Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

George is a hot baby takes after his dad he sweats so easily and through tantrums with a hoody on lol I'm freezing an he is in just a baby grow

Lily is the same but that day it was absolutely freezing. Like I had my big thick wooly cardigan on and my big fluffy eskimo sheep skin lined coat lol. And she was sweating by the time we got to my mums in just that x
Amazing how such little things don't feel the cold

Taking Georgie swimming next week can't wait! Only thing I'm dreading is getting in costume yikessss
Well Lily was huge and has put on almost 2lb. HV made me feel like shit for it and I was really upset when I got home. Despite the fact they checked her height too and she's in proportion x
Oh i wouldnt worry about stuff like that someone else who was due a day after me (you may remember me saying about her before) had an 11.2lbs baby and was told today not to feed him so much but i dont see how you can not feed a hungry baby. Bathed, clean nappy and fed and now have heard some movement in his nappy. Great!
Yeah if she is still on track then they shouldn't moan!! Hv make me mad I am taking George tomorrow

According to my mom I used to drink 13 oz in one feeding when I was 3 months I was a right porker lol but is it not worse to starve them?? Silly woman
Exactly. I can't not feed her if she's hungry so she'll weigh what she weighs.

My mum told me something interesting the other day. Somebody somewhere else on the internet stated they didn't think there was any need to wean at 3/4 months. My mum said when she had my sister my grandma told her that the guidelines for weaning when she (my mum) was a baby were 6 weeks! Puts the whole 4 month thing in perspective doesn't it lol. In my eyes it's wean when you think appropriate.

That's another thing that bothers me when people get on at me about her weight. It's not like I'm feeding her solids and giving her chocolate she is just drinking baby milk when she's hungry I'm not forcing anything she shouldn't be having or doesn't want x
Exactly! My hv said to me that they all even out eventually each baby is different

My mom said To me she had us on porridge at about 3 months and when stopped breast feeding was put on cows milk?

I am going to try do blw I'm sure he will let me know when he is ready for more

As long as she is healthy and happy screw them you know your baby best besides they said you cannot over feed a baby as they just throw up , they stop when they need to and that was nurse!
And believe me she does throw up if she has too much lol.

I am hoping to BLW too x
Yep they throw up or won't take at a regular feed if you've fed them a "snack" bottle. My 2 are a fine example Abby the twig eats junk as she's on a very high calorie diet but won't drink milk or to much dairy it doesn't sit well in her tummy (you def see it again) so we have to give high fat or high sugar Daft HV told us to lace all her food with dairy fat after the sick conversation dozy cow's. Abs won't snack she likes a big meal twice a day and a small lunch with maybe a snack if at grandmas (grandma has pom bears gag). Chris though will feed loads though and is looking at food already.

My version of BLW is yes the finger foods but if baby is expressing hunger for say porridge or purees they are leading you to spoon feed them so it's right for them.
I know my version of baby led weaning is just giving her what she seems to want. If she doesn't want finger foods then she won't have them if she doesn't want purees we'll try something else. If she wants to feed herself she will if she wants me to feed her I will. I use it more of she tells me what she wants kind of led weaning rather than just her doing all the work weaning lol x

Also Pom Bears are delicious you crazy fool lol x
pickled onion gross! Is lily moving about etc? once she's crawling she'll burn the fat, This is why Abby has stupidly high fat/calorie food she had my mum on the go for 2 hours earlier thankfully shes gone for a nap but the kid won't stay still if she's awake.
Not yet but she's almost sitting and the baby massage instructor said the same thing. She'll probably start moving about sooner than a lot of babies and therefore burn fat sooner x
Hows everyone else getting on with periods? Ive juat realised im a week late but thinking could still be a bit all over the place ... Atleast i hope haha
Fine. I've had two and came on same time of the month. Though first period lasted a few days second one was 2 weeks. But I had had my implant put in the week before so the change in hormones could have had something to do with that x
Holy crap misse pee stick asap if you think you might need 1. I am now coiled up not the comfiest experience of my life I must say.

Little man is only 12lb 1oz but growing nicely. they had a right fit when abby only gained at the same speed he has in 3 weeks but she seemed happy enough with his weight gain he has fat rolls so hardly starving.
Awwwww bless him! Ill take George next week I forgot this week lol :(

I go Monday for my coil , yayyyy lol not
Remember the after contractions from birth you'll be saying hello to them again for a few hours.
Yeah I remeber from last time had it in :( but rather that then hello baby haha
A is weaned already :blush: He will never take to milk cos of his swallowing so I told the paediatrician and dietitian I was going to do it and they said it's not recommended but if I went ahead anyway it was fine as long as I picked the highest calorie foods cos formula milk has much more calories than most solids but solids fill them up longer. We use Ellas Kitchen Banana Baby Brekkie in the morning cos it's really high in calories and he takes half a pouch! And half a jar of C&G My First Bolognese at dinner time, he absolutely loves his solids and since starting them a week ago from the first night he started sleeping through until 3am!! Amazing consider his 6 wakings for milk before. He's 16 weeks on Mon anyway.

A is going for a VFSS (xray video of swallowing) at Yorkhill I think to find out why he can't swallow liquids. But he's doing much better this week he's taking 4+oz at each feed which is brilliant for him! His milk is thickened to porridge texture cos of his swallowing so it must be really filling.

HV gave me a row cos she came to weigh A this morning and I'd forgotten she was coming and sent A away with my Mum, oops!

Last week was a horrific week for us, A was in hospital with an NG tube in after dropping to 9-16oz milk a day and losing more weight and it was a horrible thing so we took it out and came home and he's really picked up at home.

My OH is back at home and we're making another go of things, he had a vasectomy yesterday so is very sore! I have a bit of a dilemma though with my friend. She was the one who told me about OH cheating (it was with her best friend) but she didn't tell me until over a month later. She is a good friend to me and we really click and get on well and she's always been very good to me, I hate to lose friends but part of me can't help but feel she should have told me sooner and I don't think I'd ever trust her to be a true friend anymore but she did the right thing and told me in the end so I'm trying to give her a chance. Plus everytime I visit she brings up OH's cheating and I don't really want to talk about it.


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