Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Getting - I learned to knit off of youtube and a couple books too! I already have a blanket halfway done that I started when we started fertility treatments but I haven't worked on it for a while so I guess I should pick it up again id I want to finish it for baby.

MissA - Good luck!

I made my first OB appointment today. So I have my last appointment with my fertility clinic next Monday and then an appointment with the OB on Halloween!
Rae - sounds great! Make sure to post a photo of it when it's finished!:D That's great that you have your OB apt booked. I must give my gp a ring and get the ball rolling on that...

MissA & Two - can't wait for the scan updates!

I found work sooooo hard today! :-( Feel really drained of energy and nothing I eat is sitting in my stomach right! Back is aching now too and I can't wait to just sit down for the evening. Kind of enjoying the miserableness though cos it reminds me that something is going on in there!:haha: We have a week off for midterm in 2 weeks - I am counting down the days!!
I'm on the no food sounds good to me track. If when I'm hungry, if I eat something my stomach immediately doesn't like it. No actual morning sickness yet but I've had nausea like crazy. What a big change from the beginning when I wanted to eat everything in sight!
Yea Miss A & 2rdue - Check in girls!!

I feel like my bloat is def getting bigger these past 2 days. Maybe it's because I've been a bit backed up...

My 1st prenatal appt with my new OBGYN is on Friday. I am guessing they are going to be taking a good bit of blood from me. Not sure really what to expect. Hope I like the practice/Dr. - my RE recommended them so I guess they gotta be good...
Well, I have to leave you ladies. Yesterday I was told I was having a chemical and to stop meds and wait to miscarry :cry: Happy and Healthy 9 months to you all. You all have been wonderful.
Sorry Phantom:hugs:

My scan went well. Baby is measuring one day ahead at 7weeks and 1 day, but I am still offically 7 weeks. Heart beat of 138/bpm. First obgyn appt on Monday :) I am having the same ever since Sunday my big appetite is gone and now everything turns my stomach. I'm having trouble sleeping too.
Oh man Phantom, I am so very sorry for you and for the other family. I hope you can join us again soon!

Miss A - Great news! Yeah for measuring ahead and for OBGYN appt coming up!
Phantom - I am so sorry hon :hugs: Why do they think you're having a chemical? :hugs:

MissA - congrats on a great scan!! Photo?!
I'm so sorry phantom. Hopefully you can join again soon.

MissA...wonderful news and wonderful pic of Baby!
Almost - did you get the results for the tests you were having done last week?

Ugh, it's almost dinner time and I feel sick!! I know I'll feel better once I've cooked and eaten but its so hard to do!!
Sorry, ladies - I jumped on here, but my 1st scan isn't until I hit week 7 and I'm currently 5w5d and I realized there's not much to share right now! Feel a bit queasy here and there and still feeling tired and peeing a lot! Getting tired of the progesterone and Lovenox shots and hoping my doc says we can stop shortly after we go in for the scan. Bloated too - and oh, I actually got asked by our receptionist at work if I was expecting! I kind of laughed it off, but I was thinking could I really look preggo at 5w5d??? Makes me regret the mac and cheese and pork BBQ I just HAD to have for lunch yesterday. :haha:

Gorgeous scan, MissAnnabelle!!! So exciting!!!

Snowflakes, good luck with your first appointment with your new OB!!!

Phantom, :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry to hear this news. Be good to yourself, hon.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Thanks gals:)

Signora - I looked more pregnant at 5 weeks than I do at 7. It took me a long time to re absorb the fluid after the egg retrieval.

Oh yeah - happy blueberry week Gettingbroody :)
MissA - love the scan pic, such an amazing time.

Getting - I know what you mean about feeling sick and having the energy to do something about it. For me I crave something so I eat it then I feel really sick after and can't eat it again and it's ruling out a lot of food for me. I am craving a hot pot beef with gravy in a bun with melted slice cheese. Hmmmm hope that don't make me feel sick.

Phantom - I am so sorry to hear that.

scan tomorrow yay
Hey Ladies! I'd like to join the group here some background:

Hubby and I started ttc #1 June 2011. Fast fwd 1 year found out I have endo. Started 1st cycle IVF 9/2012 (Lupron/Gonal/Menopur/Ovidrel). Now using estrogen patches and progesterone gel. BFP 10/16/12 EDD 06/26/13!!

No symptoms as of yet besides occasional bloating..

Congratulations to everyone on here! I hope we all have healthy pregnancies.

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