Stupid midwife didnt impress me at all !!


Mummy to 4
Jul 15, 2008
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This really is a pointless rant but iam sooo angry that i have to rant lol .
Went for routine 16 week midwife appoitnment today , A midwife i have never met before was on (I have allways had the same midwife) .
Firstly she asked me how i was , I told her i feel better since not taking my iron tablets wich the midwife at the hospital when i hadmy scan told me to do untill around week 18 , She looked at me and said "You know you need them tablets".
She asked my dates , And when i told her i had a private scan and they dated me a few days ahead then my 12 week scan she said " Well iam not taking a private scan as fact !!" .
To top this off when i told her i found out baby is a boy ... She said well that isnt very reliable at a private scan is it !! (Hummm them dangly bits tell me otherwise woman) .
I was asked to lie on the bed to listen to the heartbeat and she was looking in this one place for agessss , I mentioned when i do the doppler at home its in this place and pointed where .. She stated with her opinion yet again ! , Well thats medical equipment you shouldnt use alone Your not far enough along to even hear it at home...
Well i soon proved my point when she went where i said and picked up a nice Thud Thud Thud :rofl: ... (My body my choice) .
All in all she was an opinionated cow ! , Really did piss me off . Arghhhhhh i hope i never met her again .. If she was there when iam in labour i would twat her iam sure lol.

Ok rant over sorry . xxx .
Sorry to hear you had a crappy appointment. Hope fully you won't have that over opinionated cow again!:hugs:
aww sorry u had this mines always like this though but maybe she was having a bad day!
:rofl:....sorry, I don't mean to laugh but don't you love it when you prove the so called "know it alls" wrong:happydance::happydance::happydance:

When I was in labour with Lauren I sent hubby to get a midwife and said that I was ready to push. She said that I couldn't be anywhere near ready as I was only 4cm a short while before and probably needed my epidural topped up...I insisted otherwise but she said she was going to get a top up. When she laft the room I sent hubby to get the other the time the 1st midwife returned Lauren's head was out:dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:
Silly woman. Though I guess labour is a good grounds for physical assault, I'm sure they couldn't blame you for the black eyes should she be one you get. I hope she isn't though.
You may just beable to get her back in the labor by shouting at her and blaming it on your pain or the gas ;)
God what a moron!!

Hope u have ur normal MW next time!!
What a cow. I feel sorry for anyone who has her all the time.
Ohhh Hevs that made me Giggle , Doesnt it just make you angry thow .. They think they know everything .
I mean i wasnt trying to tell the women her job , When i mentioned where i found the heartbeat i said ever so politley !! , But it was taking ages and i knew where he was lol.
Thanks Girls , I feel loads better now i have had a rant , As long as i dont see her again i will be happy (Ohhh and to top everything off she was about 3 years younger than me lol) .
Baught some cute outfits at asda to cheer myself up £5 for a full suit coat trousers top saying i love my milk heheeee so cute , Asdas has loads in the sale . xx .
My midwife is the same, i've only met her once so far but the quote of the whole appointment was:

MW - So are you going to breastfeed [i was 12 weeks at the time so hadn't even thought about it]
ME - Well yeah I think I want to give it a try and see how I get one
MW - Well with that attitude we won't succeed will we, how about from now on when I ask you you say yes i'm going to suceed at breastfeeding'

God I think my look told her I wasn't impressed, got my next appointment with her on Wednesday and can't wait till she asks me again, i'm gonna give exactly the same answer as before.


P.S By the way Mummymadness my midwife said the same thing about me using a doppler, like we are so thick we don't know how to use them - AAAGGGHHH!!!
god what a knob!! not meaning to be funny, but surely a private scan is more reliable than an NHS one? private healthcare's normally better!!
Ohhh Hevs that made me Giggle , Doesnt it just make you angry thow .. They think they know everything .
I mean i wasnt trying to tell the women her job , When i mentioned where i found the heartbeat i said ever so politley !! , But it was taking ages and i knew where he was lol.
Thanks Girls , I feel loads better now i have had a rant , As long as i dont see her again i will be happy (Ohhh and to top everything off she was about 3 years younger than me lol) .
Baught some cute outfits at asda to cheer myself up £5 for a full suit coat trousers top saying i love my milk heheeee so cute , Asdas has loads in the sale . xx .

Oooooooooooh....need to go to Asda. I have a t-shirt already that I bought for Toby when I was breastfeeding and it says "I Love Boobies" on it:rofl:
Uuuugh. Sorry to hear your appointment went so sour! When I have to deal with someone like that, I try to imagine what possible nasty circumstances in their life could have caused them to be so bitter. Ex. my stand in doc while I was on vacation was really cold and short at one of my appointments - I was upset, until I went to the bathroom and heard someone crying. The patient my doc had seen right before me had just gotten the news that her baby had a severe birth defect. It must be hard to deliver such sad news to one patient, then move on to the next with a smile.
Bloody stupid woman!! Lets hope you get a nice one next time MM :hugs:
Ignore them, every one is different and they go by the textbook remember!! x
Thanks Jade hun .. She could of really upset me but she didnt really just made me soo angry lol .
Stupid textbooks arghhh lol . xx .
Bet she not had kids either!! Well did you tell her your nickname was mummymadness!! :rofl:
She obviously didn't like the fact that everything you are doing is making her surplus to requirements really. Doing everything yourself without the NHS isn't allowed you know! :dohh:

I know a woman who thinks you shouldn't do all that as that is what midwives are for and if you do it all private or yourself then what is the point in having a mw! Silly cow :gun:
grrrrr i hate when midwifes are life that! there is no need to make people feel crap about there appointments, thankfully my MW is really nice, i hope i dont end up seeing a different one!
grrrr what a nightmare, i would have been a right arse to her. well put your bloody doppler there and then tell me its too bloody early to hear it at home!!! learn how to use your "medical equipment" and then i wont have to tell you moron!

as for the sexing scan throw in a - "Do girls have a scrotum and penis at this stage then?" what a spanner grrr rage!

:rofl:....sorry, I don't mean to laugh but don't you love it when you prove the so called "know it alls" wrong:happydance::happydance::happydance:

When I was in labour with Lauren I sent hubby to get a midwife and said that I was ready to push. She said that I couldn't be anywhere near ready as I was only 4cm a short while before and probably needed my epidural topped up...I insisted otherwise but she said she was going to get a top up. When she laft the room I sent hubby to get the other the time the 1st midwife returned Lauren's head was out:dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

i had EXACTLY the same!!! she said i wasnt dilated enough so i pushed anyway and then told my OH 2 go get her she couldnt get me 2 delivery quick enough lol

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