Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

dahlia - that seems so far away for your scan, not to worry though, im sure your little bean is fine.

Nic - that's great you are tream yellow, i would like to be, but dh wants to find out and thinks it will be easier, and well he cant keep a secret for the life of him lol. I think it will be cool to know too, won't be long now either way. Enjoy your Christmas shopping

wooooooo to prune next week! We are all getting there, :)

Kim - sorry to hear your mom was so emotional, its hard to see your parents like that, i hope she is much better now as Im sure she is, I think my mom will be emotional too, but she should bounce back fairly quick
Kate – I hadn’t noticed and have probably been guilty of not always replying to posts but I totally agree that your suggestion would really help make the thread more supportive which would only be a brilliant thing. Thank you for bringing it up and motivating us all  I have now started noticing it happen on other threads too and it isn’t very nice. Great news that your Mum got her pre op date, fingers crossed she has her surgery in January for the new year. Thinking of you. Keep us posted x
Joey – I am sure your feelings can be totally normal and part of the pregnancy hormones. Great news you have a scan booked though and hopefully soon come 12 weeks you will feel less emotional and anxious.
Ladies with sickness I also feel for you all. I still feel nauseas on and off but not as bad as I did at 6/7 weeks although maybe I am getting used to it now! Just feel lucky I haven’t actually been sick and hoping it passes soon for those being so sick. Hugs xx
Nic – Thank you for keeping the scan list! I had my first drs appt 3 weeks ago and heard nothing, can’t wait for scan news from everyone and to hear who is having blue and pink! I am team yellow like you Nic – who is finding out the gender and who isnt? Ps have a great weekend Christmas shopping and enjoy your friend’s wedding.
Kate & Nic so exciting that you feel a bump when you push down on your abdomen, I keep prodding but nothing yet! Anyone else?
Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone and fantastic weekends! If I don’t post before happy start to 10 weeks and prune week next week!!
Becky x
Hello all,yes Im still alive, but the MS is making me wish I wasnt :( Its hard for me to even sit and write this. Hope everyone else is doing well :)
Can I ask a quick question? Has everyone now had a scan or had word of a date for when their first scan will be? I'm in the UK and haven't heard a peep. Just one meeting with the midwife at 5 weeks for a 5 min chat then nothing. It seems nearly everyone else knows when a scan will be or has had one?
Jill, I haven't had a scan yet and won't until February. With my first baby I had 4, but since this is my second, and they don't think I'm high risk, and I knew my dates and all that, the 18-20 wk gender scan will be all I get : (
Oh wow, such a long wait! Man, i'll be praying for patience for you til you get to see your wee baby! xx
jill, i hope you hear soon, its frustrating when you just want to know whats going on!!

gitlost - i hope you feel better soon
Jill, I would give your midwife a ring to say you havent had confirmation of a date for a scan. If you are nearly 10 weeks, you can expect your scan between weeks 10 - 13.
Hope you all hear your dates soon, i dont know when my next one is, but i had to tell work on Friday, i had like a meltdown lol, work is getting so stressful and i just started crying and at that point i had to say something so i told my 3 superiors, one asked if it was planned, isn't that disgusting? of course it was, but if it wasnt, its no ones business, what the hell, i was pretty offended, wish i said something when i should have.
Hi all, have been thinking too about what was said about just posting and not necessarily responding to other posts and I am sure I am guilty of it too - apologies, I will try to be a more considerate poster in future - it will certainly make for a better thread!!!

RE finding out gender, OH always said that he wantd to know asap etc, but we were out with friends at the weekend and told them our news and when they asked if we would find out before the birth, I sat nodding, only to turn and see OH saying no, so I guess I am just team confused at the minute lol!

It is good to see everyone's scan dates coming in, thanks for compiling the list of them!!! I was surprised to have mine at 10 weeks, I thought with my 12 weeks falling over christmas I would be left waiting until the new year. This time next week it will be all over, I am a little anxious, half expecting there to be nothing there!!! Fingers crossed it all goes well. Hopefully we will all be able to add some lovely scan pictures soon.
Hi everyone,

Hope you all had good weekends?

