself “back on track”. I see an indecision regarding that child, but Spiritually the first two are destined the third is simply a choice closer to time. You certainly have your daughter to come and I believe a son is after as I keep feeling male names being given to me and the energy feels quite masculine. They are a few years apart, I feel somewhere around 3 years or so.

I have asked regarding your age surrounding pregnancy and I keep being shown 29 with your child coming close to your 30th birthday. By the time you are making the decision for your third, I feel you are just past your mid 30’s and finding it a “now or never” sort of feeling.

I had truly felt that your timing would be sooner, but those are the messages. I feel that your blockages are purely emotional ones with only a slight struggle to fall pregnant with the first. I feel something around 4-5 months to fall pregnant, which will be a frustrating, but in the bigger scheme of things isn’t that long at all. Your pregnancy seems fine, I don’t get any messages regarding a struggle or concern – not anything major anyway. Minor worries and things that we hold onto tend to not show through, so the whole picture seems fine and healthy to me.

I hope this helped! Keep your faith and work through whatever these issues are, I feel it’s important as the family bond will be so solid and strong, it will be worth addressing them beforehand in order to strengthen your foundations and ensure that it is all ready.
the stuff in the past about relationships is a bt off, but right in some respects, and the timing thing is so true.
i gotta give it to you paulal, i totally connect with it.
best one i've ever had x
I want one!! I'll order it today!
I love your reading hispirits! I hope she's right and you will be preggo in no time.
well, its my 28th on december 26th.
I am buying my own place in the new year and going to orlando in november 2012
when i get home it will nearly be my 29th, and in all honesty, the ideal time to get pregnant, so i'm not worried that it could be another year away, as long as its going to happen.
it was exactly what i needed to hear because i really want to get the home buying out the way and have a lovely holiday, but i dont want to miss any pregnancy oppourtunitys, or book the holday and fall pregnant and loose my money, so i'v been holding back from booking it, but now i can have a chilled year not worrying about it, focus on buying a new home have a blast in florida, and then when we get back the time will be right to have a baby.
i think i'll ntnp from now on.
but i'm going to go to my fertilty clinic in december, because the IVF waiting list is quite long and i may not get a shot till this time next year, which kinda makes everything fit into place, perhaps my little girl will be an IVF baby?
if i would have had this reading a few months ago i would have been pissed at the thought of waiting another year, but i'm actually really glad, i can forget about it for a while and not feel guilty.
its like being in some kind of race ttc, you feel if your stop nurturing it and revolving around for a few months everything you've already done will dissolve and fade away and when you come back to it you'll have ot start from scratch, other people would have passed you by and already would have been pregnant, and your left wondering, would that have been me if i hadn't of quit? now i gotta start the whole thing all over again.... thats what i worry.

Aww that's a great reading Hispirits! I am sooo happy for you! She's good isn't she!

Aww that's a great reading Hispirits! I am sooo happy for you! She's good isn't she!


definitly, i was purposefully a bit coy with my question rather than will i ever have a baby, when will i have a family, trying to not give anything away, but she was very good, best i've had.
it was just the sort of thing i needed to hear, made me feel tonnes better!

I hope it all works out for you! There has been quite a few women who have TTC and succeeded with in 3 mo.! And one who got it on the first try! It kills me.
But, I'm trying real hard not to get too bitter. :blush: trying.
Now my best friend is thinking of trying for her second and another close friend will be trying for their second this summer. My first thought was, oh shit, they are going to totally have their second and I'm still going to be waiting, that would suck! But that's not very positive of me...
Well, I just ordered my reading, hope I get it soon:)
Its understandable why you were apprehensive when we've had readings and they've not come true!
I too think she is the best reading I have had....n boy I've had A LOT :haha:
I'm glad she's cheered you up, TTC is hard going! :hugs:

You never know Tallmom, you and your friends could end falling pregnant around the same time! :dust:
Oooh you'll have to let us know what she says! :dance:

I definitely will! I'm excited to have a fresh reading. I've had four already and they were all wrong:(
Youll have to let us know when you get your reading Tallmom!

