Stupid Things You Did With New Baby

i didnt realise a bf baby needed winding:dohh:
not realising to open her nappy then close it for a minute before changing it, many a time in the time id taken 1 off to replace it with another she'd wee everywhere and id then have to change all her clothes:dohh:
i also made the mistake of trying to change her nappy straight after her poo, biiiig mistake she hadnt finished and shot a torpedo out and it went all over my hand, silly mummy
For a few days I put way more water in his formula then I should have. I felt so guilty about it but I was so sleep deprived that I think I read the instructions wrong. When I realized I did it I cried for the whole day and thought I was the worse mommy in the world.
go out with too much in my changign bag.

And leave her to have nappy off time with vest and sleep suit still on top half, each time sayign i would notice she was weeing but each time i didnt took me 3 or 4 times of her clothes gettign wet for me to learn to do nappy off time fully naked :dohh:
For the first few days me and OH slept in 'shifts' so one of us was pretty much always watching her :blush:

That stopped pretty quiclly :haha:

I always thought you shouldnt leave a newborn alone, so I used to take her in her moses basket to the toilet with me!

go out with too much in my changign bag.

And leave her to have nappy off time with vest and sleep suit still on top half, each time sayign i would notice she was weeing but each time i didnt took me 3 or 4 times of her clothes gettign wet for me to learn to do nappy off time fully naked :dohh:

We've done all of these!!:thumbup:

Love this thread :thumbup:
bathing her to the 'instructions'.. Cleaning a bit at a time, undress a bit, clean, dry and dress, etc etc...

After 4 times i just stripped her and dunked her in the bath. Much easier.

Taking faaaar too much in changing bag.

Oooh how I've laughed at these.

We did loads -

Slept with the light and TV on all night cos we thought she was "scared of the dark" until someone pointed out to me that there's no lights in the womb!

Used a whole saga to get her to sleep - rocking, singing dancing, music blaring, lightshow etc. When she eventually fell asleep we took it in 3 hour shifts all night every night walking to keep her asleep (least I got fit lol). My Mum had her for only 1 night cos I was desperate and got her sleeping right through with only feeding. Oops!

Changed her every time she woke at night and went through a whole series of stripping off her sleepsuit and vest, leaving her naked while I heated up the wipes so she didn't get a cold bum (haha), getting her dressed again and in the hour it took to do all this she'd be hungry so I'd feed her then go through the whole thing again cos I thought you had to change a baby after every feed.

Stuck religiously to 1 light cellular blanket in case of overheating even though it was below freezing in november - poor mite probably didn't sleep cos she was freezing

Thought she was supposed to drink water as well and ended up syringing it down her after every feed as I thought she needed it!

Thought she had colic and tried every wind product when it turned out to be severe silent reflux.

Thought every noise she made meant she was hungry so used to force her on the boob so much she'd projectile vomit cos she was so full.

Got frustrated when she wouldn't settle to sleep all night and realised in the morning her nappy had leaked and her vest, sleepsuit, sleeping bag and mattress were soaked

Pulled over the car cos she was grumpy, found a little rash on her belly, rushed her to A&E in a total panic and crying. Was rushed through to the paediatric ward. Turned out to be a heat rash cos I had wrapped her up ridiculously warm in the car on a warm day! Doh.

Packed her changing bag absolutely full and then realised I'd forgot the obvious things like a bottle or bibs. I still do this at least once a week!

Jeez I'm a terrible mother!!! xx
Oooh how I've laughed at these.

We did loads -

Slept with the light and TV on all night cos we thought she was "scared of the dark" until someone pointed out to me that there's no lights in the womb!

Used a whole saga to get her to sleep - rocking, singing dancing, music blaring, lightshow etc. When she eventually fell asleep we took it in 3 hour shifts all night every night walking to keep her asleep (least I got fit lol). My Mum had her for only 1 night cos I was desperate and got her sleeping right through with only feeding. Oops!

Changed her every time she woke at night and went through a whole series of stripping off her sleepsuit and vest, leaving her naked while I heated up the wipes so she didn't get a cold bum (haha), getting her dressed again and in the hour it took to do all this she'd be hungry so I'd feed her then go through the whole thing again cos I thought you had to change a baby after every feed.

Stuck religiously to 1 light cellular blanket in case of overheating even though it was below freezing in november - poor mite probably didn't sleep cos she was freezing

Thought she was supposed to drink water as well and ended up syringing it down her after every feed as I thought she needed it!

Thought she had colic and tried every wind product when it turned out to be severe silent reflux.

Thought every noise she made meant she was hungry so used to force her on the boob so much she'd projectile vomit cos she was so full.

