Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

How much is it? I just keep seeing ads for it - I have never heard any pricing.

Has anyone else been getting spells where they get really hot and dizzy? I had on at the airport and another today at the grocery store. I was waiting in a line that got delayd, but I couldn't move because all of my stuff was on the conveyor and then I got really hot and dizzy and the manager and cashier made me go sit on a bench while they moved my stuff to another register and cashed me out while I was sitting on this bench. It was pretty embarassing. This old guy came up to me and he was like oh - you look like me (his face was all red) he said that's what happens to him when his sugar gets low. I hope I don't have a sugar problem? =/
Hmmmm - not sure. I do get dizzy once in awhile, but my blood counts are low. Maybe it's that?

Speaking of, I just got a call from the hematologist. The Midwife Center called them after getting my glucose results because my hemoglobin had dropped to 7.8. I have to see the hematologist now on the 18th to be tested again and talk about getting a transfusion. I guess if this is what I need to do to make sure my little guy’s getting what he needs, I’ll do it! And maybe getting a transfusion this early would mean being able to deliver at the birth center. Hopefully . . .
MissA - dizziness could be a sign of low blood sugar but it could also be lots of other things... I would mention it at your next appointment if it's still happening.

Walker - have they already tried iron supplements?
Ok everyone, had my doctor's appt and everything went pretty good. They did say that they found ketones in my urine which is a sign of dehydration, so they said to drink more water...even though I drink a gallon a day, lol. I said fine, whatever, lol. Other than that everything is good. My belly is measuring at 27 weeks, right on track and they said that I had only gained 18lbs which is right where I should be! Thank goodness for that, I've been too afraid to ask about my weight. So that leaves me 7lbs for my pregnancy weight gain in third tri. I want to stay under 25.

Had the glucose tolerance as well. The drink made me gag, then it felt like it was sitting in my throat, but luckily my checkup took up most of the hour so I didn't have to think about it. The needle hurt, but I hate needles. The nurse thought I was nuts cause as soon as she pulled my arm down, she saw one of my tattoos, and couldn't believe I was afraid of needles, lol. Spine abifida test was within normal range...they didn't have this last time cause the lab didn't send it over. I have to have another u/s around 30 weeks cause of my fibroid. She said I may have to have another one after that as sometimes they can grow and get in the way at delivery, and mine has been growing this whole pregnancy.

Ok, everything else is good, not that all that wasn't, but you know, lol. And appts every two weeks now.

I've thought about the cord blood program, but honestly don't know much about it.

Walker I hope that all works out for you with the transfusion. I don't know much about having to see a hemotologist, but like you said, whatever it takes for our little ones.

MissA, I've had that before and the doc said usually that's something attributed to your diet. She said usually people with eat something sugary, say for breakfast, and feel good, then once that gets processed their blood sugar drops and they start feeling like how you described. She said for me to eat something of substance, so rather than say a donut, maybe a slice of break with peanut butter on it cause of the protein.
I got the crib set up, with a bit of my sisters muscle power. I couldn't wait for Friday, I left the dresser and changing table for Kyle though :) Its a pretty Espresso set! I think I am going to wait to take a picture till I have a nice crib bedding to put in it so its cuter! :)
Oh goodness-I get heat flashes a lot in this pregnancy, but not dizziness too much. I got my glucose results back already-in the clear, woohoo! MY vitamin b-12 is good to, BUT I was told I am slightly anemic and need to take an iron suppliment once a day. My prenatal apt is tomorrow, so I will go buy my suppliment after the apt-DH went to purchase it today but when he asked the pharmacist about it she said there are 3 dif. amounts you can purchase and to let her know which before she could help so I am not taking it tonight and feel super guilty about knowing about by anemia but delaying my supp by a day =(
The childbirth class has been good so far. I've only had one though. The hospital I'm at focuses on ways to manage pain naturally first which I really like. They will go over medication options too but I like the idea of hopefully being able to manage at least a good portion of the pain on my own. The on tour is included in the class too.

Has anyone done the pediatrician interviews yet? I know I need to do that soon but not sure what all to ask.
I can officially use my belly as a shelf for my bowl of oatmeal! I can't believe there is still 3 months of growing to do.

I don't think I'm going to do cord blood banking, but I don't know too much about it, I just figure it's probably expensive.

I didn't interview any peds but if I did I might find out how quick they are to prescribe meds rather than natural remedies. I've read that putting an infant on antibiotics/steriods when under a year can reduce their immune system response for the rest of their life making getting over colds and such more difficult.

Pick a typical problem, like colic and compare their answers, find out which solution you feel more comfortable with.

When do they suggest cereal/solids?

when are their walk-in hours, office hours, are the times good for you?

Can you call them on the weekends if something happens?

