Congrats on your single healthy bean Two!!! Delighted for you!
Almost - I was going to say the same as Lulu. It's probably just the angle of the scan and the yolk sacs you can't see in the pics are behind the babies...
Almost & Snowflake - Happy Raspberry Week!! Love seeing your tickers change to see what's coming up for the rest of us!!
Lulu - sorry you've been feeling miserable

I wonder if having twins doubles your nausea etc? Good luck today!!!
Prayin - good luck to you today too

Let us know how it goes.
Rae - hope eating goes better for you today!
MissA, T84, Signora & No Doubt - how are you ladies doing?
Christie - we haven't heard from you in a while...hope all is ok
There've been a few other newbies who seem to have joined and then vanished again! If you're still lurking -

Hope all is well!!