I've woken up a couple of times kind of half on my back, still have turned on my side. I don't even know how that's comfortable for me but whatever, lol. That's what my doc said...try to lay on your side, but if you wake on your back you can't do anything about it so don't worry about it pretty much. I agree, you can't help how you sleep when you're actually asleep.
Also I called my insurance carrier to see if the breast pump was covered and sure enough it is! It's covered at 100% and it's the one I was gonna get anyway, Medela Pump in Style. It's an electric double pump and my doctor just has to send a script once Virtue is born and they will send it out to me or drop it off. I'm gonna see if they send it over a little early so I have it when he does get here, but if not, I'll add a little cheapie hand pump type deal to the registry for the mean time.