Here is my reading!! I really feel this is right on! My friend did a tarot reading and also said early spring for conception and I did a reading for myself a while ago and march was highlighted! Fx! :)

For whatever the reason, I feel this to be quite a difficult area for you. I feel an almost loss of hope in your reading, yet I will tell you now I connected with a soul whom I feel is destined to come into your life. I believe it will be a little girl and the energy is very mischievous and energetic and I felt a message about “going to find her”. I feel something very deliberate about you having* a baby and I feel as though there is some sort of help coming to enable this to happen. I cannot see what sort of help, or why – just that help is needed for you to bring this little one into the world.
I feel a connection to late March/early April with this child’s conception and believe she will come around that time. I feel her trying to come within 2012 but believe she may end up being born just into 2013. I love this little girl’s energy – she has a wonderful vibration, but she will need a lot of your time and energy. She is a child who will need strong guidance in life – not because she will “stray” but rather because she is very smart and will quickly learn how to manipulate a situation to her advantage. You will have to be consistent with her to a fault. She will also be a very curious child and seem to know a lot of things naturally. She comes across as a very old soul and one who will attract a lot of attention through her energy and of course be very loved in her life. She will have a strong sense of family and bond, something that she will continue down her life path with children herself. I sense an artistic side to her and feel that she should explore this in her early years – yet I am unsure if she will decide to take this further into a career or hobby. She does love color however and it would be good for her to work through color in some way or form.
This is only a symbol and not something you should worry about in any way – but I keep seeing blood dripping in this reading. I feel this is significant in some way for you – do you have an issue with your blood? Or blood in the womb? I just feel this a consideration more or less and get nothing more on it.
Good luck! I believe she will be a complete joy in your life
Here is my reading!! I really feel this is right on! My friend did a tarot reading and also said early spring for conception and I did a reading for myself a while ago and march was highlighted! Fx! :)

For whatever the reason, I feel this to be quite a difficult area for you. I feel an almost loss of hope in your reading, yet I will tell you now I connected with a soul whom I feel is destined to come into your life. I believe it will be a little girl and the energy is very mischievous and energetic and I felt a message about “going to find her”. I feel something very deliberate about you having* a baby and I feel as though there is some sort of help coming to enable this to happen. I cannot see what sort of help, or why – just that help is needed for you to bring this little one into the world.
I feel a connection to late March/early April with this child’s conception and believe she will come around that time. I feel her trying to come within 2012 but believe she may end up being born just into 2013. I love this little girl’s energy – she has a wonderful vibration, but she will need a lot of your time and energy. She is a child who will need strong guidance in life – not because she will “stray” but rather because she is very smart and will quickly learn how to manipulate a situation to her advantage. You will have to be consistent with her to a fault. She will also be a very curious child and seem to know a lot of things naturally. She comes across as a very old soul and one who will attract a lot of attention through her energy and of course be very loved in her life. She will have a strong sense of family and bond, something that she will continue down her life path with children herself. I sense an artistic side to her and feel that she should explore this in her early years – yet I am unsure if she will decide to take this further into a career or hobby. She does love color however and it would be good for her to work through color in some way or form.
This is only a symbol and not something you should worry about in any way – but I keep seeing blood dripping in this reading. I feel this is significant in some way for you – do you have an issue with your blood? Or blood in the womb? I just feel this a consideration more or less and get nothing more on it.
Good luck! I believe she will be a complete joy in your life


thats so good, you must be pleased! finally we have all found a decent and honest psychic! go get you blood checked hunny, it could be the answer to everything for you!!

thanks paula for convicing me to get one from her!!!!
whe i get paid i might get a bigger one, i thik i'm hooked again lol!!!
I really like the reading:). I was going to get bloods done the beginning of the cycle I'm on now. But since I did SI I decided not to. But I think I will if AF comes next cycle. My fertility doc. said I need to get "base line" test first.
I wonder what the whole blood thing plays in? My one on one session with the psychic mentioned something about my thyroid, but I don't have any problems that are obvious to me:shrug:
Wow Tallmom thats an amazing reading! :thumbup: Are you happy with it?
Have you had your bloods done since you have been TTC, maybe go and get them done and see if something comes up there! Ooooh not too long to wait either March/April.........eeeek i am getting excited!!

You all need your BFP's :dust::dust:

I hope you get your bfp soon too Paula!
I've never gotten blood work done. I think it's time:)
It maybe awhile though. Hopefully I'll O sooner than later!
Maybe they will put you on meds to make you OV regular, and then you'll get your BFP sooner! You might get an earlier + :dance:

Hey every one!!!

i hope your all well!!

i have just had some great news!
i've just got back from my fertilty clinic appointment. and the Dr has said i can have IVF straight away! no waiting list! and i can have two tries!
i'm so shocked, i expected to have to answer loads of questions and prove and justify myself,go through loads of tests again, laporoscopies, and the be put on an 18 month waiting list. :haha:
i had planned to book my holiday to florida in january, better hold that thought for now!
i'm so excited! i'm keeping everything crossed and praying this is going to work!


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