Hi everyone,
Happy New Year! I have been reading over Christmas & new year but haven’t had a chance to update.
Joy – what great news that AF arrived in time for you to start TTC again in the new year. I think if all was well you were having IUI either tomorrow or over the next couple of days. I will be thinking of you and praying for you hun! Xx
Jill I am getting a bit of a baby bump now. I think I just look fat but people keep saying I have a bump and look pregnant so will go with it! How about everyone else, are the bumps appearing?
Cecelia – your 4d scan pictures are gorgeous, you must be so pleased with them. Cant wait to hear what sex the baby is after next Tuesday! I reckon Im having a boy but we aren’t finding out so wont know till he/she comes. I have a friend of a friend who is due next weekend and had a low lying placenta so they had told her to prepare for a caesarean but kept doing weekly scans and this week it has moved so she can have a natural birth after all – fingers crossed yours moves.
Joeybrooks I have been having a little peek in 2nd tri recently but haven’t posted yet. I am 14 weeks tomorrow so will officially move and start posting on threads from then – exciting! A third of the way there already
Oh Nic maternity trousers or a bump band is on my list too!! I am usually a size 10 and am in my size 12 trousers already from a few years ago when I was bigger. Its so uncomfortable when your wait is too tight in your skirt/trousers!
Kate – I will be thinking of your Mum tomorrow too. I am pleased she will be able to put this behind her, new year , new start. I hope all goes well. I am so pleased you got to hear the heartbeat, how exciting. I cant wait for my next midwife appoint so I can hear mine!
Kim so pleased you got to hear LO’s heart beat too thats fab. Only 4 weeks till you can find out the gender wow – its all going so quickly now!!
As for me, all good and feeling much better than I was. Having some headaches which is annoying but no sickness anymore and not as tired as I was before.
We have told everyone now and I told my boss yesterday and my team today. I was abit upset though as like I feared I am already being left out of things at work. We always have a meeting on a Wednesday that I have been going to for about 3 months now and my boss asked me to go for my development, however today I didn’t receive the agenda which I thought was odd and my boss just went to the meeting without me – no explanation. DH was very sweet and said its their loss and we have way more to look forward to than a meeting. Hes right but I still feel really upset and will bring it up at my next one to one with my boss. I don’t want to be overlooked for challenges just because Im pregnant!
Anyway ladies have a wonderful week and looking forward to hearing all of your news.