Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Alright I checked with daycare and it works out for me not to start them until July 29th (She'll take her week vacation the week before we start since I won't have enough vacation time for her to take a week in August yet).

And I just told work that I'm going to take all 8 weeks since it's the law that I should be able to and disability has approved me to. I'm excited for another month with my babies!
Today I was cleaning out my purse, looking for my driver's license that I had thrown in there during Leo's doctor's visit and I found an ovulation test in a rarely used pocket! :) I found it amusing and it got me thinking of how very many of them I used before Leo came to be.
I know exactly what you mean!! Seems like a distant memory now! We are so lucky to be here with our beautiful babies after all we went through!!!! :D

Have you girls heard of the Dunstan Baby Language? My friend swears by it... Been meaning to post the link here but keep forgetting :dohh:

There are longer clips on YouTube too but that one just has the main sounds. Very interesting!
I will have to look at that clip. I think I've done pretty well at learning his cries. Hubbs oh the other hand thinks you can fix all of his cries with food, lol. So I've tried to point them out to him along the way. It's probably because I'm home with him all day so I know where as hubbs isn't.

Virtue is eating 4oz every 3 hours...had been for about a week. Both our moms said to give him a bit of cereal in maybe every other bottle ad he's obviously hungry all the time. Sometimes a 4 oz bottle doesn't even hold him 3 hours. I'm kind of worried to do that but I know a lot of parents do. We will see what happens.
I'd be very slow to give him cereal unless the dr advised you to... Can you not just give him more milk if he's hungry? Will he take more than 4oz at a time? Although tbh being hungry every 3 hours sounds fairly normal for the age they are right now. Their little stomachs can only hold so much! Fia feeds about every 3 hours too, sometimes more often. I don't really time it, just feed her when she's hungry. Sometimes she feeds for hours at a time! As long as he's gaining weight ok I'm sure he's getting enough milk!

Had a chicken satay for dinner on Friday and been regretting since - turns out Fia does not like satay flavoured milk! Well, she doesn't mind the milk but it's turned her into a pooping machine! :shock: We've had a few serious nappy explosions in the last 2 days!!
My family tried to push the cereal thing on Nick since he was getting up every three hours at night to eat. But from what I've read cereal doesn't necessarily help. They need to eat more often because they don't have the necessary fat cells to store food, or so the doctor told me. Thats why it's generally said to not start cereal til 4 months. I've also read that adding cereal to bottle can lead to over eating.

Nick now has some solids during the day and before bw, but that does n t mean he sleeps through the night. Every baby develops at their own rate. I think Virtue is doing fine. Leo still at most will three hours, but more often its 2-2.5 hours.
Had a bit of a google about the cereal and found these:
I'm not trying to get him to sleep through the night, im just concerned he's not getting enough. Plus the info that they gave me at the hospital said at most they should be eating 32-36 oz a day. Virtue is already at the 32 mark and im concerned he'll want to keep eating more cause he's hungry and very soon to over that limit. I just don't want him to not get enough to eat is all. I will have to look at those links. Thanks gals!
Haylee feeds about every 2-3 hours too. We only go longer if she's in a deep sleep. We've started a bedtime routine (bath, feeding, book while burping, diaper, and rocking chair) and last night she slept for 4.5 hours! I love the times we get big blocks of sleep like that. We also had our first poopy diaper in a week. I was afraid the first one would be a blowout but it was manageable. Definitely a perk of breastfeeding if we end up on the one poopy per week schedule.

Christie - I sometimes think back on all we went through too and it is amazing we have our little miracle babyl

Broody - I'm curious about the language thing too. Can't watch it at the moment since I'm on my phone. I didn't think I'd be able to tell the difference in cries but lately I can tell the fussy ones, the gas ones, and the hurry up and feed me ones
The first pediatrician Nick saw said not to start cereal until he had doubled his birth weight, reached 4 months or was drinking more than 32 oz/day. But she never said I had to start cereal if he reached any of those milestones, just not to do cereal before one of those.

