Cute bump Christie!
No swelling yet walker. I hope that doesn't happen as it can be so uncomfortable. This girl at my job is 34 weeks and she ended up getting some slippers in different colors cause she can't fit her feet into any of she shoes. They look like moccasins so you can't really tell, but I felt so bad for her.
I got my results for the glucose test, it was 132. The range is under 130. But the doc didn't call about it so I'm assuming she's gonna let it go. I don't feel like doing that 3 hour test and she said she would call if something is out of wack so I'm assuming that's fine. She also did a whole work up of stuff...bloodwork I mean and I'm assuming all of that's good too.
Lately I've been feeling so full even when I don't eat much. I'm pretty sure Virtue had a growth spurt. My stomach had gotten a little bigger and harder and obviously it feels like there is less room in there. I'm not sure how he repositioned himself, but yesterday everytime he kicked I had sharp shooting pains coming out of my clit. A few of them hurt and made me stop in my tracks. That seems to have stopped now though so I'm assuming he moved again. Its now just back to the regular bladder kicks that make me feel like I have to pee, lol.