Has anyone walked by a mirror lately and been surprised by the size of their belly? I had to do a double take this past weekend. It's begining to let people know I'm coming. It's also getting more uncomfortable to sleep. Rolling over last night I'd get sharp pains. I guess I have to now lift my belly as I roll instead of just rolling over.
So the Midwife Center is basically telling me that I can't have a out of hospital birth. I'm really bummed about this. I was so excited about being in the cozy birth center rooms, using the tub if I needed it, having their doula with me, that hour of skin to skin contact immediately after birth . . . now I'll have to pay for my own doula and worry about doctors pushing drugs on me and not letting me hold our baby right away and countless other things. It just feels so unfair! Just want to cry because this is NOT how I wanted to welcome our baby into the world . . .
Walker, your midwives aren't allowed at the hospital? The practice I"m using is right next door to the hospital I plan on delivering at and the midwives will attend to me there. I'll only get a doctor if there is an emergency.

I would download the birth plan worksheet that is online (I know the link is in this thread somewhere). Fill it out and take it with you to the hospital. I've read where some women were surprised at how adaptable the doctors and nurses were to their desired plan. Also if you plan on doing a tour a head of time, bring your plan with you and go over it with them then and see what they say. You might be surprised at how much they will try to follow your wishes. I know not using drugs and skin to skin right after are not uncommon requests, so I would think they wouldn't have a problem going along with your requests.
Since I am home from work today, due to snow in MD, I decided to do some research on cord blood banking. Viacord has the processing and storage for 20 years priced at $3875 if you pay it all upfront. I guess this method saves you ~$500. I guess the stem cells in the blood can be used to treat 80 different diseases, most of which are hereditary. I don't think myself or my donor have a history of any of the diseases, but I think I may consider doing this.

The upfront cost is $1900 includes collection, processing and currier service + $125/year storage. I may do that method. Saving $500 over 20 years doesn't seem enough to pay for it all at once.

On the other hand bone marrow stem cells can also be used. Here's a website that compares the two:

One interesting bit on that site is that cord blood stem cells have only been successfully used up to 13 years of first freezing.
In answer to an earlier question, I've been on iron supplements twice a day since November to no avail. And I just started B-12, and extra folic acid (4.8 mg total a day) and vitamin E because I've been hearing that those help beta thalassemia minors such as myself get their levels up the best while pregnant. But I've also started having daily stomach aches, so I don't even know what I should be taking anymore! Ugh.

Yes, a midwife will be with me, so hopefully she can advocate for me and my birth plan! It's just very disappointing and scary to me because I don't deal well with sudden change. I should go do a tour with my birth plan to start to get used to the new situation. Sigh . . .
Sorry about having to deliver at the Hospital Walker - I think they are just looking out for the best of you and the baby. I know it's hard to look at it that way when you have been planning for something different. Hope they can figure something else out other than a transfusion for you.

Christie - OMG. Me! I totally walked past a full size mirror at our house and had to stop and go back and be like HOLY SHIT!

Raelynn - I met with our Ped about a month ago. Totally loved them.

Yeah Natalie for setting up the room so far!

MissA - I had one of those spells around 20 weeks at work. I took a nice cold glass of water and just sat. Hope another one doesn't come around for you.

NoDoubt - Sounds like you had a great appt as well!!

Almost - Sorry about being slightly anemic and about the B-12. NOthing a few supplements can't fix!

I am on the fence with Cord Blood Banking. I figure it will be about $4k. I want to do it but then I am unsure. I also want to delay the cord clamping til it is done pulsing but I believe you can't do both at the same time. So it's like you have to do one or the other. Also ladies, if you aren't going to bank your cord blood - you can also donate it. ;)
I was originally thinking about cord blood banking but found out the same thing Snowflakes. You have to collect it before the cord is done pulsing. Also, I've now heard a couple stories where people banked their baby's cord blood and they were diagnosed with a disease but they wouldn't use the stem cells in the cord blood because it came from the child with the disease and could be a carrier. So I guess in the long run it may only really help family members or siblings. This makes me hesitant since it is so very expensive and may not even help.

Christie - I'm home today too because of MD snow! Although it seems to have switched to rain again here for now at least.
I haven't met with a ped yet, but I did get a little post card in the mail from one. Funny how all these people find you, it's like they know more about your life than you do, lol. That prompted me to look into it. Of everything that I've thought about and been keeping track of, that's the one things that's crossed my mind, but for some reason I never did anything about. I'm a ditz... So I guess I will be looking into that soon. Plus I need to ask about a tour of the maternity ward and labor & delivery. I forgot that yesterday.

Walker, I'm sorry you can't have the type of birth you want, but like you said hopefully your mw will be able to advocate for you.
Thanks ladies-it seems only minor so I started iron today I already had vitamin B-12 deficiency since high school, so I am used to my monthly shots :)

Hope all are doing well-snow storm on the way to Boston now.....I could totally use a snow day tomorrow!!!! =)
I know this is super late but i just joined the board and would love some buddies.My name is Glory! Nice to meet you ladies!

Age: 23
DH: 28
Ttc since: June 2012
EDD: July 17th
Symptoms so far: 2nd Tri: Nausea off and on,Dizziness,Heartburn,Pelvic pain,headache,Food Aversion,Frequent Urination,Mood swings (although I don't like to admit it), backache,hunger,heart palpitations,depression

Welcome Glory! I am also 23 =) But I will be 24 right after baby comes!

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