Oh my goodness I keep ignoring this thread because I go straight to the teen section evertime
With the 4d scan pic.. I think I make out a "willy" but I'm not for sure and I feel like a pedo staring at it!

Also if you're thinking about getting one Emzii I'd definitely call ahead and just see how long they do one because my cut off date here was 30 weeks and I didn't know til I was there at my scan at 29 weeks and he was horribly positioned and couldn't get it rescheduled!
Before I was pregnant I tried alcohol a few different times with different kinds and didn't care for it.. the alcohol taste itself just wasn't worth it to me.. to much of a kick lol
I don't feel "pressured" enough by society to drink even when I don't like the taste so I could care less about the age, Not like anyone here follows that law anyway!
I grew up surrounded by alcoholics so I never cared for it because I saw how it influenced people and effected them..
And I live right in-between you two! Still really far away from either!
I've been through Idaho a few times and even SEEN Canada from the coast of Washington.. but wrong side of Canada I know =P
Also about names.. I'm dead set on James for the middle name but I'm afraid last minute I'll change Riley which sucks because we already have a few items that have his name on it!
(OOH speaking of that the other day we bought this cute little picture thing that has a white frame and it has a big white R in it with a blue and white stripped background and a ribbon to hang it from I just saw it and HAD to have it it was so adorable I want to hang it right over his crib!!