Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Thanks girls. I try not to complain, but I just needed to get that out. Feeling a bit better this morning ae I actually got some sleep.

Rae, sorry about your glucose. That three hour test sucks so I understand you not wanting to do it. All in the names of out little ones. I'm scared my doc may want me to do it ad my mine was elevated by two points, hut hopefully not. She hasn't called in two weeks so I'm taking it as a good thing.

Nat I have stretch marks from when I was heavier but I will say after I lost the weight they did seem to be less noticeable. They don't go away completely, just kind of fade into the background. I would way predispositioned to them as well. A friend of mine said to get a vitamin E plant and literally crack open the stem of the leaf and rub that on your belly if you wanted to give that a try. Already having stretch marks though, I'm not concerned with them.

Broody, aww more kangaroo time. Its so appropriate that they call it that, I love it! So glad she is continuing to do well. I hope you mind me asking but how was your labor? Hope that went well too. At one point I was getting terrified of that part, but the more uncomfortable I get in like lets do this, lol.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!
Those of you working with midwives, have they talked at all about getting an u/s done in a few weeks to determine the position your LO is in? I have a friend who is working with a doctor and is getting an u/s this week to determine if they need to schedule a c-sect since their LO has been in the breach position for a while and they are due in 4 weeks.

I know my mw office doesn't do u/s themselves, but wondered if they might have me schedule one out of the office to check and if they do, or at my request, when would be a good time to check. I'd like to check early enough to attempt to get him to change positions if needed, but not so early that he'll just change up his position again.
Christie - My doctor hasn't done an ultrasound either. I've heard they can usually tell the position by feeling around too though. And baby can always flip up until they start descending into the pelvic bone. No idea how my little girl is positioned at this point but I feel like she might be transverse.

Anyone else's stomach skin feeling really tight lately? Mine hurts today and feels like it could rip open. I know it won't but...ow!
So ladies, I am fully convinced now that the midwife has my due date all wrong. I thought it was but I didn't really sit down and think about it till this morning.
I'm set as due on the 19th of May, but that makes me dpo on the 6th of September. I found out I was Pregnant on the 12th of August and my last period was in the last week of July. If I were to really be due on the 19th of May, that means I would have had to have a period in August, of which I didn't. o_O So I'm not crazy, Isaac is just measuring 2 weeks smaller from crown to rump. Which isn't a surprise since my mother had 5 to 6 lb babies.
Doctor's appt went well. HB is 150 and Virtue is in a head down position! Hopefully he'll stay that or if he turns, he'll turn back around, lol. He's not low down though so it's ok. Got the all clear on the glucose test, she said it's not the lowest, but it's a pass so I'm goo there too! I had to get a shot's the tetanus/everything else including whooping cough vaccine. Hubbs is gonna have to get it from our pcp. My belly was 32cm. She said I can make an appt to tour the maternity ward and take classes if I want, but I'll probably only do the breast feeding one. Other than that there's nothing new going on. Oh yeah, and I've gained 19lbs.
I have another ultrasound around 38 weeks to check my fluid. I think that they can flip around between then and the time you deliver though. They will just give me my shot after I deliver, but I have to get dh's done at some point before then. We are doing our all day 'preparring for childbirth' class this Saturday. We will tour the hospital that day too. I will have to let you guys know what they cover. I registered for breastfeeding class on May 14th. I am sooo tired. This week has been the worst, I hope my energy comes back soon I have so much to do!
nodoubt glad your apt went well-I had a prenatal apt today too! Baby feels like head down position my dr says which must be accurate since it was his last US position too! He is ready to go when the time comes woohoo! Dr mentioned my weight gain was very minimal from my previous apt but did not say to change my diet....I go back and forth from two dif. offices she is at-so she blamed the difference in scales...LOL.

I had an apt today too! This MW wasn't very talkative and didn't give me any numbers, but said my glucose was good and my iron was slightly low and that I should just eat more iron rich foods. She measured me but didn't say how big I was. I know I probably gained more weight than they would have liked to see but she didn't say anything about it.

