Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Glad the appts went well today ladies. I have a physical tomorrow and by regular checkup Thursday.

Sorry you didn't get to hear everything you wanted to Christie. It doesn't sound awesome hearing things will only get worse. I told hubbs I just really don't think I have anymore room to stretch and he use told me "you will". As if he'd ever know how this feels...shut up, lol.

AFM I did a wonderful job putting a beautiful send in our checkbook today, lol. Hubbs was actually excited about going to get the remaining items from babies r us. I ordered more of the big stuff from amazon, but we got it all done! Just to put everything in its place. Gonna do that this weekend too maybe as I'm sick of washing stuff for right now and then maybe wash the rest of the additional stuff next weekend. Just glad everything has been purchased and I did it all for less than my first expectation and then second expectation!
Got the walker put together and the all in one day to night sleeper all put together. I can't believe they got here this fast, I just ordered them yesterday. I LOVE the sleeper cause it'a a pack n play that turns into a portable bassinet (this part will stay upstairs in our bedroom), but you can also set the the basket part of the bassinet in the pack n play (after you insert the top part...real easy, just snaps on), but on that part is also a storage space and a rotating changing station. Wonderful for traveling with a little one! The rest of it will stay downstairs which will save us from running up and down the stairs all day if Virtue needs to sleep, be changed, etc. We'll just switch the basket out between the bassinet and the pack n play.

Had my physical today and my doc said that everything is going great. He was a bit surprised cause it seems like everything I was struggling with before has gotten better with pregnancy. I have to say I really didn't notice until today. Heartburn, my thyroid,'s all doing great and I haven't had any issues. The last time I had heartburn was a few days before I found out I was pregnant. Before I used to have it a few times a week and had to take zantac for it. Weird what pregnancy will do for you. Tomorrow is my appt with the OB so it's time to write down my new list of questions, lol.
Glad to hear things are going good for you NoDoubt.

I need to start keeping a list of questions. I always get to my appointment and can't think of anything. I want to ask about different labor and birthing positions and how flexible they are with all that. Depending on how fast things move, I think I'm going to be doing it all on my own. My sister will be watching my son and my parents are at least a 6 hour drive away.

I'm almost considering getting a home glucose testing kit. I feel with the large weight gain at the last appointment, the swelling of my legs and the intense thirst I might be on the verge or have GD. I've read it can come on later than the 28 week test.

This has been a long and busy week. I've been ready for the weekend since Tuesday and it's still not here yet.
Christie, my doc yesterday asked me if I had any swelling. Granted he's just my pcp, not my ob, but he did say that later in pregnancy you gain more weight and swell due to water retention. I told him I felt like I'd recently put on a lot of weight and he said it was most likely from that. So you may just be dealing with the water retention as opposed to GD.
Hey ladies! I hear y'all on the weight gain. Totally feel it coming on faster recently! I had my maternity photos done over the weekend and I got all them back last night. I don't feel as big as I feel I look in them. Oh well. Kinda having a hard time with the weight gain as I have always been small and its quite the adjustment for me to see myself this big. I just feel like I am huge. And I know that its healthy and for a good reason for me to gain weight for baby but I just am having a hard time with it. Sorry for the rant! Just been a bit down about how I look lately. I've even gotten some new outfits to make me feel better and that still isn't working. Ugh. I just can't believe I have 6 more weeks of growing to do still. I am going to be as big as a house.

I had my appt on Tuesday as well. All is good as usual. Next appt is the oh so lovely Strep B test. Soooo not looking forward to that but they also said they will an internal to check to see if there is any progress. Not expecting anything at all! It's still so early!! And then I move on to weekly appts!!
I feel the same with the weight gain. I feel like a huge lump and I also got told by some lady that it looks like I am going to have a big baby?? I just wanted to cry... and who says thses things to a pregnant woman. As least my specialist say im on the small side but peoples comments dont help.
So I had my appt with my ob today and everything is good. Unfortunately what I expected is so. MY FEET ARE SWEELING!!! I thought they might be when the shoes I was wearing made my pinky toe feel like they were slammed in a door. He confirmed that they were alittle swollen, but he said they weren't too bad.

I also asked when they do cervical checks and he said not until a week or two before my due date...really, that seems kind of late, but whatever. Besides with all the ttc I've done, I've been poked and prodded enough, lol.

Lastly the big question...circumcision. I just don't know what to do. Hubbs wants to and I don't. I'm scared it will hurt him. He said obviously he doesn't remember his, and that now they use local anesthetic so it doesn't hurt "as bad". Plus I'm terrified he'll be butchered. The doctor that delivers is the one that does the circumcision...that doesn't make me feel better. Shouldn't a "surgeon" be doing that?
My mother is constantly telling me how HUGE my baby is going to be etc. :/ I think its her attempt to make herself feel better because I am smaller than she was at my age.
I didn't know what to do about circumcision either. I had to ask my parents and my sister. They all said to do it. There is no medical reason to do it, but from what they said, he would avoid teasing if I had it done. They do use local anesthetic, but the initial shot for that is one painful step. Poor babies get poked so much while in the hospital for blood work and such.