Kate I am so sorry to hear about work and how stressful it is. Maybe it was for the best that you did tell them so that they know now why you might be finding things hard/tiring just now. I cant believe one of them asked you if it was planned though – how dare she, some people do say some very odd things. I hope things do get a bit easier at work for you soon.

Jill have you heard any news on your scan yet? My midwife finally called last night – whoop! She seemed really nice and is coming tomorrow to do my booking in appointment so I’ll be sure to come and up date all about it after so we can start to compare notes together etc :-) She also said she would tell me all about the 12 week scan and downs syndrome screening options and that my scan will be before Christmas so thats a relief, cant wait.

Aww Joeybrooks maybe OH will change his mind again, do you really want to find out the sex or do you not mind. Lots of people say they don’t like the idea of buying neutral but I think babies look gorgeous in creams, browns, greens etc.

Hope you all have good weeks.

Becky xx
thanks becky :)

so i just took a TFT - temporary full time position at hospital closer to my house, from jan - May, then I will take my 4 weeks holidays then take mat leave. the job should have much less stress. looking forward to it, but its shift work. ugh..

Kate- Yup, some people have no common sense. I haven't got that question yet, but I may! I haven't officially announced anything on Facebook. lol. I have just told a few friends and my family. The new job sounds better that it's closer. I sure do hate driving in the snow! Oh yeah, question, don't Canadians get 8 months maternity leave? I read something about it in someone else's thread. In US we only get 3 months, but thankfully I'll be SAHM

Joey, I agree with Becky in that babies look good in those colors, but my main thing, shallow as it sounds, is having the perfect going home outfit for baby! Major pinks if it's a girl, and well, probably cream or yellow if it's a boy. But we do plan on finding out the sex, so I will be able to pick all that stuff out. You have plenty of time to figure it out!

As for scans, I finally called my insurance company and they said any and all x-rays or radiography are 100% fully covered. The ridiculous part was that my doctor had originally told me that I can only get a 20 wk anatomy scan because that's all that's needed! I am totally requesting a dating scan, which hopefully I can get done before the darn new year : )

I have been feeling a bit more drained if I don't eat in time, sort of nauseous, so I've been trying to eat on time.

Hope all is well with everyone else.
Morning Ladies.

Writing from a very snowy place today!! It so festive here now. Bit of a scary drive to work though!

Jill & Becky, FX'd you get your scan dates soon!!! It will give you something else to look forward to before christmas hopefully.

Laura - I hope you manage to get a dating scan as 20 weeks is so far away!! FX'd.

Kate - I'm sorry your managers reacted so insensitivly to your news. Its so rude!! But at least they know now so if you're not feeling well or having a bad day then they shouldn't judge you. But, it does sound like they still would anyway. How inconsiderate!!.....update after reading.....this new job sounds really good. I hope everything goes well for you and you can relax.

Joey - Not long til your scan!! I am really looking forward to mine. But I understand your worries as I am the same. It will be such a relief to know everything is ok.

And make sure everyone uploads their scan pics!!!

Gender Scans - Becky I agree with you, why does a baby have to be dressed in pink or blue?!!! There are so many lovely baby clothes out there in all the other colours. I never wear pink and am more likely to wear blue! lol. I know if we found out we'd end up with a very large pile of knitted clothing in either just pink or just blue. I wouldn't be happy with that at all.

I have a little bit of a rant also. So I had a friends wedding on saturday and I couldn't drink. At the evening party another friend said to me so are when are you having kids, anytime soon? (we got married 8 months ago) I was like errrmm...we've not decided yet. Then she kept pointing at my drink and you're not drinking then, hey? I wonder why. And she kept pushing me and saying different things. She recently had a baby so I know she noticed the signs as I was really bloated and my boobs just looked huge. But I would have thought she'd understand that if I haven't told you i'm not ready to!!! Why did she have to keep pushing me. It really annoyed me. Then she went and told one of my other friends and she kept looking at me funny too. I was fuming!!!! It is none of her business to put me on the spot!! urrrrgggghhh!!! OK, rant over.

