Morning Ladies.
HAPPY LIME WEEK!!!! Oh my goodness its going fast!!
I haven't been on for nearly a week!! I have been poorly. (3 days of sickness) not sure if it was MS or not but its gone now thank god.
Joey how did your scan go?? Excited to hear some news!!
Mammaspath, sorry to hear your MS is still bad. I only had 3 days of feeling ill and thought i was dying!! You're a right trooper!!!
So names already huh!!! We have already decided - Olivia for a girl and Jack for a boy
Kim, I hope your BF is all settled in. At least you have another 6 months together before baby arrives. Time to smooth out any rough edges. hehe.
Kate thats brilliant news about your mom. Least you can now enjoy christmas knowing you will have a date in Jan.
I haven't really thought much about finances yet. I know that I get a really good maternity pay though. It'll be when I go back only part time after 9 months that my wage will drastically drop and we might struggle a bit. But if we'd waited til we could afford it then we'd never have kids!! My thoughts are that people always manage no matter what. And our parents are so supportive too. We're very lucky.
Elaine - I am so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and i'm sending lots of hugs.
Jill that is such sad news about your friend. My prayers to her and her family. It must be hard trying to spead your good news when someone else is feeling so down.
We told our parents this weekend. They were so happy. I think my mum has told everyone she knows. So its out for us. Not yet told my colleagues at work but we're going out for christmas lunch tomorrow so i'm going to tell them then. A little scared as we haven't had a scan yet but it was the right time to tell.
Raising minime - That sounds quite scary but glad you are being very positive. I suppose until you know more then you will just be getting worried over nothing.
Nic x