Struggling to eat meat


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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I am a vegetarian. Ever since my BFP, my iron has slowly been on the decline, despite being on supplements. My NP told me during my 6 week visit that I will need to start eating meat because the iron in it is much more bioavailable than the iron in plants (yes, I eat lots of iron-rich veggies) or supplements.

Well I have tried eating meat several times now and I just cannot do it. I took a bite of hot dog and nearly threw up. I've tried fish, turkey, and chicken too and I felt horrible afterward. Now, when I see meat, I can't even take a single bite, I get very nauseous at just the sight or smell of it, and I start heaving if I make myself actually put any in my mouth.

I'm feeling hopeless about my anemia :(
Omg hot dogs are terrible for you!! I had a friend that was making the transition from vegetarian to omnivore a few years ago, she wasn't pregnant tho, but why not try sneaking small pieces of organic meat into foods your making for yourself. Maybe in a burrito that's half meat half tofu. That's what my friend would do, she would start by eating meat that was mixed in with other foods. Maybe even see if your so or a good friend can make the food for you and not tell you so you really have no idea. And try to eat meat that's as fresh as possible, hot dogs and ground meat can taste terrible. Try sticking with organic chicken breast or high quality beef
Start really slow and small. Your body isn't used to meat so it will make you sick. I'm talking like a gum ball size of meat mixed in with other foods the first few days
I don't have any advice unfortunately, but I wanted to say that I completely understand what you mean about not being able to make yourself eat it. I'm vegetarian too and I have a strong physical reaction like you describe if I try to eat meat. My body just won't do it, it's like a really base level instinctive 'NO' that I couldn't overpower even if I wanted to.

Sorry I can't be more help, but I feel you and I hope your NP takes you seriously if you go back to them and say it's not an option. Good luck, I'm rooting for you! <3 <3
And that's the thing for me marmoset, my body just says NO too. I suspect there is no trick I can pull on my body because my mind knows what it is, and I don't see animals as food and haven't for years. The only reason I'm trying this is because I would do anything for my baby's health, but here I've tried, and it's making me physically ill. There's no amount of willing that can stop these dry heaves.

And bunnyblonde, unfortunately I do all the meal prep as DH works long hours and I'm a SAHM, so there is really no opportunity for him to sneak any meat into my food so that I'm not aware of it. But that is a good suggestion and I'm going to try to figure out a way that he may be able to do that at least once a week, maybe on the weekends when we're both home

The first bite of chicken I took a couple weeks ago, I was sitting at the dinner table crying and dry heaving at the same time. There has to be another way for me to get iron.
I was vegan prior to the birth of my second son(2013).....sadly, that lifestyle caused a few complications. I have since switched to being a pescatarian and so far so good with this pregnancy. good luck!
You don't have to eat meat to have healthy iron levels. Personally, I was really turned off by most protein sources in first tri - even eggs and cheese were a no go. I did eat some fish and seafood before I got pregnant. Otherwise, I had been a vegetarian for 20 years. But fish and seafood were also totally gross to me. Buttered bagels, fresh fruit and milk were about the only things I could consistently manage.

But there's no reason to eat meat just to get iron, especially if it doesn't appeal to you. There are lots of gentle iron supplements out there. Solgar does a great one, which I took with no problems. I'm otherwise sensitive to iron. Pregnacare vitamins, which have a non-gentle hard to digest form of iron, gave me such bad stomach pains they sent me for an endoscopy. This is when we were still WTT but I started on them 6 months before our TTC. It was terrible and I was so unwell. My GP tried me on all sorts of drugs for reflux and stomach ulcers and finally the endoscopy which didn't show anything. I traced back on the calendar to exactly when the pain started (I remembered it was the Tuesday after some friends came to stay with us for the weekend). It turns out I'd started taking the vitamins that Saturday. I stopped them right away and I felt fine within a week. So for me to say that there are forms of gentle iron out there, that's saying something.

