Hello ladies, sorry I've been quiet, I've had the worst MS wave yet. It's been lasting a few days and not going so I've been in bed all day, sipping teas!
You're certainly not wasting your time

The amount of new posts is crazy
Good luck with your scans everyone, hope all goes well and you get to see your LO again/for the first time!

I'm dreadfully awaiting my scan. I can't believe I have to wait two weeks for it just because OH lost our bloody keys
Yey for all the shopping too! I'm starting our shopping on Friday, 16th November! Payday
We have found a new place too! A lovely 2 bedroom house, with a lovely garden, tonnes of space! I already have ideas for the nursery
We will be buying our crib/cot, changing table and a nice wardrobe for the room shortly after we move. Although as we will be moving first week of December (more than likely, might be a little earlier or a week later

) I don't know whether I'll want to buy anything before Christmas, I might wait for our January sales here in the UK as prices really dramatically drop then! Anyway, me and OH agreed that by the end of January, we want our nursery finished (furniture, paint & decoration wise) then we'll have all the little things to get. Nappies, wipes, clothes, breast pump and all the other little things! Of course, me being me, I'm gonna start getting all the small things already, haha, one or two extra boxes when we're gonna be moving aren't gonna make a difference!

I've seen a few teddies and toys I want to buy next week, some weaning bits and pieces, some teething bits. We're gonna be buying everything we'll need up until the baby is 3/4 months and then buy the rest when she finally arrives (OH decided it's a girl and her name is gonna be Lily!). I have a whole checklist of things to buy so we'll slowly be crossing things off there as of next week
As for the baby shower.. we don't really have them here in the UK. I've been to one in my life and that was a friend from Canada! My family are just gonna buy things and post them to us.
Nappy wise.. we're not gonna try cloth nappies - tried them with my nephew and personally didn't like them. OH isn't keen on them either so disposables it is..
Hope everyone is well!