Success stories with Male Factor Infertility

WhiteOrchid, varicocele is a tough one, my brother has it and I am so worried. unfortunately I know that even surgery is not always an answer. this is so disappointing. male factor is just terrible it feels hopeless.

I actually feel like he was doing better when he was on my huge list of vitamins. maybe i can try to put my case for vitamins forward again
Ladies, I found this unbelievably useful comparative table of male supps ( click to review the detailed scoresheet). All the main ones are there so you can see and compare the ingredients and doses. I would not pay much attention to their grading system tbh I think this is just marketing for the "number 1" product. All of them require additional stuff to be added cos we definitely need higher doses but I still think wellman conception is a good option cost wise cos it gives you pretty much complete vitamin profile so you just need to add a few things to make it more potent.

I'm feeling really down today after our latest results. Would be nice if there are any recent success stories.
:hugs: Lilly..... Sorry to hear that, what were the results this time? I would love to hear more success stories as well.... it's exhausting.
Thank you, WhiteOrchid

Last year it was 18mil then 15.3mil, this week it was 3.75mil/mL :cry: This time he took 3 months of supplements. Because the lab is at a hospital, not a clinic, we drop the sample off about 30mins after it's made. OH wants to redo it and he is going to do it there in a bathroom, but I don't think it's too far off considering it's been almost 2yrs! Maybe we have a bit of unexplained infertility along with the low count and motility.

We plan on doing IUI eventually it's just difficult right now because we'd have to travel back and forth to another island. So we're waiting till we move to the mainland which will hopefully happen at the beginning of the year if I can find some place to transfer to.
We were finally successful with ivf...currently 8 weeks!
Congratulations, Moni! Hope you have a H&H 9months.
Lilly - that is crazy that his results have dropped SO much.... Did the Dr mention any possible reason for such a drastic drop? Obviously I know there are many factors that can affect the results so it could have been a case of 90 days before his test he was sick etc but it almost seems like there is another underlying cause like an infection or something? I hope you get some answers soon. I totally understand how upset you must be feeling. Big hugs :hugs:

If you don't mind me asking what were the supplements he was taking?
My appt with my doc isnt until the end of this cycle, she ordered his test, so I just have results, havent talked about them yet but Ive asked OH to ask for a consult to see a urologist. OH took fertiliaid, motility boost and count boost. Their common TTC supplements for men, have all the zinc and all the other recommended things in them.
I used to have dh on a fertility multivitamin for about 6 months after his first sa which wasn't bad but I thought it needed improvement, his second sa his count dropped considerably along with motility and morphology. After those dreadful results we took him off the multivitamins and started him on 1000mg vit c, 400iu vit e, 1200mg tribulus, 400mg folic acid and 30mg zinc daily. His last sa came back with double the count and values.

I know a lot of men have success with the multivits but for us that definitely wasn't the case x
We had a big surprise :bfp: and are 12 weeks now! We put DH on a good multivitamin, Super Antioxidant formula, CoQ10, Vit. D, and he cut way way back on his caffeine intake. I have PCOS so I also changed my diet to cut all refined carbs out and lost a few lbs. We were actually waiting to save more money for more IUI's and or IVF depending on his next sa results...we were quite shocked after 4 years of trying to get a natural BFP. So far so good, and due in April. Don't give up!! Maybe take a break and relax for a few months, I had a thousand people tell me to give up and take a break but I couldn't. We set a date for January 2015 to start with treatments again and kept trying on our own but not as hard, no opk's or temping...we figured we could use the stress break, but I was never going to give up. It seemed to work..along with the other changes we made.

Good luck hon and fingers crossed for you!!
rachy28, that's what I'm thinking...the fertiliaid vitamins are too much for him, we'll go to something more basic. And he need to cut his caffeine.

Congratulations, Dini! Hope you have a H&H 9 months! :flower:
Yes, sometimes less is more :thumbup:
We did get our bfp last cycle but unfortunately it wasn't to be :(
I honestly feel it was the vitamins that helped but who knows, maybe we just got lucky :shrug:
We actually got a surprise :bfp: this last cycle as well! DH had a varicocelectomy at the end of July and we were waiting for the next SA in December to see if it helped with his poor morphology (1-2%). We were fully anticipating starting IVF in January once we switched insurance companies - so were VERY surprised by a natural :bfp:!

DH also significantly cut back on his caffeine intake and has been taking MegaMen Multivitamins - no idea what finally did it for us, or whether it was just finally luck after 2 years. I'm 6w2d today and have an ultrasound coming up in a week and half. Fx! Don't give up, ladies!

I, too, have a BFP, but that was after IVF. We would've tried longer (we were trying for 2 years), but age was no longer on my side, since I am 38. We opted to do IVF and got the BFP on the first round. I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant.
Congratulations, MItoDC & melly2!

We did everything we possibly could this cycle, including me taking Clomid (that was before we got the last results). We knew he has always been on the low range, so we figured we'd try to beef up my eggs and maybe make an extra to give him an easier target lol Now we wait. I've ask OH to ask his doc about a Uro consult so that's in the works just in case this cycle is another bust. :coffee:
Hi ladies, I just finished reading through all of your posts and I have to say that I'm encouraged by all of the BFPs past and present 😁.
Unfortunately my DBF had an SA with zero sperm. He had a second SA a couple of weeks ago but we won't get those results until we meet with the RE next Thurs. he's on multivitamins and cut back on his drinking habits (I'd love for him to stop 100% and trust me I'm working on him.)
While no one on this thread reported zero sperm....I remain hopeful that my DBF and I will be successful at starting our family soon. I really pray that the second SA is an improvement from the first but after the research I've done its unlikely. The strange thing is that my DBF has a 13 yo daughter so he's been fertile in the past.

It would be interesting to see/hear/read more success stories for couples that are dealing with MFI.
Eschnik: The zero sperm is not all bad. In fact, it sounds like there could be a blocked variocyle. Has he seen a urologist? I would suggest that, because chances are, if he has a child, this is definitely fixable, I would think.
Agreed - I'd say have him see a urologist. That was who diagnosed my husband's varicocele and performed the surgery. He came recommended by our fertility clinic, so he was very familiar with male infertility and looking for the common problems.
Hi ladies, great stories on this thread. Thanks for sharing.
My dh was found to have really low sperm (like 55,000 - nowhere near even 1 million) so we were told ICSI would be our only shot. We were lucky enough for it to work the first go and we have a healthy 15 month old now. Last month we signed all new paperwork and had paid for another round of ICSI to try for no.2 but while I was waiting on my period so we could start treatment I got a natural bfp!! I am only 6 weeks along so I'm still in shock and am very nervous about something going wrong, but it just goes to show that there's always hope! I have an early scan next week to check all is well so I'll let you all know how I get on. For anyone dealing with MF, it's definitely a challenge to get pregnant, but stay positive because it can definitely happen :thumbup:

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