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***Summer Cupcakes June & July 2011 Mummies***

Ashley- I'm getting the mirena IUD at the end of September (I'm going to the U.S. in Sept and the doctor recommended waiting until after my vacation as it can apparently cause a lot of cramping in the beginning). I've never had one before (always used the pill) but several of my friends have had it and were pretty positive about it.

Has anyone else had it?

strawberry- I know another option whe bf'ing is the mini-pill. Have you thought about that?
Hey everyone just had a good catch up, either not had time or energy to go on computer! or chance with Dh been at work.

Everyone's babies sound to be doing great! Super cute pictures also :cloud9:

Hayley, Jacob sounds to be doing great! Strong lil boy he is, I do keep thinking of you, all the best for the next scans :hug:

Ashley hope your studying is going well and your managing ok, it's not good your seeing less of Lillyana but will be really worthwhile in the end :thumbup: love the swing you got also it's looks lovely.

Strawberry sorry to hear about your dad going to Oz Some relationships are so difficult :hugs:

Not DTD yet but I have just got my af yesterday I'm combi feeding and have noticed my supply has been dropping some days better than others. Not sure when I may DTD not feeling like it, haven't dare look down there scared to lol I know it's different seems to have gone south. I have also had the joy of a small internal haemorrhoid :( so painful I couldn't believe how much pain would prefer labour to having this pain!

Eliza is doing great we're getting lots of smiles, laughs and caught a lot on camera too, shall post a pic when I post from laptop. We are still in newborn size clothes and if her legs weren't so long probably fit into tiny baby! We are feeding 11pm-12pm, 4-5am then 8-9am but she occasionally goes 12am to 7am or 12-5am! Every 3 hours in the day unless were out, she sleeps more when in car and pram.
She loves the tv when laid on her pillow and kicks her legs like she is riding a bike all the time when she is awake and laid down - so funny.

We have a family wedding tomorrow so she will be getting lots of attention.

Right I need to get ready as going to get my contact lenses checked as not feeling comfortable since I had Eliza like my eyes have changed shape!

Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll do better to get back on more often
Sounds like your doing great hun have fun at the wedding! Love a good wedding!

I'll look into the mini pill itsy thanks didn't know about that think Il chat with oh at some point

Is anyone planning on getting Lo christened? We aren't religious and I'm not fussed about getting his christened but everyone keeps saying that we should :/ I know everyone uses it as an excuse for a get together but is rather Lo choose if he wants to follow a religous path was thinking of a civil naming ceremony instead
Foxforce- good to hear from you! I know how you feel about the breastfeeding/supply issues... we've also been combi-feeding and today when I've tried expressing (3 different times now) I've gotten less than 1 oz... TOTAL! :( I'm trying to decide whether it's worth continuing at all, as we're going on vacation in 3 weeks and there's no way I'll be able to express every 2 hours to try and keep supply up... but I just don't think I'm ready to stop entirely yet either.

Glad to hear that Eliza is doing well! I love your avatar pic, she looks so happy!

strawberry- we're having Bram baptized while we're in the U.S. next month (by the same pastor that married us last year). DH and his family aren't religious at all (my family is extremely!) but DH and I talked about it and think it'd be nice to do while we're back. I figure that Bram can always make the decision when he's older if he'd like to do it again for himself (I was baptized twice). I'm not super religious but I think it's a nice thing to do for us.

A civil naming ceremony sounds nice as well though :) But do whatever you want, not what your friends/family try to pressure you into!
OH and I are both pretty religious (we're Catholic), as is my family and his sort of is. We're definitely going to baptize Lillyana, but we're having trouble finding/deciding on Godparents. I don't want her Godparents to be like mine or his where they don't actually participate in her religious upbringing like they are supposed to. It's just hard because we don't have any Catholic friends, and my siblings and his were not confirmed into the church which is a requirement to be a Godparent. I'm thinking of maybe asking my mom and his dad, but not sure yet.
That's true finding the right god parents is hard I wouldn't know where to begin I have 2 god fathers song got a clue where they are mum said I haven't seen them since. I was 5 but I see both my god mothers
foxforce, I had contacts when I was pregnant with Amber, ended up giving up on them as they made my eyes sore. Pregnancy does weird things!

We are not getting Georgia christened. Neither Paul or I are religious and we wouldn't do it just because it's the 'done' thing.

As for contraception, I hate hormones, so my choices are limited. For the time being we will just use condoms, not that I am in the mood yet. I was thinking about the copper coil but I'm not really liking the idea too much. I can't have the combined pill, 1 cos of breastfeeding, 2 cos I get migranes.

off out to the wildlife and dinosaur park today. hope it doesn't rain. have a good weekend all xxx
Hope you had a fun day and it didn't rain Ailey

Done nothing today .. . Bliss
Well I got Georgia weighed today and she's only put on 1.5oz in 2 weeks....She is very sicky after feeds and seems to chuck most of it back up so they have said to see the doctor cos she may have reflux, which I suppose would also explain why she is so unsettled and grumpy.
Feel really upset about it...they did ask about her feeding and asked if I thought I had lack of supply, she doesn't seem to feed as long, but she still has a good nappy output, but just not keeping the weight. She's dropped from the 50th centile to the 25th. They want me to go back in two weeks to have her weighed again just incase it was a blip.

