I had minor contractions for weeks too they must have been doing something as the labour was amazingly quick too. Hindwaters started leaking on sun afternoon but no pains and was kept in hosp. 12.30pm on the Sun my sister came to visit and nade me.laugh and I felt a pop then a thud then started contracting majorly 1min apart. Was checked and 3cm then by 1.30 was 6cm ish. OH arrived at 2pm and DS was born at 2.18 after 5mins pushing.
DS is having a horrific night with reflux and tummy cramping. The psst 5 hours he has dozed off for 5mins on me then woke throwing his head back, screaming, straining etc and when he calms down.it starts again. He has finally fallen into a deep sleep so Ive just transferred him to basket but he shoukd be up around 2-3am for another feed and the fun starts all over again. Hes definately cows milk intolerant but GP wont prescribe hypo milk until the 17th when we see paed.
He is so congested he can barely breathe, rattly hoarse chest from refluxing, red eyes, eczema on his face, green poo with streaks of black mucous, gulping and choking on his feeds, screaming and arching his back and headbutting and clawing me when I try to wind him. Hiccups all the time. Constant spit up etc. His insides must be red raw

I think he has CMPI with secondary reflux and delayed gastric emptying. Have done loadth of research on these as DD was the same.
I am so angry at the NHS. They let my DD down horrifically too and she was 8 and a half weeks before she got meds and a hypo milk but it was too late for her as she was in so much pain with feeding she had developed an aversion to the bottle and stopped gaining weight and the consultant wanted to hospitalise her and put an NG tube in. I syringe fe her an.ounce an hour for about 2months to avoid tube feeding. She refuses all.milk n as think she still associates it with pain although shes completely over everything.
With DD I took her to A+E many times and was sent away with nothing and it was blamed on my PND. We eventually got our referral when she went 24hours without drinking a drop.of milk and had stopped gaining weight. At least DS has been referred.
OH is being awful to.me. Too tired to go into it but I need a hug
