Afraid not. Still no baby, onto day 2 of trying to get on the ward to be induced but they are apparently very busy. My midwife text this morning so I just went in for a sweep just as a last attempt and still waiting for labour ward to ring me with a space. But my mum knows one of the supervisor midwives up there but she works nights so she's text her in hope that when she wakes up she will get us in or if not 3rd time lucky on sweep? Lol
Awwww hopefully soon!!! Need to meet the last little peach!
I have had such an emotional guilt ridden day , I had to give baby a formula bottle now as he is just not filling up fast enough with me alone , I been breastfeeding 4 hours practically constantly an he was not getting satisfied I am exhausted as was a shitty night to where he was not settled , after 4 hours on me he still had 2 ounces of formula an now is out like a light
I wanted to breastfeed exclusively but had to admit I just couldn't keep doing that so going to try combi feeding
Jeez I am feeling very bad our bfing seems to be going pretty well. Though I may be cheating by eating a shed load of Oats either in a morning cereal, flap jack or breakfast bars. I try and drink loads and have a pot of fenurgreek sat on the shelf giving me the beady eye! Could also be that knowing how big a disaster bfing can be I went into it relaxed that I could switch at any point to formula if it was all to much or wee man wasn't happy. Mo is OH at home? theoretically the constant feeding should build your supply up but kills at the time and you need time off so don't feel bad about it needs must and a happy rested mum = a happy rested baby
Yeah oh is at home an feels so frustrated that he can't settle or do anything he has been very stressed worried about me an being exhausted he has him at moment so I can rest up i thought my milk supply was good but after last week of doing this I have to face maybe it's not as good as it should be or he is a lazy sucker
It's horrible you feel like a failure even tho I was open minded to both but at the moment if I don't give the bottle he would have still been latched to me
Sigh never a straight forward route have to do what is right at the moment
Don't feel bad hun. Georgie is happy an therefore you're doing what is right for him which makes you a wonderful mummy! Definitely not a failure hun.xx
if you want to combi feed or just reduce discomfort express off some excess into a bottle then mix with premade formula when he has a bottle def not a failure excuse my gobby attempts to cheer you guys on might need it tomorrow if wee mans not gained
Baby Harvey was born at 23.13 in the pool after 3-4hours of eastablished labour and sweep at 12, contractions startd at 2 and by 8.30 were every 3 mins got tohospital was 5 cms dilated and had gas and air, second degree tear and a 9.8lbs baby Neveragain lol x
He came out in 2/3 pushes! I dont know how my body just took over and ejected him lol... He had his cord wrapped round his neck twice but they sorted that out just needed a bit of waking up x
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