I feel like I've let her down.
Fingers crossed its just a blip hun but yeah maybe see the doctor she might have reflux and they can get you something to see if it helps. Heard a few people say that keeping them propped up while feeding and sleeping helps
aww Ailey :hugs: you're not letting her down at all! Georgia has been doing so well, and she's been thriving on bf'ing alone. Reflux is not something you could have done anything about, and hopefully once they find out if this is causing her to be sick they can give you some recommendations to help and Georgia will be back to gaining steadily! You've been doing your best for her, that's something to be proud of!
It's certainly been quiet this week :)

Tomorrow Bram has his first 'practice day' at daycare. He's going there from 10am - 1pm... and I'm already dreading having to leave him there! :( Worried about him getting sick from one of the other kids, of how he'll be there alone, whether they'll be as careful with him as I am (he's still so little!). The prospect of going back to work in October is really starting to sink in! My poor baby :(

Also, at an appointment with our GP today she confirmed that Bram has a 'light case' of oral thrush. Does anyone have any experience with this? She told me it should "go away on it's own" but does anyone know any home remedies to get rid of it? We're going on vacation to the U.S. next week and I'd like to know what to do in case it gets worse while we're there (before going to the doctor)...
Sorry itsy, no advice on the thrush, hope it clears up soon and hope Brams firstday at daycare went well.

Saw the health visitor thinks her poor weight gain is down to my supply so she said to pump in between feeds to up my supply and to try to get her to take both boobs in one feed. But that just seems to make her more sick.
The doctor has prescribed gaviscon for reflux which she is to have after feeds up to 6 times a day. he's given about 5 days worth to see how we go with it and then assess her again after that.
Trouble is I've just tried her with the gaviscon and she wont drink it cos she's full up as it has to be given after a feed. D'oh :( I give up.....

She also had her jabs yesterday. So I don't know if she's cranky cos of them or because she just is and that's it.
Oh Ailey :( I've only just got on here. I was told (and you've just proved this) by a doctor that babies generally won't take baby gaviscon after a feed as they're full. The trick is to mix it with just 10ml of water first and give it With a seringe BEFORE a feed. Makes no difference before or after regarding it working. Also if u mix it with the required amount of water it's like adding even more feed which is difficult for them especially when sicky. I never did this as it ended up not bring reflux. We use enfacol every feed.

Thanks Ash, we've tried before a feed too, both in a bottle and in a syringe, she just spits it out.
Back to the doctors on monday I think.
Amber starts school monday!
Ailey- I hope Amber has a great first day of school today! And hopefully Georgia is doing well with the Gaviston/reflux

Bram just got his first vaccinations today! I cried... haha. I felt so bad for him. We have some baby paracetemol ready just in case, but so far he seems to be acting pretty normal.

Also, we're flying on Saturday to the U.S. to visit my family. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice about flying with a baby? I've been told he should either suck on a pacifier or drink from a bottle during take off and landing... but otherwise? We've reserved a little bed (I didn't even know that was possible!) but I can't imagine he'll be happy laying in that the whole time (it's about an 8.5-hour flight).
Itsy I have no idea about flying sorry! Glad bram was okay with his injections Noah has his next Monday :(

Ailey hope Amber had a good first day
Itsy, I've no idea about the flying. Amber was 2 when she first flew and she was ok. I gave her some chewy sweets on take of and landing, she did say her ears hurt a bit. Hope he is ok, and I hope you have a lovely time x

Don't feel bad bout injections, at the end of the day it is best for them. Georgia was probably ok after hers, she cires all the time anyway so I wouldn't have know if they made her feel bad...

SHe still won't take the gaviscon and is still sicking and being moany. HV is coming again today.

Amber had a lovely first day at school! She was so excited to be going again x
Thanks Ailey & Strawberry... Bram's temperature went up a bit and he was fussy (would cry whenever you touched his thighs, where he got the injections) so I gave in and gave him some of the paracetemol. Afterwards he was pretty much back to normal!

Last night, he slept from 10pm - 6:45am!!!!! It's too bad I didn't go to sleep till 1am, but when I woke up I had to do a double take at the clock. Fx'd that this becomes normal, and that it wasn't just a fluke due to the shots!

Ailey- good luck with the HV today!

How is everyone else doing? :)
Oh yea, and yesterday Bram rolled onto his right side for the first time! I thought babies didn't start doing that till later... has anyone else had any rolling?

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