Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

It wasn't too bad actually. I didn't cry...teared up a bit but didn't cry, and I didn't call. I knew if I called once I wouldn't stop, and I scheduled an appt for early in the morning my first day so I couldn't linger and turn around to go back home with Virtue, lol. I had to trick myself. But it worked. Virtue has started trying to sit up. He gets halfway and then his little tummy muscles give up, lol. Its cute cause he's so determined but it doesn't work out, lol.
Glad you got thru it No Doubt! I'm sure it was really hard...

I am absolutely dreading going back to work. Due back at the start of October. We get quite good mat leave here but because mine started when Fia was born I feel kinda cheated cos I spent 10 weeks of it in the hospital... Planning on taking unpaid leave til after Christmas though. On a positive note, we've been looking around for a childminder to take Fia (rather than a crèche) when I do go back and this week a friend of ours offered to do it :D I'm so relieved! It'll be much easier to leave her with someone we know and she literally lives 2 minutes from my work so it's ideal! Was getting a bit worried that we hadn't got anything sorted yet so this is a weight off my mind :thumbup:

That's so cute about the sitting up NoDoubt! They're growing up so fast!

Ok, Fia has just fallen asleep feeding so going to transfer her to her basket and head to bed myself... Night all!
Sounds like you did well no doubt.

Getting how wonderful that you are able to leave Fia with someone you know and will make it a little better for you.

Have had jasper in and out of hospital and doctors as he still has lots of feeding issues and had broncolitis. They finally gave him something on script for his reflux as well as he was screaming in pain everytime he would drink, the medicine made a difference but now I struggle 4o get 40mls into him when he was doing 150mls before all the issues. I am sure we will get there its just very frustrating.

Hope everyone is well
Virtue has his first cold. Luckily it's not a bad one. He came home Thursday with a runny nose and a little cough. He wasn't coughing as much Friday, but still had a runny nose and he's been lightly coughing since. And he's also since passed it on to me, lol. I think it's getting better for me though as I've been slamming OJ. Luckily Virtue doesn't seem affected by it...he's still his happy playful self and handing out lots of smiles! He hates it when we try to suction out his nose and mouth, but then he's right back to his usual self. I just hate that I can't be around him like I want and hold him and give kisses. I miss my peanut.

Two I hope that Jasper feels better soon.
Two - you and Jasper have been through so much, I hope Jasper starts taking full feeds again soon for you. Hopefully the medicine helps and he won't be hurting when he eats anymore.

NoDoubt - I hate dealing with those types of colds for the LOs. So far Leo hasn't gotten sick, though Nick was sick once already around him. I have a pretty strong immune system so I'm pretty sure Leo (and I) didn't get sick because he was on breastmilk. Poor Nick though the last time he got sick He couldn't breath at all through his nose, so he'd wake up in the morning all snotty. I had a humidifier for him, but it wasn't enough. My sister then gave me some vicks vapor rub to put on the humidifier since Nick is still too young for it and I got a vicks vapor plug in unit. He got better after that so I'm not sure the vicks did much for him.

I've been giving Nick some BM as well since I produce plenty. I'm wondering if that's what kept him from getting sick when my sister and I took him to the mall playground for the first time. I'm convinced that if you want your kid to get sick letting play in those areas is the way to do it. But he didn't and I'm relieved.

Broody - That's wonderful your friend will watch Fia. I know it was a relief and easier for me when my sister watched Nick for me. It is still hard to leave them with Karla, even though they've been there for a month already.

Leo may be going through a growth spurt right now. He was eating more at once at day care this week and seems to be sleeping more for me this weekend. I've already retired his 6 month clothing, we have moved on to 9 months. He's so long. He is starting to thin out a bit in the body, but he still has a chunky face.
No doubt hope you are all feeling better soon. It's never nice having a cold and it's get virtue is not fazed by it.

Wow Christie Leo is really growing fast (would love to see a pic). Jasper is just getting into the 3 to 6 month clothing and just hitting 6kgs but I feel he may have lost some weight.

Have any of your LOs cut a tooth yet? Jasper has one that has just started to and has been screaming for the past couple of day, have to know see what he is allowed to take for the pain as panadole just isn't cutting it.
Here is Leo and his big brother yesterday. Nicholas will be a year in a month and half and Leo will be 3 months on Tuesday. Leo is wearing the 9 month outfit that Nicholas is wearing in their twin picture.

Leo hasn't begun to cut a tooth yet, but I think he may be just starting to hit his early teething stage as he is starting to drool. Nicholas just got his 6th tooth. He now has 2 on the top and 4 on the bottom. He didn't cut his first tooth until he was 6 months, a week later his 2nd tooth and then the top 2 at 9 months and just last week his 5th and 6th teeth.


