Hey ladies! Oh Misse, sorry to hear that the little one hasn't made an appearance for you yet but it doesn't sound like it will be too long now!
How is everyone doing? We are doing ok! Found out yesterday that Sam has tongue tie which we need to keep an eye on as it could affect his feeding although I think it seems to be going ok at the minute.he's able to latch on ok ish, not quite as strong as Erin but he definitely feeds and is content afterwards, Friday will tell as that's when he'll be weighed. I have spoken to a local bf tongue tie specialist and she said from what I've said it all soun positive but we are going to go and see her next week anyway and I have an appt the following day to have it snipped if she thinks we need to. I'm ok at the moment but would hate to be in a position in a few weeks where he wasn't gaining weight and then have to wait to have something done about it so we'll see.
Erin has been ok too, a bit clingy to me which we expected but as Sam is sleeping so much it's not too hard to find the balance and spend lots of time with her right now.
I'm getting some sleep too, he seems to have a fussy period between about one and three and then has been having a good few hours sleep after that so I'm not feeling too bad - although it's going to be bloody hard work when Bob is back to work in a couple of weeks! Trying not to think about that too much right now though!
Hope you are all doing ok!