Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

I think its normal to feel that way Jill - I am worried about it too but also really excited for the scan.

Well all the stress about when the scan would be was for nothing as I finally got the call this morning and it is booked for Monday!! Whoop! Perfect as DH and I have a long weekend and are off Monday :-) So excited.

Brilliants news for everyone that has had their scans now and not long to go for the rest of us! Roll on the excitment of 2nd tri where I am hoping to blossom and glow with a lovely bump ha ha ha.

How is everyone feeling? I def feel better now, no nausea, less tired and even boobs are less sore than they were a few weeks ago. Got home from work tonight and have done all of the cleaning so the house is spick and span so i can enjoy my weekend with DH :-)

Enjoy your weekends.


I'm not sure how I'm feeling, the tiredness is either easing or I am just getting used to it! As for nausea, it is not as all day as it was, it had felt like a constant hangover, but now when I do get bouts of it, it is bad and I always end up throwing up.

I got a letter from the hospital to say that I am Rh D-, which means we now have to get OH tested to see if he is negative too. If so, that is ok as I won't have a positive baby, but if he is positive, then I will have to have an injection at 28 weeks to make sure that any future pregnancies will be ok. I have done a little reading and I know it isnt a massive deal, but still concerning and just something else that I'd rather not be worrying about.

Anyone else had these results through???
Hi all!!

I hope everyones weekends have been lovely! Mine was fantastic. I could get use to having a 3 day weekend every week! We had snow this weekend too so it was very fesstive. All gone today thank god.

So we have a few scans today, eagerly awaiting the news and some pics!!! I have mine tomorrow. Not really nervous but not excited yet. I bet I will be in the morning. I can feel my little bump even more now so i'm hoping everything is ok.

I have felt really good the last week too. A bit of my energy has come back and I just about feel normal! Wish I coud get rid of the spots though!! Urrgghhhh!!! Have to carry a concealer round with me all day.

I haven't had my blood results back. I am thinking that no contact must be good news.

Joey, my cousin had the blood issue and had to have some injections. She said it was nothing to worry about. So I would put it to the back of your mind.

Nic x

Hey Ladies.

Kate I think the positive to your situation is that they are looking into it and taking it seriously. I had a friend who lost a child to a stillbirth and her following pregnancy, they induced her 2 weeks early and had told her that any time she wanted reassurance that she could go in to either the doctor's office or the hospital and they would check the baby for her. I would guess if in the off chance that they discover it is a genetic issue and that his gene did bond with yours, like Michelle said, then they'll probably induce you early just to be on the safe side.

Michelle I don't think that you're crazy, I think you're an amazing woman! I have always thought that it takes special parents to care for disable children and they are picked for a reason. Good luck to you with your test results!

Joey I feel the same way, getting used to the fatigue or it's starting to fade a little. :) I too have noticed that the nausea is not all the day every day, that I do have some good times throughout the day. Sorry I haven't had that blood thing, although I know of someone who has, like everyone said, not a big deal, although I do understand that it would be nice to not have to worry about something else!!

So Laura are you all done!! I remember that feeling of being done, and how nice it was!!!

Becky I'm looking forward to hearing about your scan!! you're many hours ahead of us here so maybe you've already had it!!!

Nic, I hear ya on the 3 day weekend!! hahaha I've actually been working from home 2 days a week which has been great for me getting my naps in :)

Well I'm anxiously awaiting my scan on wednesday!!! My OH has been a nervous wreck and he keeps saying that the scan will calm him down.. I hope so, I hate seeing him so nervous. He's scared to touch me!! haha

And look at you plums... still a few more days for me!!

Well have a great day and chat soon!!!

thank you ladies for all of your support.

His ex was extremely gracious, she said that the autopsy results showed her placenta broke, which i suppose she was referring to placenta abruption, and that her blood was not a match with the babies blood, and that is why the baby died, they classified this as a maternal to fetal bleed. She said it had nothing to do with the baby.

I suppose that is the best to come of a terrible situation. She was so generous to say that if we have a boy she would be happy to pass onto us the babies things if we have a boy. Sometimes people can really surprise you, and I have much more respect for her now than I have ever had.

joey - im sure he will be negative, keep your head up, i know its hard not to strss!