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Thanks girls. I'm feeling ok, but still think Virtue feeling is tolerating it better than me, lol. Virtue doesn't have any teeth yet but I think he's on the verge as well cause of all the drooling and sucking on his hands he's been doing for the past month. It will definitely be the bottom first as those teeth are already at the gums and the top are a little over half way down. Hopefully he'll tolerate that well too. Virtue is about to go into 9 months. We took him to the doc yesterday just as a precaution and his little tummy was busting out under the shirt. I said "I can't believe this is 6 months" and my hubbs was shocked. I pick our all his clothes, so he doesn't know what side they are...but the 6 months is about to go into retirement for him as well. He's a little over 2ft long and weight 14.4. So he's definitely a healthy chunkster, lol.
Had to share. Evidence of how much Leo has grown already. His blanket pic at 5 days and then his 3 month picture today.


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Wow christie he has growen so much. Love the pic.

Jasper spent the day back in hospital as he cotinues to have problems feeding, the have uped his losec and put him on pepti junior to do with food allergies. He also started vomiting up flem and is on ventilin syrup to help with break it up. With all the respiratory problems that he is having they think its ashma but cant diagnose him till he is about 2. Poor boy has been trough so much and I hope its sorted soon so he can start to thrive as his weight gain has almost come to a stop.

Hope you are all well.
Wow Christie he sure has grown!

Two, so sorry about your little guy. I hope he begins to feel better soon. Its so unfortunate that they can't diagnose babies until later in life, and that babies can't say what's bothering them. Hopefully what they're doing will work and he can be comfortable and happy.

Virtue's cold is better, he still has a little snot, but not nearly as bad as it was. My cold was only bad for about 2 days and it really wasn't bad...I'm just a cry baby, lol. But it never bothered him so hopefully this means he will be pretty tolerant in the future.
Glad you've both seem to have made it through Virtue's first cold NoDoubt. I hate when they get colds like that when they are so little. I feel bad that they can't breath normally and worry about it as well.

:hugs::hugs: for you and Jasper, Two. Your poor little guy, I sure hope they find a way to help him soon. Good thing is he won't remember all of this. He will probably end up with a good appetite once you find something he can tolerate.
I sure am glade he won't remember any of it.. he is back in hospital for the fourth time and with croup and feeding issues still but now he won't drink at all and is having to be feed via tube. I hate seeing him like this and Hope that he can start to thrive and be able to be a baby and enjoy it.

I Hope you are all well. It's amazing how busy been a mum really is. Long hard days but very rewarding.
I am enjoying being a mom sooo much! I'm just reflecting back a year today Leo, as a 5 day blast, was transferred back to me. A date I will always remember since it's also my father's birthday.

It's been such a great year. I'm glad I had you all with me to talk through all the ups/downs/and changes.

I can't wait to go through the process again. I just wish I could afford to have another baby in daycare right now. But I guess I will attempt to patiently wait until the bills for my two LOs are paid off and I can reunite with my frozen embbies who are waiting for me.
Even after all the teething issues we are having I also can't wait to do it all again. The ivf experience and all. If Jasper keeps been sick like this though I will be a long time before we will even look at doing it.

He been in hospital for two days now and expected to stay a few more as he has to have oxygen and humidifier to help with his breathing. He is on the Max amount of oxygen the wards can give and if he needs more they will take him to intensive care. I'm going to be gray before my time.

Christie I agree that it has been great to have you all to talk to. What a year we have all had and so busy with a beautiful babies
Gosh Two, your poor peanut. But he's a fighter. I think he's proven that.

I too am in love with being a mom and I love that I have had all of you as well. I remember when people lost their plug, started with contractions, waters was domino effect and so much excitement! It would be wonderful to do it all over again with you ladies!
So happy to have gone through this with you ladies too. Motherhood is so amazing. We're planning on going back to the fertility clinic for round two when Haylee's one.

Two - So sorry about having to be in the hospital so much. Hopefully things will be better very soon.
Two - :hugs: Your poor little man. I really hope he gets better and home soon. Are you able to stay in the hospital with him or are you in and out every day? Make sure to look after yourself too. Jasper needs his mama to be well and strong!

This day last year was my transfer!! :D Sitting here typing this and feeding Fia - how life has changed!!!
I know...Sept 26 was when I found out I was pregnant. Now here we are. Amazing what can happen in a year!

Virtue is now teething. I thought the two pointy ones on the bottom were gonna come in, but it's actually the 4 in the middle on the bottom. He's been really fussy. The frozen rings worked, but only for a short time. But still I guess he's handling it well.
Jasper spent a whole week in hospital before he could come home.. he has not put on any weight for over a week and is 13lbs. Was told he was under weight for his length to. He is doing lots better but still have lots of feeding issues and had to see a dietician to help him get the fluid and nutrition he needs to grow. I can wait till we are over this hill.
They have a seat/bed for one of the parents to say and as I wouldnt leave his side I stayed and oh visited daily.

I cant believe how fast this year has gone. The 24th is when I got a positive on my pregnancy test at 12dpo. Makes me emotional thinking about the journey

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