I did ask about u/s to check position and she said only if they couldn't tell by feeling. She felt around and said he was head down with his back to my left, which makes sense since I feel all his kicking on my right. So he's either been head down since the anatomy scan, or he just keeps flipping back down.
glad your apt went well too christie!

I had asked about my iron and she said oh no, no one told you to take it separate from your prenatals? I was like well no, and I've been taking them all together! So, starting tomorrow prenatals in am as usual and iron at NIGHT haha. This may be why I have been feeling a bit woozy lately! I hope it makes a difference and that baby was not harmed by getting all his iron at once =(. Also i was told after I finish my bottle to not worry about folic acid anymore-kind of surprised me as I have a whole other bottle left to take...hmmm
Hey girls! Today must have been appt day as I had mine today too!! Belly is measuring perfectly at 29. All my bloodworm from the last appt came back good. I have gained 18 pds so far. I will get the tdap shot at the hospital. Hubby had it 3 years ago so he's all set already. Obgyn said they don't check position as the babies move around so much and bound to move.

Rae- I have been telling my hubby for a few weeks that I feel like my skin is so tight. Some days its worse than otheres- yesterday was a bad day. It hurts so bad and just plain old sucks. It totally feels like my belly is going to just rip. I just put more lotion or my oil on it and it seems to help a little bit. But it is just so uncomfortable.
Hi ladies. Just wondering if any of you got a flu jab while been pregnant? We are heading into winter soon and was asked about it when I got my whooping cough jab. I have heard some bad things about it while pregnant.
Glad everyone's appt went well yesterday! Getting so close now!

Two I did not get a flu shot. I never have and just don't trust them. But my obgyn did say that the flu hits ob patients harder than any other community so they strongly pushed for one. And it was really bad here this year.
I'm the same. I didn't get the flu shot because I never do. I've known several people who have gotten the flu either from the shot or despite the shot and there were so many different types of flu out there this year with it being such a bad one that I didn't see the point in it. It was recommended to get it though.
two-I did end up getting the shot-although like all the other ladies responding-I usually NEVER get the shot. I supposidly did not get the flu and but I did get a throw up bug and a virus while out of the country causes the horrid diarrhea.
Two - I got my flu shot. I didn't get sick, or have any sort of a reaction from it. I heard that they were spot on with the shot this year and it is for that nasty flu going around. Even if you do get the flu after you have had the shot it wouldn't be as severe as it would if you didn't get the shot. I always get the flu shot.
I did not get the flu shot, though was told it was safe and would protect baby for up to 6(?) months after he was born from the flu. I never get one and don't think they really do anything. I also read an article recently that said it didn't work on a large number of elderly, like 80% or something. So I wonder how well it actually works on other groups.
I'd heard the same from the news...that this years the flu shot didn't work nearly as well as other years. The flu was really bad this year, but I didn't get it, thank God. Hubbs got it and it took him down for about a week, and he NEVER gets sick. When he does it's like for half a day, lol. So it was bad. I still just drink my glass of OJ in the morning and when I'm feeling a little extra drainage in my nose or something I eat a few oranges.
I got the flu shot. Make sure you get the preservative-free one that is recommended for pregnancy. The other one isn't. I never have gotten a flu shot before but when I read that you can miscarry from getting the flu when pregnant. And that if you do get the flu and have the flu shot, it won't hit so hard and your symptoms will be lessened. I felt the risk outweighed the benefit so definitely got it done. I knew that if I got the flu and something was to happen to me or baby and I could have prevented it by getting a shot I would have been so upset and mad at myself.
Also, having a high fever in the second or third trimester increases your risks of birth defects and that is pretty scary.
Thanks lady's. I was told that about 90% of pregnant woman refuse trying the shother in fear of stillbirth or miscarriage so I did some Google search and not to sure if it is believable or not. We have the swine flu that is pretty bad most years. It's a hard one.

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