Nic - looking forward to hearing about your scan tomorrow

Kim - my mom decided just to get the mastectomy, no reconstruction afterall, she is allergic to all metals and they had to put titanium in her and she doesn't want to take the chance. She is getting fitted for a bra today, so excited for this to be all done with. And I am getting the chromosone testing through blood tests, one now, and one in the 2nd trimester, if the results are not favourable, i will consider an amnio, but i really dont want one. the doc doesnt seem to think i need the cvs.

Everyone ready for the holidays? They sure are creeping up aren't they?
That's good that his ex was easy in giving the information.

We told my side of the family the news this weekend, going to tell DH's side on Xmas day.
Kate - awesome that you are having a positive experience so far........i pray the best for all the tests. I wish I had some hand me downs! Personally I wouldn't do the amnio if the doc didn't highly advise it......chances of miscarriages scare me.

afm - for the holiday this year we decided against gifts.:thumbup::thumbup: we have five kiddos and having a bunch of toys around already that they only seem to scatter around my house so we asked them if they wanted more gifts or go to circus circus. It was spath christmas vacation! im really excited and I didn't have to fight the crowds!:happydance:

good to hear that everyones ms going doing better most days hoping it will disappear soon! Im getting more energy back too! :happydance::happydance: I actually made it to the gym couple days ago....holy wow im sore today! but i feel great!

thanks ladies

i agree amy, the miscarriage rate is 1 in 200 with amnio these days, but it just doesnt seem worth it. i need to start getting to the gym as well, i have been feeling guilty for not really exercising, but im so exhausted.
i don't encourage the eliptical, too much bouncing made my belly cramp.....i switched to the treadmill it was way better......just start slow. And drink lots of water. it might make you feel more energetic to get out and at least walk. i have been exhausted too.
Good Morning Ladies. I know that I dont communicate to each one of you personally, but I promise one day I will. For now I just try to pop in and update you guys so you know Im ok. I still read all of your posts and think about each of you while Im lying in bed looking at the ceiling. This M.S. is still intense. My poor house is a disaster and my family is living off fast food since I rarely cook. I am doing the bare minimum decorating and all for Christmas since I can barely move somedays. Uggg, I cant wait to feel normal again. Baby is doing fine. Very fats heart beat and Doc is predicting a girl. I am having a special,optional,4d Ultra sound on Dec 28 because my last son was born with small holes in his heart that closed up on their own. They gave me the option of this extra ultra sound for peace of mind and Heck yeah Im taking it. I will be 13 wks and 4 days at this appointment. Wonder if they can see the gender at that point?Hmmm,wouldnt that be nice? Anyways,hate to write and run as always,but I just dont feel good enough to sit here for more than a few minutes :(
Hi ladies

My scan today was amazing!!! I haven’t uploaded the scan pictures yet but I will post them this week. I haven’t been able to stop smiling or thinking about it since, it feels so much more real now! Baby was curled up at first and not moving much, then she gave it a few prods and we saw it moving and dancing around, so awesome. Better than I expected. I am so in love, can’t wait for the 20 weeks scan to see it again. Wonderful for DH to be involved and see baby too and start to believe it’s all real.

They put my dates back a few days so I am actually 11 weeks and 4 days today, 12 weeks on Thursday so the same as you Kim. Due date 5th July!! Will change my ticker soon.

Cecelia – so sorry you are still feeling so awful hun you poor thing. Dont feel bad that you don’t feel well enough to message and thank you for letting us know you are ok. I hope the 4D scan is great, I am sure it will be amazing, don’t blame you for going for it and I hope you are well enough to enjoy it. Fingers crossed you feel better soon.

Joey – I don’t know anyone who has had the blood type issue before but fingers crossed this wont cause any problems for you.

Nic! Hope your scan goes well tomorrow – enjoy :-) Looking forward to hearing from you afterwards with an update!!

Kim – same for you for Wednesday, hope it goes well for you – exciting!!

Kate – so glad the ex was so kind and helpful, it must have made this so much easier for you both to know the reason for your hospital appointment. I hope your Mum is doing ok, I didn’t realise the reconstruction would involve anything like titanium.

Amy – wow the gym, good for you! I am feeling really fat, going to start swimming in the new year.

