Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey Ladies.

I have been very lazy this week on this thread!! Tut Tut to me!!

First of all...welcome Tina!!! Tell us a bit about yourself!! Lovely to have you with us.

Kate, still thinking of your and your mum and hoping things turn out well for you!

Kim...good for you clearing out the spare room. I have sort of started this too. I never knew I had so much junk!!! I am lucky that my friend will be buying the double bed that is currently in there so I can get some nursery furniture and have a bit of extra money :). Though not purchasing anything yet.

Cecelia...thats great news! A girl!!! Though I would have said exactly the same if it was a boy (lol) You can now call your bump him or her though! lol. Mine changes from him to her to it at the moment.

Michelle......I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Please keeps updated on how you are. I really hope everything turns out ok!!

Just a quick update on my. I have a bump!!!! Its so strange, you can't yet tell when I am stood up but I can feel it pushing out now. This morning before I got out of bed (and before i'd been for a wee) I had a really obvious lump when I lay down. It was so strange. But....gone completely after i'd been for a wee. But then this afternoon it seems to have pushed out a bit too. Its way higher than my pubic bone now. Maternity trouser shopping is definitly on this weekend!!

Nic xx
Well ladies today i have a appointment to see my ob, I have had severe and I mean SEVERE Cramping the past week and extreme amount of clear discharge.. my morning sickness has even disappeared. I am soo scared if i lose this one it will be number 9 for me :/ I dont' know if i can mentaly handle that. But As much as i try to be optimistic im in such pain..

Aw honey!!! I hope all will be ok, I am sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable. I will say a prayer for you and keep you in my thoughts. We are all thinking about you - keep us posted when you find out more xx
Mini Me, Im sorry you are hurting and I will cross my fingers that everything is ok.
congrats on your bbump kim!
congrats to you gitlost

Nice! Been Seeing ALOT of girls lately.

Awww so glad you girls know the gender already! We're not finding out til the birth!

So, i have caught norovirus! Fever,chills, vomiting, cough and pain. Usually, i would be a bit distressed but I know that it won't hurt baby as long as I keep hydrated and know that added stress can't help baby either. Still, I am learning lot about PATIENCE throughout this pregnancy as I'm naturally very impatient! It takes me a lot of effort to just stop and lie down, lol!

Hope all of you girls are doing well and keeping healthy! How are folks doing with weight gain etc? Are you sleeping comfortably at night?

Can I join you lovely sugar mummies please! Im due 4th July!! xxx
Hello Lady84:winkwink:

Photo,I have no idea how you can wait till birth to find out! More power to you tho,I would go CRAZY! I even go crazy when family members wait to find out.I have to stay at the Hospital the whole time just to find out.Its torture (:

I will post a belly shot tomorrow,I have gained 16 lbs! I have started walking an hour a day since feeling a little better. We tell EVERYONE that baby is a girl tonight at our Gender Cake Party!
Hello Lady84:winkwink:

Photo,I have no idea how you can wait till birth to find out! More power to you tho,I would go CRAZY! I even go crazy when family members wait to find out.I have to stay at the Hospital the whole time just to find out.Its torture (:

I will post a belly shot tomorrow,I have gained 16 lbs! I have started walking an hour a day since feeling a little better. We tell EVERYONE that baby is a girl tonight at our Gender Cake Party!

Heard it was a girl - thats fab! I dont know how anyone can wait either... ours is 2 weeks away & feels like years... I wanna know now!!!

Enjoy your gender cake party! Pink cake all round :) xx
i wanted to do the gender cake for a surprise for dh and i, thats been my plan for nearly a year now, but then the bakeries couldnt do it on short notice (i went to 2) so i said eff it, and we looked in our envelope lol


Thank you ladies for your support and prayers..


Here's apparently what's going on The baby is measuring at 20 weeks (grew way to freaking fast for their liking considering the baby's been on schedule up to this point 4th ultrasound) That being said, my uterus is only measuring at 16 weeks. Soo the baby is stretching the uterus out beyond what its ready to do, so my fluid is low and the babys growing to fast for my uterus. The cramping are basically contractions from a irritable uterus.. So in comes the lovely questions "what do we do" I am going on a iv drip twice a week of nutrients and fluids out patient in hopes that it will get my womb caught up with mr or mrs overgrowth. We have no idea why or how the baby is growing so fast. The docs are amazed, they know my due date is not wrong considering they helped this happen and we had to hold out to have the baby dance. They think everything will be fine its all about relaxation and helping my womb catch up which they think it is trying hence why im in so much pain.

BTW before i forget congrats ladies on the girls!!! All i gotta say is that mine better be blue with boy junk lol!!! I already have two girls so you all keep them pink ribbon chick lets!
This is so exciting with everyone finding out the gender in the next few weeks. I am team yellow so I won't be but I know its going to be hard not to ask when i'm in there!!

Cecelia.......get your pics up!!! I don't have any belly yet to show. I might upload one though so I will have one to compare.

Michelle...that is great news for you. I've never heard of anything like that before so FX'd everything balances out as it should!!