Nic x
Hey Ladies

Wow it's been a while since i've popped in .. sorry :)

Joey i am like you can't wait for my scan, it's on the 21st, even though i've already had 2 :) i have my first OB apt tomorrow, so i'm hoping that he hears the heartbeat! And we are team confused too!! LOL we have decided that we are going to have 2 babies, and we'll find out on one and not the other. So first i wanted to find out this time and he didn't, then we flip flopped hahaha

Kate that's crazy about your supervisors.. people can be soo insensitive sometimes, i get the "was it planned" a lot too, my OH and i have not been dating very long so people assume it was an oops!! but it's none of their damn business!!! So glad you found a new job that should help with the stress levels!!

Becky good news on the midwife calling!!! let us know how that goes today!!! so excited for you!!!!

Nic some people huh, you`d think people who`ve just been through a pregnancy would be more sensitive.. poor you! And it's snowing here today today, but just a little so it's very pretty :)

Laura good news talking to your insurance company, hopefully you can get in before christmas, it baffles me that your doc hasn't sent you for dating scan since you were just off the bcp... hope you get to see your lo soon!!!

Well hopefully all of you other ladies still waiting for scan info get it soon!!

Well chat soon ladies :)

Hey girls,

Thanks so much for encouragements! I called up and they had forgotten to refer me for a scan- the hospital had no idea who i was, lol! Still no letter, oh well......

Man, I can't believe people were rude enough to ask if your babies were planned! Totally nobody's business.

Btw, has anyone's sickness gone? I feel fairly normal now- eating more normally, not feeling sick. At first I was worried about MC but there doesn't seem to be any cramps or discharge.... does this sound normal?
Hey girls,

Thanks so much for encouragements! I called up and they had forgotten to refer me for a scan- the hospital had no idea who i was, lol! Still no letter, oh well......

Man, I can't believe people were rude enough to ask if your babies were planned! Totally nobody's business.

Btw, has anyone's sickness gone? I feel fairly normal now- eating more normally, not feeling sick. At first I was worried about MC but there doesn't seem to be any cramps or discharge.... does this sound normal?

Morning sickness is still kicking my butt most days! I quit taking zofran because it was making me more bloated/gassy and that let to horrible cramping and making ms more was like an opposite praying that it is relieved in the second trimester......which is in about 2 weeks.......omygoodness its going by fast already!:wacko: but i am so over the first tired of ms!

Just reading about everyones thoughts on finding out what baby is makes me so look forward to second trimester......yay for all off us!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I hope all is well with joy and there is one other girl that hasn't posted for a very long time.....i sent a private response.....if you still read up I hope your doing ok.

afm.........husband def wants to find out.......i have a feeling its a girl....he wants a boy.......idk......i just want a healthy baby!

Anybody else "have a feeling on what they might be having?"
ladies, hope we are all doing well today!

Dahlia - mat leave in Canada is 50 weeks! So almost a full year, shy of 2 weeks of course, that sucks that the US is only a few months, i would hate that, man Canada is the best, free healthcare, and great mat leave! Thanks for the congrats on the job.

I had another coworker ask if it was planned, i guess im getting use to hearing that now, ill be 26 in jan, so its not like im 19 or something, maybe its my age thats why people ask, either way, ive been married for over a year, mind your damn buesiness! lol

Nic - thanks for the congrats, looking forward to something a little lighter on the work front, sorry to hear about the wedding, some peopl elove to pry, she probably has an idea nd just wanted to be excited with yoru news together, who knows, hopefully she was coming from a good place, but i agree, you will share it when you are ready.

Kim - glad to see you back, we missed you! hah any updates with you?

mammaspath - i think we are having a girl, i keep picturing a girl, and dh is certain its a boy lol, go figure. We have finally picked names, if its a boy, we will name him Myles, and if its a girl, we will call her Reid. I like boy names for girls, i was never very feminine/girly, so i think Reid is really nice,

Anyone else thought of names?
Nic- probing you for answers was not very sensitive! Some people just don't get it. I would have walked away and rolled my eyes.

Kate, yes, you sure are lucky to have a nice 50 weeks with your child! We do have a few names in mind, but I'm still not sure on them . I feel like it's a girl just because it's very similar to my first pregnancy, but I could be all wrong. I like Grayson for a boy, and as for girl... I don't know! I think he likes Audriana. Nothing sounds to great too me so far. Maybe Morgan, or maybe Rylan.

I can't wait to see the scan pics coming up!

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