Love becky
thanks Kate, I am on cloud 9. we all need to get some scan pics up to coo over dont we xxx
Am i the one of the only ones whos MS is still in full swing? My poor OH is having to endure that on top of these CRAZY and I mean CRAZY mood swings I cry at the drop of a at when before I handled his sarcasm just fine! I don't think he can survive months more of this lol! I know i feel like I can't I am on a med called Reglan (sp) and I had to go on it because the zofran just wasn't making the cake. It freaking sucks to feel so sick all the time I had three days when i felt pretty well, well that soon has passed. I just want the nasty feeling to be away so i can get some cleaning, and laundry done asap! I can't wait for the second trimester I just hope i am not sick the whole nine months!
i tried to post mine becky but i think we need to upload them to a website first? not sure, i have never posted pics on here
Go advanced inmessages, click the little paperclip to add photo. Choose photo off ur pc then upload.
Morning ladies.

OMG I am excited for later!! I will definitly post a scan pic tomorrow.

Becky & Kate, so glad yours went ok!! Get some pics up!!!! I am getting impatient. lol.

Kate, its great news re the ex. I love it when people can be nice to each other. It makes life so much easier!

Re the gym, I am still going. Before falling preg I went to the gym twice a week and did pole dancing once a week. I have had to give up the pole dancing as it is too dangerous but I am still using the gym.

The last few weeks I have only managed once a week but now I have my energy back I am back to twice. I have just been avoiding anything that involves stomach muscles. Not because I can't do them but as my gym instructor said, 'whats the point!!!'.

I just take is steady and try and keep my heart rate below 150. I have been told it will be good for me and for the baby and will help my labour go smoothly and should help me spring back into shape better. I think I may take up some swimming too when I start to get bigger.

MS....I feel so much for you ladies that are suffering still. I can't quite relate as I haven't had any. My 3 days of sickness were down to a bug as my DH caught it a few days later. Fingers and toes crossed that it is nearing the end for you and you can start to enjoy your pregnancy.

On another note........5 sleeps til xmas!! hehe.

Nic xxx
Hi girls

i just wanted to thank you for being so supportive and understanding when i was worrying my wee socks off pre-scan. Scan went well- baby is healthy and wriggly with a good heartbeat (and long legs!). My health came out alright too apart from a warning I expected due to carrying some extra weight from pre-pregnancy.

Soo many thanks so much again for all the reassurance, it really helped at a crucial time xx
Here is the scan pic (I hope!)

Baby was stretching out really long pressing his/her shoulders and feet against either side of the womb. Very active in there!



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OMG so much to catch up on!!!

Nic and Becky soo happy your scans were amazing!!!

Kate thanks for the update on your mom, my mom has found the bra/prostethis really good, you can't tell the difference. So glad to hear his ex was good. i know my ex and i have a great friendship, we do share a child, but it makes life so much better.

Jill the pic is awesome!!! congrats!!! glad to hear your apt went so well!!

Cecilia, don't worry about us :) take care of you, and hopefully it ends soon. You said 4 months with your others right? have fun at the 4-D ultrasound, i think they should be able to tell at 13 weeks.. could be wrong. We are going to do a "fun" 3-D ultrasound around 20 - 25 weeks.

Michelle, stay strong, hopefully yours ends soon too. i feel so bad complaining about my all day nauseau when you two are suffering so much.

As for working out, something i've started is pregnancy yoga, i never did yoga before but it's pretty good... i used to work out 3 - 5 times a week.. but i have been too nervous about my heart rate getting too high when i normally work out it's up around 175 -180.. the yoga has been much better than i anticipated.

Well hope i didn't miss anyone!!

Chat soon!!

Hmmm I cant work out how to upload a photo - I cant even find messages or advanced?! Jill how did you do yours? Lovely scan pic and so glad it all went well for you.

Nic - hope today went well, lookijng forward to hearing how it went :-)

I've changed my ticker and am due 5th July 2012.

Oh have any of you ladies had a combined scan which includes a Downs Syndrome screen? I had this and the hospital said if I am high risk and going to be offered further tests (eg amnio) they would call by Friday. If I am low risk they'll write to me so if I havent heard by Fri i can assume low risk. Fingers crossed.

Hope everyone else is ok.


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