My DH is really excited. I have had to explain a few things to him though. He didn't quite understand that I am 5 weeks, he was like but thats when you had your last period. Yes and!! lol. and we've already discussed how to tell our parents.
I just don't want to get too over excited before the 12 weeks but fact is that most of us go on to have healthy babies and there is no point in worrying over a what if. I'll deal with that if it happens.
I can't wait for him to ask about baby names. hehe. I already have mine in mind, it just means talking him round.
Nic x
My hub is excited, and still surprised. We haven't told out daughter yet, but he keeps dropping hints to her, but she never catches on. lol. He'll say "Oh thats for mom... and the baby." But she never gets it! lol. This is our second, but we are now aware of more of the risks of pregnancy, or announcing early on. A close friend of ours had announced her pregnancy around 4 weeks, but then she had a mc. We don't want that to happen, so we are waiting a few more weeks.
As for baby names, I have mine in mind. And I know my husband has this one baby name in mind. But I am going to let him bring up that part. I am also going to wait for him to being up the baby's room and what we have to do to it. Right now it's an open toy room for our DD, but it's in between the kitchen and a hallway (without any doors right now). So we have to get the two doors and get closet doors and a closet organization system. I bet if I leave it up to him he'll wait until I'm 9 months pregnant to start talking about it! lol. So I'll give him until 4 months to bring it up, otherwise I will.