Summer Miracles Due in June, July, August and September!

We are just under 11 weeks into our first pregnancy and found out this week it was twins.

Due date is early September but likely will come in August.

We are learning a lot and reading everything we can.
We are just under 11 weeks into our first pregnancy and found out this week it was twins.

Due date is early September but likely will come in August.

We are learning a lot and reading everything we can.

Wow twins, congratulations! Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy.

I had my 16 week midwife appointment today and heard babies heartbeat again which was great! I also got my triple screenign test results back at long last: 1/2,000 for Downs and 1/100,000 for Edwards. In fact, the Dowsn result was better than 2 years ago when I was 38 so I´m feeling some relief right now! My next appointment will be in about 4 weeks time for my 20 week scan.

Hope you ladies are all well xx
Welcome bicyclegoddess and congrats! Must have been a bit if a shock to discover twins- does it run in your family? Glad all is going well

J23- hearing the heartbeat is always nice reassurance. Good news on your test results too!
Welcome bicyclegoddes and congrats! :hi:

I got my NT scan results and everything was good. 1.4mm on the fold. I'm also dating right on time so due date is 8/28! Very excited :happydance: Now waiting for my materniti21 results...hopefully next week! :coffee:
Hi ladies,

J22, congrats on the good test results! Such a relief, isn't it. I'm 40 as well and I was definitely anxious.

MrsC, hope you don't have to wait much longer for your maternit21 results. That's nice that you saw the nuchal measurement already, gives you a good idea that maternit21 will be A-OK.

I just got my maternit21 results on Friday - all good! 1/10,000 for Downs, and actually, the OB didn't mention the others, but they were all fine. We also found out we're having a second baby girl! :cloud9:

Hope everyone is feeling well.
Congrats on your good results septbride!!!

I got my results on Monday! Everything was normal!!! SO excited :happydance: the gender we got in an envelope that's been delievered to the bakery. We find out on Saturday!!!! Cannot wait :yipee:
Great news, MrsC! Care to share the gender news?
YES! Sorry, I forgot to post here...we got the blue icing in the cupcake! It's going to be a boy :happydance: We totally thought it would be a girl so we're thrown off a bit but look forward to having one of each. Now need to start thinking up some boy names!
YES! Sorry, I forgot to post here...we got the blue icing in the cupcake! It's going to be a boy :happydance: We totally thought it would be a girl so we're thrown off a bit but look forward to having one of each. Now need to start thinking up some boy names!

How exciting! Congratulations on your baby boy :baby: Now to start thinking of names.......!
Great news on the test resukts MrsC and j22!

And how exciting MrsC to find out the gender. OH and I also took a bit of getting used to the idea that we'd have a daughter after having a son...there was a certain appeal to having 2 of the same gender br now we're starting to look forward to also having a girl.

Two more days til I'm in my third trimester! Crazy to think that my water broke right about now in my last pregnancy! Things continue to go well. Back and feet have begun aching but that's manageable compared to everything last time.

How is everyone else feeling?
Thanks ladies!
I'm doing well this week - last week my nausea came back with a vengeance Tues to Sunday. I thought I was going to die! I had to go back on my full dose of meds in order to be able to drink and eat at all. But Since Monday, it's been back to feeling good. Just a little tired.
Hi ladies! So sorry I have been MIA! I've had all day nausea so badly this time. I actually ended up in the ER with dehydration. I'm on meds now (which I was trying to avoid) but feeling much better now! How is veryone feeling???
Oh no! Sorry to hear about your trip to the ER...I tried to avoid the meds myself but ended up on Diclegis. I'm trying to come off of it now but every time I do, the nausea comes back :cry: Otherwise, still all good here. 15 weeks on Friday so that's cool! I think today was my last day in my regular jeans...time to break out the maternity pants! Belly is getting big...
MrsC I am on Diclegis too. I have also been trying to get off it.... But same nausea comes back bad each time i stop. I am actually only taking one pill in the morning and thats working for me.

I will be breaking out the maternity jeans soon too!!!
Sorry to hear that all 3 of you are still dealing with such bad nausea. I'm glad to hear the meds are an option that helps, even if not your first choice.

I can't believe how close its getting now...another 12 weeks or so and she'll be here! My husband and I are betting she'll show a couple weeks early but I guess we'll see...tiredness (almost as much as first tri) has been dominating here of late. I'm hoping it's mostly because we just moved a week ago and that energy starts to come back. At least hubby ha started stepping up more now that I have less energy to do things around the house.
Myra - so exciting!!!! So this is your 2nd baby? Good that DH is stepping up!!! :flower:
Myra - 12 weeks sounds like such a short time! I'm so not ready...I'm glad I still have 5.5 months :dohh: I've done nothing in terms of prep for the second baby yet!!! I need to start soon...I'm interviewing doulas tho! So I guess that's a step.

Grateful - I've just been able to take the one pill at night for the most part and I've been ok. Except for last Tues through Sunday! I had to go back to full dose :cry: But last night I didn't take it and I've been ok I'm going to try not to take it again and see how tomorrow goes. Fingers crossed!
Yes, this will be our second. Our son turns 2 next month- time has gone fast!

And I haven't done anything yet to prep for #2 either...guess I should start thinking about that soon! ;)
I've finally identified that "strange feeling" in my abdomen as Braxton hicks :dohh: Only took a few days for me to realize it since I seeemd to having a bunch today- drank water and everything settled back down. I didn't experience it in my last pregnancy- did any of you?

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