Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Almost it takes awile for us to settle into our own system and you hould be able to do that the way you feel best.. I hope that you can sort this out with your mum.x
Two sorry about the colic.

Almost my mom is like that which led up to the huge blowout, but I think she gets it now. She even said she just wants to come here, visit Virtue, and sit down and shut up and big get on anyone's nerves, lol. We'll see if that happens. But sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do and she needs to understand that. You two have to raise your child(ren) the way you best see fit and she needs to understand that.
It must be some kind of grandparents insecurity about never being able to see their grand baby's? Why as soon as you aren't around it turns into keeping the grand baby from them?

It wasn't that bad over there on Sunday. They were trying to be nice probably because they want us to come over. They want me to take the baby to her mothers which I'm not ready for yet as she is sort of far away and there are rambunctious kids there all the time. Maybe in another couple of weeks once we are more settled.

Two. You said you bought gas drops? Are you giving him formula now? Maybe it's a reaction to that?
Missa the gas drops only work some of the time, doc said there not much we can do with colic but wait it out.. still breast feeding and used formula a couple of times once a day as a top up till milk supply increased.

I think grandparents think they have more right over your baby than you do sometimes more so on oh side and they can pack a stink when you put your foot down.
Does he cry the whole time he's going or is he just fussy hard to settle? I wish I knew what was wrong with my lo. I also give her gas drops done times. She doesn't cry constantly but will have stretches of fussiness where she is awake for a long time and hard to settle. I haven't been getting much sleep either. I have been falling asleep nursing her at night if makes me nervous. I'm thinking about buying a co sleeper. Anyone recommend one?
Also she had this rash on her face that kept getting worse the dr said navy acne. Then she said heat rash. Turns out its sunburn from riding in the car. That has rally made her fussing worse. Anyways be careful about the sun in the car. I need to buy some window screens.
Two also have you tried mothers milk tea? They gave me that in the hospital to help my milk come in and I think it worked. They also told me to do skin to skin as much as possible. Not sure if you tried those things or not.
If I am really tied and know I will fall asleep I nurse on the lazy boy with pillows around but I hate that to as I wake up and freak out that he is not breathing or snuggled to far into by breast but he is fine.. not something I am fond of but the tiedness takes over.
Jasper crys when he is really windy, he pushes aand pushes athen crys, he settles a lot more when he has finally farted or gone toilet but struggles a lot.. some babys systems have not caught up and can take up to 4 months of age to start working better and other babys are just a lot more windy than others. He finds it hard to burp so the ginger mix does help with that sometimes plus prune juice.
Just started with skin to skin and he slept better last night but when he is awake he crys lots.with more pushing
Will look at mother milk tea but not sure if we have it hear as never heared of it.
Another thing I read that cause babies to be gassy and fussy is fore milk hind milk imbalance. I guess it's if you switch sides too often before each breast is drained all the way. Could that be it?
I'm not to sure. He normally feeds of each side for about 15min and sometimes does it twice
I think I have an infection in one boob. It feels sore all the time, even when not engorged and today I've noticed a red area on it. It's so painful when he nurses from it, but at least I read it is actually good for me for him to nurse from it and doesn't bother him. I just hope it clears up soon.

He has been having the hardest time getting into a good sleep. Once he's in a good sleep he'll sleep through feedings, or at least go right back to sleep, but getting him to sleep is very tiring and trying. I can't figure out if he wants to nurse, wants a pacifier or just wants to be held and rocked. If he starts nursing, then he keeps pulling off and crying but if I pull away he tries to latch on again. I know he's getting milk because it's all over the place when I do take him off. I try burping him, which works for a minute, but then he's trying to find something to suck on again and it's an endless cycle.

Once he did finally get to sleep last night he slept for almost 3.5 hours. I guess it was as tiring for him as it was for me.
Christie maybe he has reflux? Try nursing him in an upright position?

I think Allie has reflux. Her breath smells a little sour and she's spitting up a little the main thing is I can't lay her down on her back. I've been doing a lot of reading about probiotics instead of gas drops for gas and reflux. I'm going to call my dr tomorrow. I guess that they have drops for infants but moms can take probiotics and it passes to the baby through the milk.
He does spit up a lot, so maybe I should consider reflux, I've just been assuming he's been overeating. But he'll spit up even if he's burped and when burping in an upright position. Today I've tried to keep him upright longer after eating before putting him down and before changing his diaper. Seemed to have worked somewhat.

Between the two boys I feel like I spent my day just changing diapers. Leo has a habit of dirtying another diaper as soon as I've closed a clean one on him. I've had diaper changes that involved 3 new diapers before he stopped pooping.
Christie - you say the milk is all over the place when you take him off? Maybe you have an over-active letdown or an over-supply? Have a look here -

Fia has reflux too. She will sleep soundly on her tummy on my chest or dh's but as soon as we turn her onto her back to put her in the basket then she starts grimacing and fussing, often following that with a spit. We raised the top end of the basket up a few weeks ago which helped a bit but then last night I raised it up even more and she didn't fuss for too long so maybe it wasn't high enough the first time. Another I read yesterday that seems to help is to move them more slowly to a lying back position (rather than just suddenly flipping them onto their backs) and also once they're in the cot stay by them and if they start fussing raise their upper body with your hands until they stop then lower them back to flat and repeat it until they are comfy on their backs. That worked for us last night too...

The other option for reflux babies is to sleep them on their tummies but that goes against all the SIDS prevention advice so don't think we'll be trying that just yet. Maybe for a nap if I'm right there watching her but not overnight.
I think I do have an overactive let down which is even worse because Leo is aggressive (so much so he's given himself blisters on his lips). There are times when he pulls off and my milk is spraying him in the face. He often pulls off coughing too. I'll have to try some of those positions in the link.

I haven't been needing to pump so much to reduce engorgement, so I'm hoping my supply will adjust to his needs and help some.

He's been using Nicholas' sleep 'n play, which keeps him on a pretty good incline, for napping today. He seems much more relaxed in it and has actually napped this morning. He doesn't usually nap during the AM. We may actually get morning family nap time!
That's great that he had a nap Christie! Have you tried letting him latch on and then unlatching him as soon as your letdown starts and only relatching him once the spraying has stopped? That might help too :shrug:
For those of is dealing with reflux what do you think about this thing?

I'm thinking about getting one.
Looks interesting MissA! Expensive though! (which is fine if it works but if it doesn't...! :shock:) Keep us posted if you do get it :D
Leo won't be sleeping in his crib for a while. Until he is sleeping longer at night since he'll be sharing a room with Nicholas to start. It looks like it should work, as long as LO doesn't end up down in between the bumpers. I hope he out grows the reflux before he would need it, but I'd try it if he still has it when he starts sleeping in his crib.
I just got my breast pump today (a Medela pump in style advanced with tote), 100% covered by insurance, yay! I'm a little sad about introducing a bottle though, even though it'll be such a relief to have the option now and then. Any other breastfeeders start a bottle yet?
Hi Walker! Fia was on both bottles and bf'ing when she was in hospital but she's been exclusively bf'ing since we came home. Had to leave her with dh for a few hours on Monday evening so defrosted a bottle just in case she woke up hungry while I was out. In the end she slept the whole time but gave her the bottle anyway when I got home rather than throwing it out and she still remembers how it works! :thumbup: Going to give her one every week or so I think to keep her used to them and make weaning easier in the future. A friend of mine is having terrible trouble weaning her lo before going back to work - refuses point blank to drink from a bottle!

Edit - I feel sad at the thought of the bottle too! We'll be glad of it in the long run though!

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