Two, I was told that my stitch will probably only last until early third trimester so I'm starting steroid shots for Jasper's lungs next week too. I think it's better to be safe than sorry! We might both end up going full term but because of incompetent cervix, they will take every precaution out there. I was told to stay on bed rest until third trimester, AT LEAST, as it decreases any chances of anything going wrong with the stitch too. In my case, they just want me to get to 34 weeks, they'd really like as it's a 'safe point' but chances of that happening are slim as it is. What dosage of progesterone are you on?
Walker, back pain could simply be a UTI - my 'extra' back pain on top of SPD turned into one today!
& thank you ladies! I'm feeling loads better but having to use crutches and wheelchair still isn't.. fun! Although seems the further I'm getting, the better I'm feeling (well, apart from SPD but that I can deal with!) I haven't vomitted in days and I've gained 4lb too!!