Yes Kate I see what you mean. I am probably guilty of it, there are a lot of people to keep up with on this board, but I will try harder. Sometimes it' just a genuine miss of a post.
(And in writing this I got you and Kim confused, for her mom has had the surgery ,and your mom is still waiting) I know like you said, it's important to just get the bad stuff out of the boob, and that right there is a wonderful progression!
All you MS sufferers, I just can't imagine! Especially if you have to work, or take care of other kids. I know you're waiting for 2nd tri to get here...
Joey, I had those feeling with my first as well. And here I am with my second feeling different again. But more feelings of guilt... like what is this new baby going to do to the relationship I have with my first child. I broke down crying the other night because I felt so terrible. Basically, I wanted this second baby FOR my daughter, so she would have someone to grow up with, so she wouldn't be lonely when older (and of course because I have always wanted 2 also). And it's strange the way it's playing with my mind. I only get that way when I dwell, so I try not to dwell and concentrate in the happy parts of being pregnant and expanding out family.
Nicola, I feel like my boobs have shrunk! Well initially, they were large and in charge, but now they seems to have gone back down (kind of scares me, b/c the tenderness isn't really there anymore). My scan won't be here til some time in February : (