Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Snowflakes - I'm the same way! My NT scan is next Monday and I'm freaking out a bit about it. Hoping everything is fine since its been a while since we actually saw the baby.

Almost - I'm also trying to count down until next week. I really need a little break! Plus, we'll finally be telling everyone around Thanksgiving so that is exciting!

My MS is definitely better but after 2 days of feeling awesome this weekend, I'm now back to feeling pukey. It isn't as bad as it was before but my stomach still gets upset very easily. Thinking about going out and buying a veggie tray this week since my salad today tasted amazing and finally settled my tummy a little. I also had to go to the lab for my pregnancy bloodwork (since my OB doesn't do blood work there). They took 7 vials! Crazy - wonder what all they are looking for.
My headache turned into a full on migraine again yesterday. I am so sick of them. I am a full-time mature student trying to do my dissertation and I am also a full-time mum (DH works nights and looks after DS the few hours I am in class, but doesn't help out to get work done) and adding migraines to that and I am not getting the work done that needs doing. :nope:

You can have 4 cups of instant coffee a day, less if it is fresh, so you should be fine. I personally switch my 1-2 cups a day for decaf.

I am really worried about my scan on Monday too. My first MC was a MMC thatI found out about at the 12 week scan and ever since I have found going for a scan really sad and scary. I am hoping that feeling bad is a good sign though...I felt okay with my first two pregnancies and awful when I had DS.
Omi sorry about the headaches you are having, do you get low blood pressure? Maybe more water may help? I drink plenty of water though and still get a headache but not like yours so I hope you feel better soon. As for been worried about your scan is so natural and even more so after a loss, I lost my twins at almost 18 weeks (my water ruptured) and I keep hearing people say that I will feel heaps better once in second tri but I no I will be just as worried at every scan and worry about every little thing... wishing us all a happy and healthy 9 months.x
No, my blood pressure is normal at the moment. I am high-risk for pre-eclampsia so they like to check it quite a bit. Although the really frequent checks will not start until after 20 weeks. I drink loads of water too. I am prone to stress headaches when not pregnant and with deadline approaching I would normally get some so I am thinking somehow pregnancy is making them worse. When DH can help out I know about a 2 hour nap helps them but I am not getting anything done.

I am so sorry for your loss.

I do not think you feel better in the second trimester when you are worried anyway. I never made it that far with my first 2 pregnancies and I was still a nervous wreck the whole pregnancy when I had my son.
Gassy and a stomach ache this morning, but I'm powering through breakfast since I need to keep a food journal for the next couple days!
woke up and no headache glad i did not take tylenol last night for it...but feel super underslept and tired and just sick ughhh perhaps I will take friday off if i continue to feel icky!
Thanks ladies. Glad I'm not alone in afraid of the scan on Friday.

Well, I woke up with the headache today. I am going to try to guzzle down some water and hope that will make it better. If not, then I will take some Tylenol.

I can't wait to have a nice 4 day weekend next week. Although MIL is driving in for the holiday weekend so it's not like I'll really be able to chill. I'll be having to entertain. Ugh. Thanksgiving really is my fav holiday!

Is it nap time yet??
I woke up the same way walker and I slept straight through the night for nine hours so had to pee really bad. I was so uncomfortable and in a bit of pain. I felt like a turtle in its back trying to get out of bed, but felt better once I went to the bathroom.
Yeah (TMI), but I felt better after some diarrhea this morning (sorry, ladies)! My husband had a 24-hour flu last week, and I'm nervous it's going to hit me now!

I dreamed I told my boss I was pregnant last night (she's my age, and just had a baby in September - as a matter of fact, the same week I got pregnant), and all she said was "You don't have enough time off for that." Ha!

Which is funny, cause I was looking forward to telling her (and I know she'll be happy), but now I'm nervous!

walker.. thats funny what dreams do to us.
and being pregnant seems to bring dreams on full swing for me like bad ones and outthere ones.
i couldnt sleep very well last night i was to nervous about my appointment today, an excited cant wait type one. and ready to see the ultrasound. :)

Omi-sorry about the headaches i know those too well, mine are usually come with a earache as well.

gotta get the kids ready for school and get part of my thesis paper written for my class before my appointment talk to you ladies later.
Told my boss over the phone (she's still on maternity leave)! She was excited, of course. :) My heart was pounding like crazy and I was kind of shaking, though!
I had my first appointment with the MW today. I don't know what I was expecting, but I feel let down. Not much went on during this appointment. She gave me a bunch of papers to read, much the same my fertility clinic gave me. What to do/not to do etc. She gave me paperwork to go get bloodwork done, we listened to the heartbeat for a second and then done. I guess much the same is expected for the next appointment in 5 weeks, but she'll check protien levels then too and begin to measure my growth. Hopefully I'll have something for her to measure by then.
Lol walker. I had a dream last night that my coworker was preggo, but in reality she doesn't want kids. I told her about my dream and she was like "and you were the only on excited" lol. She cracks me up.

Sorry about everyone not feeling well.

Christie I wasn't expecting much at my first appt and that's pretty much all they did. I just didn't hear the hb cause I was only 4 weeks or so, but everything else I think is pretty standard. Even now nothing really goes on at them but a lot of talking and how do you feel and what not. I think they just like to check in once a month to be sure of everything.
Snowflake I am so with you on that 4 day weekend I actually have a half day too so 4.5 days off...praise! Lol I am so excited although just trying to get through this super slow work week feeling sick and all.

I agree with apts at least w my second which was first ob prenatal apt it was so boring and long lol but I think my doppler apt will be much more fun nxt week! Oh yea headache is back ughh
Hey ladies, hope everyone is well!

im stuck at hospital again so don't have time to read through everything and reply! Sorry!
I hope I get out of this bloody place soon!!
I feel the same about the appointments. Nothing exciting is going on. At least the RE would scan me each time. Now it is just pee in this cup and lets talk about how things are going. Seems a bit repetitive and unnecessary :shrug:
Jess will they give you a scan while they are there?

Well had another scan today and baby was happy jumping around with a heart rate of 163 :) I have another scan next week for my 12 week yay then specialist appointment follows a few day later
Sorry you're stuck at the hospital again Jess, hope that all goes well.

Two, so glad to hear of your scan! And yay for another one next week!

AFM I told hubbs he could announce the pregnancy. I told him that I really think for me it's fear of announcing then something going wrong and that I would never be ready to announce. I will say 12 weeks, then no, after the genetic testing, then no, after we feel movement, then no... It will be a never ending story, so I told him to put it out there and take me out of my misery, lol. He agreed that he thought I would do that. And I know announcing is way more important to him than it is to me so I said go ahead. It's out there now and I can't take it back, lol. And I'm really grateful for that actually.
No Doubt I am just the same, the OH and I decided that when we got pregnant we were just going to let people no as what will be will be but every time he went to say something I always found a reason not to so next week after my scan I am going to rip it off like a bandage and put it on fb as then I should only have to say it the once...

Well my stupid cold has taken a way my sense of taste and smell and its getting me upset (hormones to) as I brought these yummy afcan caramel biscuits and I cant even taste them Grrrrrrr

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