So much weight have we put on?? I have only put 4lbs on. Quite happy with this as I only have a small frame anyway. I have been keeping track of my weight and i'm still in the right range for my height and pre-pregnancy weight.

Bumps......lets see some pics!!!

Nic xx
Michelle, that is amazing news, I am so happy for you. Again, it is all new to me, but they seem to know what they are talking about.

As for me, I have been having terrible pain in my tailbone. I work in an office and spend the majority of my time sitting, but despite having a special cushion, the pain is still quite bad. Was at the Drs this morning and she just said that with the pregnancy, everything is pushing down. A few years ago I used to be very heavy, before losing 5 stone, and I suffered with terrible lower back pain, so I told her I was concerned that this could reoccur. So, these concerns, coupled with the tailbone issue, prompted her to refer me for physio to try to ease it a little.

Also, when at GP, she listened to the heartbeat, which was tricky for her to find, que me having a heart attack, but she found it eventually, it was quite low down and it was beating like mad - I was so chuffed as it is exactly a month since we heard it at the scan.

I think it is amazing that we are all going through this together, it wasnt so long ago we were all showing off our first scans, now we are finding out genders etc. It is lovely to be on this journey with so many lovely ladies that are going through the same things xx.
Oh my goodness Michelle, amazing news! So glad things are ok!

Would love to share pics but I don't have a bump yet either! I'm still down 5lbs since the start of the pregnancy.

Joey, so sorry to hear about your pain and hope it gets sorted. Btw, what is everyone doing in terms of exercise? I've been walking and am starting swimming as soon as this nasty bug goes away.

Hi Ladies!

Michelle – I am so pleased that all is ok with baby, what a huge relief for you. Hopefully they can find out what has caused the growth spurt and get things on track for you but wonderful to know you and baby are well. I hope the cramping pain eases soon.

Cecelia & Kate – team pink!! Yay what fantastic exciting news for you both! I am really excited for you. I know that me, Jill & Nic are all team yellow so won’t be finding out….. Kim you are finding out aren’t you, how about Michelle & Joey are you going to find out? We’ll have to keep a team list with colours!!

I also have a bump now. Some if it I am convinced is because of doing no exercise recently as weight always goes to my tummy but some is def baby. I’ll post a pic this weekend.

I am starting pregnancy pilates (I went Monday but the teacher didn’t show so a few of us went for coffee which was lovely to meet some local pregnant girls!) and also swimming to try and get in shape. For UK girls – the start of one born every minute has made me think more about birth and I am keen to get into shape ready for it!!!!!

Nearly the weekend girls – I am sooo tired!

I think I will find out, I'd love to be able to wait for the birth, but the obsessive planner inside of me won't let that happen. I want everything organised before the arrival, and that includes the nursery sitting to perfection, including the relevant coloured bits and bobs.

As for exercise, I am ashamed to say, I am doing NOTHING!!! In the first 12 weeks it was all I could do to get out of bed (well, for 6 of those weeks anyway) and since Christmas, I just havent seemed to get going, but I know I should be making an effort. Maybe I will try to get even a bit of walking done, but after a full days work, it is so hard to get motivated with the little energy I have. Massive well done to the girls that are managing it.
Hey Ladies

Wow Michelle! that's great news, I was thinking of yesteday, I was traveling all day for work so didn't get to come on here. So good news then on the morning sickness fading!!

Becky I've been doing pregnancy yoga for about a month or so now, I've never done yoga before but some of the stretches are great!

I definately have a bump, I'll try to post a picture.. I've gained 13 lbs so far which is great, I'm still not at the weight I was when I started my last pregnancy so I'm happy.

Joey sorry to hear about the pain in your tailbone, hopefully the physio helps!! Glad you got to hear the heartbeat, at my apt last week it took him a little while to find it too.

Kate I didn't know you were having another ultrasound!! lucky you and congrats on the little girl.

Yup I'm finding out.. well assuming the little one cooperates, 3 weeks today!! Feb 1st!!

Cecilia have fun at your gender cake party!!!

Lady welcome!!

Well must go.. hope I didn't miss anyone.

CHat soon.

The cake party was awesome! I ate 3 pieces. I have gained 16 pounds,holly mother of God! I keep telling myself its the last one so no worries.
Mini me,so glad things are ok,my baby also is 9 days ahead on her size,my dates also are accurate so shes just a monster in there,lol.

Here is my belly picture,of course Im putting up the one that makes me look the smallest,i am a woman after all,lol. in all reality,Im a size 12 when not pregnant.

The ultra sound seems to show that little Sunova is going to look just like her big brother Thor. I will be honest, my OT has 3 Red headed sisters and one with natural platinum hair and Im intimidated about possibly getting a Red headed Daughter! Here is a picture of Thor last night.He will be 3 in April. He is MaMas little sweetheart with a wild streak like his Mom. Really hope Sunova has more feminine features than Thor,LOL.
My tailbone has also been hurting! Its prob because I teach Reception, so sit on the tiniest chairs imaginable all day (well, when I'm sitting anyway). But if I got a taller chair, I wouldn't be at the same height as the children at the table and would have to crouch over to work with them. Arghh I dont know what to do!

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