Stardust so sorry to hear about little one that has to be awful hope he gets home soon to you , how are you doing? Have you got support around you?
Big hugs!
Re the pooing Georgie does the same up the front , not sure how??? out the sides and up the back!
We had family photos done yesterday was a Groupon voucher I bought it was fun but hate majority of the ones I'm in as look huge and triple chins are seen
I'm on diet as I feel so low at the moment re that I want to be yummy mommy not one that struggles and can't even walk up stairs lol
I had sex for first time yesterday , nearly didn't happen as all condoms Paul gave to his son but we remeber some, I said to him text Jord and ask him for one haha was funny at moment , but happy to say it was all ok I panicked it would be sore etc after tear as it is a little tender still using loo (tmi I know)
Ok I spoke enough rubbish!