Success with IUI


Finally...after 18 cycles
Feb 2, 2010
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Hi everyone, I have been on BnB since Feb of 2010. We started trying for our first baby in Oct 2009. I have very regular cycles, and both of us are generally healthy - exercise regularly, eat well etc, so I always assumed that it would be really easy for us. For the first few months we took it easy - BDing close to Ov time and not tracking Ov very closely.
The first month was a huuge disappointment because most of my close friends fell pregnant the first month. That's when I began reading more and realized it could take a few months.

Each month passed with AF showing up right on time. With each passing month, I would get more and more depressed. We had been married for more than 6 yrs, and parents and friends had begun asking questions. It didn't help that a lot of my friends were pregnant, or just had babies. Facebook and email because the bane of my life.

That's when I discovered all the lovely support on BnB. It was so reassuring to know that I was not alone in this suffering.

Meanwhile, I tried everything from preseed, to softcups, to herbal medicines. None of it appeared to help. I tried ov strips one cycle, but it left me more confused that ever.

Every waking minute of the day, this was all I thought about. We withdrew a bit from social interactions, because I couldn't stand peoples' questions, or their pregnancies.

In sept '10, a year after we started trying, we began testing. We went through the usual - blood tests, HSG, sperm analysis, and everything came back normal. So it was unexplained IF We then visited an RE in Nov, who gave us options including IUI and IVF. He didn't think clomid alone was a great idea, since i was already ovulating, so he suggested clomid with IUI.

Meanwhile, additional testing showed that my prolactin was slightly elevated, as was my FSH (only marginally). RE didn't think we needed to do anything about it.

Since DH and I were reluctant to begin medications, we decided to do IUI without medication. The IUI itself was a very simple procedure. DH's sperm counts looked excellent. But the first month of IUI, I had a particularly long cycle where I ovulated around day 18. So it was a long wait, and AF showed up right on time. I was devastated, to say the least.

I had also begun blogging during that time, which was also a huge outlet. We decided to try one more cycle of natural IUI, before proceeding to clomid+IUI.

During the time, I researched and found that it is best for DH to abstain for 2 days or less before the IUI, since that was when the sperm are fresher. I had been asked to call the clinic when I got a positive OPK. My clinic is open in the mornings on weekends. Unfortunately, I got my positive OPK on saturday noon, and by the time I called the clinic to schedule IUI the next day, they were closed.

We decided to try the clinic the next morning. But also decided to BD, just in case we couldn't do the IUI. That evening I could feel strong Ov pains.

The next day we got to do the IUI fortunately. Two weeks later, I was all set for AF to show up, because I had normal AF like cramps. I had a glass of sangria to show disdain for AF and waited. On the day of AF, she didn't show up, but I knew I could be just a day late. The next day, I woke and felt my nipples become very sore. DH had gone to work, and I decided to try a cheapie test, just for the heck of it. I was all set to see a BFN, when clear as day, the next line showed up!

I began weeping and shaking - happy scared and terrified all at once. Once DH got back, I showed him the test. He wasn't convinced so we called up the clinic to get beta levels. The beta came back with good numbers!

However, then I began spotting. I spotted on and off till 7.5 weeks. I expected to lose the baby any minute. Once I saw heavy clots and thought it was all over.

Fortunately, we went for an early scan and saw our lil bean's heartbeat. So on our 18th cycle, we had done it!

Today I am 13 wks and 3 days along. The first trimester was a scary place to be, because I was always expecting the worst. I realized that pregnancy after infertility was not at all easy. Your fears are much worse than for someone who can get pregnant easily. You read and know too much, which doesn't help either.

I had the courage to post this only now, because I wanted to get past the first Tri. I had no symptoms whatsoever, and had an easy first tri (healthwise at least, not mentally).

I wanted to wish you all the very best. Ignore people who ask you to relax. Do your research, and consult a good doctor whom you feel comfortable with. Support your partner and lean on him in times of distress, because no one will understand you better.

