Almost I think you have a good chance at getting the crib on sale. The lady told me they are doing another sale come march like this one, so I wouldn't fret about that.
Two, glad to hear everything is better. The nausea has back off quite a bit, but it does come back every now and then.
Broody I know what you mean about the gas pain. And it seem like when I have to pee I can really feel it cause things are moving around in there, lol. I was in public yesterday, but it was moving so I had to just deal, but it finally moved later when I got home. Normally dogs are pretty good with babies and are very careful around them. They know they are babies...even of the human kind, lol. But I understand. I know my older two will be ok, but my youngest is so rambunctious I'm not taking any chances. She's just playful. To be honest my oldest is probably the only one I'll allow to lay next to her cause she's very maternal and the only one I've had an opportunity to see with babies and small children.
Ng I can't believe they would only move it one day, they should have just left it, lol. I think my doc is just leave mine where it is although like you know I know that's wrong cause if when I Oed and we bded, but we will see.
Omen I was wondering if anyone was doing cloth nappies. I'm thinking about doing that, but have to educate myself as I know nothing about how. My mom said she had to use cloth with me cause I was break out in a rash with anything disposable.
AFM, my hubbs left this morning for 4 days for a conference in Texas. A little sad about that. I'll miss him and now I wish I never would have been ok with him going. But it's work so I guess so...blah. Might get out a bit today, but we will see. Might just stay home and relax.