Hey everyone just had a good catch up, either not had time or energy to go on computer! or chance with Dh been at work.
Everyone's babies sound to be doing great! Super cute pictures also
Hayley, Jacob sounds to be doing great! Strong lil boy he is, I do keep thinking of you, all the best for the next scans
Ashley hope your studying is going well and your managing ok, it's not good your seeing less of Lillyana but will be really worthwhile in the end
love the swing you got also it's looks lovely.
Strawberry sorry to hear about your dad going to Oz Some relationships are so difficult
Not DTD yet but I have just got my af yesterday I'm combi feeding and have noticed my supply has been dropping some days better than others. Not sure when I may DTD not feeling like it, haven't dare look down there scared to lol I know it's different seems to have gone south. I have also had the joy of a small internal haemorrhoid
so painful I couldn't believe how much pain would prefer labour to having this pain!
Eliza is doing great we're getting lots of smiles, laughs and caught a lot on camera too, shall post a pic when I post from laptop. We are still in newborn size clothes and if her legs weren't so long probably fit into tiny baby! We are feeding 11pm-12pm, 4-5am then 8-9am but she occasionally goes 12am to 7am or 12-5am! Every 3 hours in the day unless were out, she sleeps more when in car and pram.
She loves the tv when laid on her pillow and kicks her legs like she is riding a bike all the time when she is awake and laid down - so funny.
We have a family wedding tomorrow so she will be getting lots of attention.
Right I need to get ready as going to get my contact lenses checked as not feeling comfortable since I had Eliza like my eyes have changed shape!
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll do better to get back on more often