Keep hoping and believing!
Hey girlie!!! Congratulations!! I stopped coming on BNB so I missed your wonderful news! But soooo happy for you! I still only am able to emotionally handle coming on here once every few weeks or so to check on some dear pg friends but will be stalking!!! H&H9!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great story. Thanks for sharing! I too thought of doing an IUI without meds and DH doesn't want me to take meds.
Going to start medicated IUI in June! RE ap.t made for 6/15! Thank you!
Congratulations! :flower:

Thank you for sharing your story! Gives lots of hope for us who are still in the TTC journey.
Congratulations Keya!! Seems like you're from India, I am too :) I have a dear friend with the same name.
I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy..take care!
I could have written this! Firstly congratulation hun :flower:

We went from NTNP to TTC for about 3 years (PCOS, irregular cycles etc). I was starting to really doubt I'd ever be a mommy! In February 2010 we decided to do IUI # 1 with 50mg Clomid. I had very little hope as I was used to disappointment. We even went to a 21st the following weekend and I drank quite a bit, was convinced we hadn't conceived. My FS said regardless I needed to take bloods at 14dpo. The only thing that made me suspicious I was maybe was I had tender boobs about a week before AF should have arrived. I usually get tender bbs a day or 2 before but not earlier. I thought oh well it's just coming with a vengeance! On the Saturday morning (the weekend we moved house), I got a phonecall from the lab to say our beta count was 193. I didn't understand and asked the nurse what that meant. She said "You're pregnant". I had envisioned bying DH booties with a card saying "For Daddy", but I just couldn't contain myself. I burst into tears and when he asked what was wrong I said I'M PREGNANT! We had quite a stressful move and I was so worried I was hurting bubs all weekend. The next weekend I started spotting quite badly and was convinced I was losing LO and it was all because of the move. Like you, I bled on and off for a long time, even had big red clots (that day I thought that's it!), a very emotional pregnancy, always on tenterhooks! A nervous wreck basically! When he wouldn't move I'd rush off to hospital for a NST etc - went 5 times :wacko:.

Fast forward to 16 months later:
< there's my perfect son whom I couldn't have imagined more perfect for us :cloud9:
He is my life, my heart and what all my dreams, aspirations and hopes are made of!

Enjoy this special time and I'm soooooooooooo very excited for you to meet this little person who is going to rock your world!


ps. Sorry for hijacking your thread :blush:
Aww Jogami thank you so much for the post! I feel incredibly lucky and hope that our stories can help others who are still struggling. Your LO is adorable and I can imagine how blessed you must feel. Can't wait to meet my little girl in October!
Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I cant wait to have my turn too!
I don't know if this thread is still active and I'm new to this site, but I needed to post my story to give ladies in my situation some hope. My DH and I have been married for almost two years and stopped using birth control on the honeymoon. We started seriously TTC about 6 months after the wedding. After months of heartache and BFN we finally decided to get tested. We went to my regular OB first because we thought it would be something simple. We quickly found out DH has low sperm count (works in very hot environment). After multiple appts with many different urologists, who were all telling us the same things, we decided to go to a fertility specialist. We then decided to do unmedicated IUI because I ovulate fine. We did our FIRST IUI on Jan. 9, 2012 with a sperm count of only 2.6 post wash!!! I would have put money on the fact that it hadn't worked and was already getting very upset about the money spent on testing and procedures. I decided to take a test 3 days before AF was to arrive (12dpiui) and to my complete shock BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First beta 346, second scheduled for tomorrow!
What lovely news! i hope all goes well.

i highly recommend unmedicated iui for women who ovulate fine.

I don't know if this thread is still active and I'm new to this site, but I needed to post my story to give ladies in my situation some hope. My DH and I have been married for almost two years and stopped using birth control on the honeymoon. We started seriously TTC about 6 months after the wedding. After months of heartache and BFN we finally decided to get tested. We went to my regular OB first because we thought it would be something simple. We quickly found out DH has low sperm count (works in very hot environment). After multiple appts with many different urologists, who were all telling us the same things, we decided to go to a fertility specialist. We then decided to do unmedicated IUI because I ovulate fine. We did our FIRST IUI on Jan. 9, 2012 with a sperm count of only 2.6 post wash!!! I would have put money on the fact that it hadn't worked and was already getting very upset about the money spent on testing and procedures. I decided to take a test 3 days before AF was to arrive (12dpiui) and to my complete shock BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First beta 346, second scheduled for tomorrow!
Love this story! Congratulations. This gives us hope for DH w/low sperm count. I had an IUI today with 8 million sperm so I'm hoping it's enough.
i did my first iui unmedicated. im 38 so doc was pushing for meds.. decided to go with femara for round two (i ovulated just find so i didnt want to add the risk of lining thinning). cd 4.. this wait is nearly as bad as the tww
Thank you for your success stories, my DH has around 7 million, I'm worried about Post Wash, but this gives me hope! I'm meeting with my doctor on March 1st to talk about if I should be medicated or not.
Great stories I have hope now!
I had my IUI on Febr. 8th with 12mil sperm. I O on my own so we didn't take meds.

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