Nick never drank that much and didn't double his birth weight before 4 months. He ended up hating cereal so I waited until 6 months to start solids. Then if I mix something with cereal then he'll eat it, but I never put it in a bottle.

My sister's friend started her baby at 3 weeks and my sister started her second baby early as well. She was drinking almost 12 oz before bed so it seemed she wasn't getting full so my sister thought the same as you that she wasn't getting enough to eat. My niece is still a big eater and she's a year and half now.
Jasper gave me the shits at 2 this morning, he keep throwing up his feed so I put him in my arms with a pillow under him 4o keep him up right on the lazy boy and had a snooze like we often do, I woke up and he didnt seem to be breathing so I gave him a little shake and nothing, tried again and nothing so I jumped up and screamed for my oh and put him on the bed and he still didnt move, took about another 15 seconds and he finally moved and I could see him breathing. I couldnt stop shaking and didnt get much sleep after that

Jasper only putting on 120 - 130grames a week.. he was 7.25lbs at birth and is 7.8lbs at the moment so I try to top him up but last night he power chucked the whole lot back up.
Oh two, what a terrible fright! I began to read up on infant apnea last night, says they can stop breathing for 15-20 seconds since their breathing patterns haven't matured yet. Still that's scary.

I'm concerned over Leo's excessive weight gain. When I weighed him at home yesterday I got 12.3 lbs. I'm just afraid his weight might interfere with his breathing. Then last night he started making noises like he couldn't breathe. It sounded like he had caught the cold Nicholas has, but when I tried to clear his nose, it was clear, so something else was affecting him. He makes a lot of noise when he sleeps, which makes it hard for me to get a sound sleep.
Christie do you still see a heath nurse or midwife? They maybe able to say weather he is putting on to much. I was told though that breastfed babies have better weight control.
When I asked his pediatrician at two weeks, if babies can gain weight too fast she said yes, but that they don't usually have any concern over how much weight a breastfed baby gains. And at that time I hadn't thought to bring up all his spitting up he does and he hadn't started in with all the noises when he sleeps. If it gets too bad, I'll have to ring her up and see what she thinks. She said if I have any concerns to bring him in for a one month check up.
I had a similar experience when Virtue fell asleep during tummy time. He was sleepy and started fussing and wailing his arms then just slammed his head down on my chest and was instantly out. It took a second for me to realize that he doesn't just fall asleep like that. So I gave him a little jiggle and nothing. Then I lifted his leg and nothing. So I pushed him over on his side, with a little added force, and after a second or two he let out a coo and squirm, but was still out cold. I bought the snuza and have definitely achieved more peaceful sleep so I at least had that to rely on but still it was scary.

Virtue took 5oz tonight. If he stays on that amount that will mean 40 oz a day which is 4 over the limit according to the info they sent me home with. This is definitely harder than I expected emotionally. I knew I would be so in love, but the worry over different things I didn't expect this much of, at least not so soon.

Christie, virtue was 7.12 when born and just from me stepping oh the scale with him, he's at least ten now, so maybe we just have have greedy boys.
Wow that really makes me worried about jaspers weight.. not even a pound in almost 4 week dont sound right to me and that is with one bottle of formula top up every second night.
Well virtue has way more formula than the rest of your bundles as I just don't make enough. So don't go by me. Maybe your little one just doesn't have a huge appetite. As long as he's satisfied when he eats I think you're ok Two.
Maybe you should plot him on a growth chart and see where he falls? I'm sure you'll find one fairly easily online.

:hugs: Two & NoDoubt, apnoeas can be scary... One of the best ways to rouse them is to rub the soles of their feet vigorously or kind of scratch them with your nail (but not too hard!) Their feet are quite sensitive to touch so it's usually enough to wake them and remind them to breathe. Tilting the chin down to open the mouth works too if they're breath holding. You can also massage the chest area (back & front) - basically anything that'll wake the brain and get it back to work!

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