Floravital is also great and you can take it daily along with whatever vitamins you already take. It's the high potency version of Floradix with I think 19 mg of iron per day. You can also take Spatone. When I was anaemic, I took them 3 times a day with meals along with a tablet of 500mg of vitamin C. Even if you don't take the Spatone, taking vitamin C at each meal will help you with iron absorption, including absorbing non-haeme iron from vegetable sources. I'm not sure where you're located and these are all UK brands, but you'll find the same, just you need to figure out what it's called. A trip to your local health food store or vitamin shop would be a start.

When I was pregnant, I took the Solgar tablets, plus vitamin C at each meal and my iron was 13.9 and 12.1. I did become anaemic postnatally though and I took high potency iron (200 mg tablets) plus Spatone and 500 mg of vitamin C 3 times a day and that brought my iron up in about a week. So you really can do a lot with supplementation and continuing with a vegetarian diet if you can't cope with anything else. There is also this thing called a Lucky Iron Fish, which I have but haven't tried yet. It's basically just that, an iron fish you put in your pot when you cook and it releases small amounts of digestible iron into whatever you're cooking. So even if you aren't cooking something high in iron, you can add iron to the cooking liquid or broth to up your iron intake.

If you do want to eat meat for the added iron, make sure you eat the most iron rich sources. Beef and lamb are good, as are certain shellfish like clams, mussels and oysters, not so much for fish or poultry. And definitely avoid hot dogs, besides being terrible for you, they don't really have much iron. But there's also loads of iron in things like chickpeas or lentils or green leafy veg, which your body can absorb in sufficient quantities if you eat enough of it and have it with added vitamin c.
There is nothing nutritional in hotdogs. There are also other ways to get iron aside from meat. I'm not even vegetarian but having been eating almost exclusively vegetarian this pregnancy just because I haven't felt like eating meat and I can say I'm definitely getting more variety and more nutrition in my diet than I was when I was eating burgers every day. Don't force yourself to eat meat if you can't stomach it. Just find other foods high in iron/protein that you do like. Beans, green leafy vegetables, etc.
Mindutopia, I actually did head to the natural grocers a couple weeks ago and got something called Pur-Absorb. It's naturally-occuring iron water, but it's only 5 mg and I need way more than that to get to where I need to be. So my NP has me on that twice a day. The grocer also gave me a chewable iron but it had tons of other things added that the internet thought were not pregnancy safe. I had tried Floradix with DS when I was anemic, but was researching the ingredients and it contains nettle wort, which is supposedly not pregnancy safe.

I will look into Solgar. Is it a pill? I can't do pills right now, but maybe later on when my morning sickness has gone. I had been on Slow-Fe until about 6 weeks (it wasn't working) and had tried a prenatal with iron, but I can no longer take pill-form prenatals of any kind. Just the sight of pills gives me the dry heaves, so I can usually not even get the bottle open. It has to be chewable, drinkable, or IV. I'm hoping it doesn't get that bad, but NP has brought up the possibility that I will need venofer or something similar again.

Right now I take gummy prenatals for the folic acid etc., and I am using Pur-Absorb twice a day for iron. I mix it with orange juice to get the Vitamin C with it.
I eat meat but personally I disagree with your practitioner. You can easily get plenty of iron from spinach, beans, and other plant based sources.
However with my 2nd pregnancy I was severely anemic, and felt awful for majority of my pregnancy. My body's craved quinoa and spinach salads!! So I had HUGE bowls of spinach salad with feta, and a vinaigrette I say pack in the spinach wherever you can! Also take an iron supplement.
Throw spinach in smoothies, make salads, add it to a roasted veggie lasagna etc...

Also remember that the first trimester can cause almost everyone to steer clear of meat...I can barely cook it let alone eat it! Ugh!
Maybe just wait until 2nd trimester to try it if you really want to
Could you get some iron infusions? I remember with my daughter I had the worst aversion to meat in first trimester, but not so much second. I was not a vegetarian at that point (although had been for 15 years growing up). I could tolerate fish though. I wonder if something like fish or even liver pate would be palatable to you. Maybe the texture is what is putting you off. Maybe you could retry in the second semester. Good luck!

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