Got frustrated when she wouldn't settle to sleep all night and realised in the morning her nappy had leaked and her vest, sleepsuit, sleeping bag and mattress were soaked

Pulled over the car cos she was grumpy, found a little rash on her belly, rushed her to A&E in a total panic and crying. Was rushed through to the paediatric ward. Turned out to be a heat rash cos I had wrapped her up ridiculously warm in the car on a warm day! Doh.

Packed her changing bag absolutely full and then realised I'd forgot the obvious things like a bottle or bibs. I still do this at least once a week!

Jeez I'm a terrible mother!!! xx

ahahahaha anything in bold i have done too :dohh:
Not premaking her bottles...

"Wait screaming baby whilst the kettle cools down for 30 minutes"... ummmm No.
We rushed DD to hospital at 5days old because she was making awful noises and struggling to breathe. Wrong! She was snoring!

Omg I laughed so much I woke daisy up. Lol. Least she was ok Xx.
Another one who thought BF babies didnt need winding!

She screwed her face up once so I gave her infacol :blush: she didnt have colic

I washed her bum for the first time in hospital and didnt use water, just cotton wool. The nurse helped me the 2nd time and asked what all the white bits stuck to her were!

these are awesome!!

Changing bag i did all the time! I even had a spare one in the car "just in case!"

I would pick her up at any moan! Thinking "oh she is awake! Must be hungry!" DUH poor kid must have thought i was nuts! Quit waking me up MOM! lol thanks goodness i figured it out because she was a noisy sleeper haha
what do u take? and i can try and tell u what to leve, altho im just as bad lol if we go out for the day i take 3 bags 1 for each child lmao
Sleeping with a light on - check! I still sometimes do it if my OH is away... :blush:

I also bathed her exactly the way the showed me in the clinic - flip her over so she's resting over my arm to clean her back? Err no thanks, I'll just lift her out the water a little and reach around, far less traumatic! Took my mum telling me I didn't have to do it like they showed me for me to stop though ;)

Not making sure she was burped properly before putting her in the ergo - got a huge splat down my top and in my bra... twice.
I still take tons of stuff even now and always drag it all home with me :wacko:

Probably lots of things, including complaining at my mum for getting a moses basket with a plasticy mattress and every time he slept in it he would be all wet and I thought it was sweaty from the plastic when it was in fact a nappy leak. :dohh:

One night - I think I must have been extremely exhausted and he'd been very touchy - got him dressed for bed etc, which involved a bit of fighting as he wasnt keen, I was a bit distracted, but got him into bed. About 2 hours later he was screaming the place down ... found him asleep in a puddle! Took him to be changed (more upset) lo and behold ... no nappy at all, forgotten to put one on him at all :dohh: :dohh:
Poor little fella!
I take:
One change of clothes
6 nappies
Half pack of wipes
Nappy bags
One muslin
Bottles for the day - go in a seperate bag with icepack if im out for the day.
Changing mat and bum cream.

I baby carry so I have to travel light. I take 3 nappies, 5 tiny bags, almost empty pack of wet wipes and very thin and light top and trousers. I figure if I need anything else, I'd rather buy it from a shop than break my shoulder in the meantime just in case I have to pay out a few quid.

I think I've done nearly all of these. Also changing his nappy ten times a night and putting the light on each time to do it while bravely (stupidly) telling my husband no go back to sleep, I'll do it all! Putting him to sleep at night in clothes rather than sleepsuits. It wasn't until he was about two weeks old that I thought hmm, I don't think I'd get a great night's sleep in trousers, socks, hat, vest and cardigan. Oh and the number of times we kept him downstairs in the evenings with his screaming colic episodes... With the lights on and the tv blaring and us trying to shout a conversation over his noise. Whoops.
what do u take? and i can try and tell u what to leve, altho im just as bad lol if we go out for the day i take 3 bags 1 for each child lmao

I take:

8 nappies & some disposal bags
2 muslins
cardigan & hat
2 changes of clothes
pack of wipes
wetbag for dirty clothes etc.
change mat that comes with bag
(plus bottle, carton of aptamil & scissors if we're going to be long)

Weighs far more than baby + pushchair put together :haha:

Id cut down the nappys, how many times do you change LOs bum when out?
Id take just 1 set of spare clothes.
Dont worry about wet bag, use a nappy bag, they hold more than you think.

Tbh, im a nightmare too, Harrison is 1 and i take:
Spare set of clothes for him
Spare top for me (reflux baby)
Nappy bags
Changing mat

Even if im just walking to the shop (10min walk away)
Tbf tho, if im babywearing i take 2nappys, wetwipes and 1drink. Which i dont thinks too bad

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