After that, although it looked painful, he didn't seem to notice while it was healing. It took about a week for the redness to begin to dull and for it to look less painful. The pediatrician on call did the circumcision for my son. She explained the procedure to me and I was scared she'd butcher him too. They use a cap of some sort (or at least she did) so she knew exactly where to cut. Then 24 hours with the gauze on and then Vaseline on the diaper until it heals so it doesn't get stuck to it.
No doubt I am the same with my boots, I can't walk around in them much as they squash my feet lol.
I don't know if it just coz of my cervix but they said they don't like to check or play down there to much in case it causes labour to early so tgey wait till they really need to.poke around.

I think circumcision is a very personal thing, hubby and I don't want to do it as we feel that he was born like that then it should be left (I'm not even sure you can here anymore and have not been asked) but in saying that my brother and nephew were not circumcised at birth but due to medical reason my brother had to at 11 and my nephew at 6 or 7. I hope it's not a family problem but if it is we will deal with it when we have.. both of them were unaffected by it to.
I always thought baby's were circumcised straight after birth in the same room.
I just took off my wedges and my feet are def swollen today. :( bummer. Little piggy toes.

We are doing the circumcision. It's a very personal decision and there are lots of pros and cons to each side. And can cause lots of heated arguments for some people. It just depends on what matters more to you personally. I know that America has much more circumcisions than other countries. The % is way higher here. My OBGYN said they will only do it if the Pediatrician doesn't. Because I am delivering within a different hospital network than my Pediatrician is affiliated with he can't come to my hospital (hope that makes sense). So we will be having the Pediatrician that the hospital provides do the circumcision. I figure that they must do them allll the time bc they just stay at the hospital and would be better skilled at it then my OBGYN. I have also been told that you can request an Urologist to do the procedure No Doubt, if you would be more comfortable.
When they did my son's they did it an hour before he was discharged so about 48 hours after he was born. We had to wait an hour to make sure he wasn't bleeding. Then we were good to go home.
I don't know if I'd ever feel comfortable with it regardles of who's doing it, lol. I'm a nut. Before I was definitely against it, but after doing some more research and talkin with the doctor today I'm seriously on the fence. Hubbs is dead set on it. But he wasn't even circumcised until he was 6...then didn't even remember having it 6! His dad didn't have it done until he was an adult. I'm just confused about it now. I guess my major concern is him keeping it clean when he's a child. While he's a baby we'll do it, but when he's doing it himself there's no telling. I'll probably just have it done, but I just feel so bad.

I still can't believe my feet are swollen, even if it's not that bad. I was so sure I was gonna go all the way without the swelling.
I understand both sides-circ and not. I am personally going with circ and so is dh.

Sorry I have been MIA for a little. Had my pernatal apt. yesterday and was told I had not grown and they were worried baby did not grow and may not be getting enough amniotic fluid. After a long wait, i went in for an US today and he is OKAY!! I am just a tiny gal with a tiny bump! He measured in the 51st percenticle-weighing in at a good 5.5 lbs already! I love him so much already and am so relieved he is staying in the womb for a bit longer! I also had to get a nonstress test today due to possible contractions-of course they stopped during the test so we are unsure if that is what I experienced all day today-it was like a crampy achiness.

Hope all are well-this achy/cramping is worrying me as it is comming back-must be growing/stretching pains or maybe discomfort from his new position
Christie - Aren't you following a low GI diet already? I have GD and can say I had none of the typical symptoms but I do feel a little off if I have a carb heavy meal. If you're really concerned, you can purchase a meter over the counter to check but the test strips are pretty expensive. They come in packs of 25 that run about $30 at least the ones for the meter I use. The only thing I really had to change other than stabbing my fingers 4 times a day is to make sure that I eat every 2-4 hours, have some kind of protein with every meal and don't go over 45 grams of carbs for meals and under 30 for snacks. If you're following a low GI diet that should be taking care of the carb part already.

For the swelling, I'm starting to get some too but mostly just after I walk a lot. I always tend to swell in my hands and feet in warm weather so that isn't helping any either. My OB checked my legs and ankles at my last appointment though and said there wasn't much swelling and wasn't concerned.
I only followed a low GI diet for 2 weeks. I'm bad. After I passed my glucose test I started eating a lot of carbs again, which is my usual diet. I'm going to try to eat less carbs and get more veggies and beans back in my diet. I just never feel satisfied when I don't get a carb with my meal.
I did the same thing Christie but ate more fruits. I got bored with the veggies, but at least fruits are still sweet. Maybe you could incorporate more fruits.
Fruits are actually the one thing I've craved during this. I've been eating a lot more apples than usual. Another problem I have is I HATE grocery shopping, so I like to do it all at once and be done with it for a few weeks. That doesn't work well for eating a fresh fruits and veggie diet :(

And now that it's getting too warm for homemade veggie soup, I'm out of ideas. I don't cook, and have no talent for putting together tasty meals. I'd rather eat raw veggies, than try to figure out how to cook them in a way that I'll enjoy.

My poor kids. I should probably take a cooking class, so I can cook some good meals for them. I'm a vegetarian, but don't want to force that lifestyle on them until they can make the decision for themselves, which means I have to figure out how to incorporate meat into their diet. I have no idea how to select different meats, much less cook it. I haven't eaten meat since I was in high school and that was, dare I say, approaching 20 years ago.
There are a lot of simple recipes out there so I think you'll be ok. Not really sure how to solve the problem of you eating veggies right now though.
I found a site that has a bunch of Summer veggie and fruit recipes. I'll have to try some of these over the next few weeks.

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