Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey there Jill and Cecelia!!!

Welcome:) Sorry I am all late, still trying to work at the same time:)

Kim - That is great on your weight loss:) I lost 50 lbs before the wedding last year and gained part of it back afterward but so far this year I have lost 40 more lbs and I still have a little bit to go, hopefully I can still work on my weight loss lightly while preg (at least if I cant, Im going to do everything I can to keep from gaining weight that doesnt relate to the baby).

I feel like the only one here thats preg with their first baby. This is all new to me and I notice every little ache my body is giving off (maybe a little too much).

Your first pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting journey! It is a huge learning experience for you and your man.Cherish ever minute and feel as many symptoms as you want! The only pain about a first pregnancy is that everyone you know who already has kids think they are some kind of expert and tell you how you should be doing everything.Very annoying! Listen to people and educate yourself with the good knowledge you get,but you will also get some crappy advice.I learned that strangers gave better advice than family members did.Dont ever be affraid to ask questions,even if they seem silly.The more you know the more relaxed your pregnancy will be.Have fun and enjoy! You dont have to eat more while pregnant,just better.Personally, if I dont give into my cravings,I will go crazy and get super moody,so i end up eating alot of not healthy stuff.
this is my first pregnancy too, my other one was only 4 weeks, and im 4.5 weeks now, so this is my first time this far along, even though i am still crazy early.

I could have lost a good 30 lbs before i got pregnant, but now i am just going to try to not gain much weight other than my baby weight :)

glad we have each other in this thread now,
just found out my mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer a second time, first time she had 2 surgeries and radiation, fast forward a few years later and its back, her consult date for her next surgery is nov. 7, so now we have to play the waiting game. Did i mention she is on the other side of the country? :( sorry to be downer, just hard to be away, and she doesnt know my news yet, and i feel like telling her now wouldnt be fair.
I thought I'd make a list of all of our duedates : )


kgriffin- July 1
HopefulxMommy, Jessica - July 1
Dahlia2007, Laura- July 1
Gitlost80- July 1
mammaspath-July 5
klsltsp, Kim- July 6

I think that's everyone!

my due date is july 1st
Your first pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting journey! It is a huge learning experience for you and your man.Cherish ever minute and feel as many symptoms as you want! The only pain about a first pregnancy is that everyone you know who already has kids think they are some kind of expert and tell you how you should be doing everything.Very annoying! Listen to people and educate yourself with the good knowledge you get,but you will also get some crappy advice.I learned that strangers gave better advice than family members did.Dont ever be affraid to ask questions,even if they seem silly.The more you know the more relaxed your pregnancy will be.Have fun and enjoy! You dont have to eat more while pregnant,just better.Personally, if I dont give into my cravings,I will go crazy and get super moody,so i end up eating alot of not healthy stuff.

I know exactly what you mean. We have only told our parents, Im not too worried about his mom because she is just not that way. She gives advice if asked but keeps other things to herself. But MY mom….thats a whole other story right there, she has already started “no more body pump (a full body circuit/toning/lifting class I take at the gym), QUIT SMOKING (DUH!), get your vitamins (I already have them mom), No coffee (yea right like that’s going to happen, my dr said its ok in moderation)” stuff like that and I just told her yesterday. She is a “know it all” by nature and I am NOT looking forward to that. My friends that have children will be supportive, at least I hope.

I have a pretty high stress job but I put myself in the mindset that I am not going to let things get to me. I am not going to get excited and stressed out over situations that are out of my control and do what I can to resolve issues without getting upset.
With #1,my water broke at home, 14 hour labor.With #2 I took Castor Oil and went into labor an hour later,was a 12 hour labor,water was broken by the docs.I waited till 6-7 dilated then got epidurals with both. Glad i did because it made the birth itself incredibly easy,not to mention I needed an episiodomy with both,glad I DIDNT feel that! Both of my sons were overdue by almost a week! This time I want to be induced when Im full term because of how much pain my body is in those last 2 weeks.Hope they will do it. I really dont see how some ladies can do it without pain meds,they are lucky I guess.I truly believe that labor pain isnt the same for all women,because I have a high pain tolerance and I thought I was gonna die! More power to those who wanna do it, but why be in pain if you dont have to? Both of my sons came out screaming so I dont really think the meds affected them as newborns.IMO.Birth is the easy part,breastfeeding is the hard part! No one ever tells you that tho:dohh:

Breastfeeding was the nice part for me: ) Although I do remember a time when they were engorged and I had to hover over the sink to express them, and that wasn't fun. And a few times when I had to rub the lumps out. But it taught me a lesson, not to let them get to full! I hope that doesn't scare anyone away from BF'ing, as it was one of my favorite times of being a mommy to a baby.

My first labor was 12 hours, and i had an episiotomy as well. Didn't feel it til after the epi wore off. And I know the scacr hurt for at least a few months after as well. Sex was off limits. As for the pain, I consider myself to have a higher threshold as well. This next time I am gong to wait til 5 or 6, because I want to feel my body do it's job! But then I will probably get the epi because it was really nice giving birth without worrying about pain. I don't want another episiotomy : ( But I'll probably need one again.

Oh boy, I can just imagine how many pages this thread will have when our 9 months are up!

HopefulxMommy, others may show up as first time mommies too. There's still time. Are you the only first timer here? Otherwise you can think of us as "experts" (not really :winkwink:)

My boobs are still sore on the sides. And odd thing is that moreso after I urinate, is when I get a burning feeling down there, and by pubic bone. I wonder if I have a UTI. If so, it only started yesterday. I do find myself eating more often.
Thanks Kim! (btw my name is Jill).

We had been TTC for about 13 months, although a bit more actively in the last few.

The tiredness is unreal! I've slept pretty much all week! Other than that, just a bit of a bloated/crampy feeling and HUGE boobs. lol.

How are you guys doing? Any symptoms to speak of?

I'm exhausted but can't sleep..bloated and my boobs already have blue track marks all over them!
So i just got back from the doc's and he said everything looks good....he drew a hcg...for everyone new I had a tubal ligation reversal so i am high risk for tubal pregnanices......and with the lovley turky spread legs exam......he said my uterus was quite enlarged....which is a good sign except i hope it s not too big......i do not want twins! Very excited my ultrasound is nov 7th! ill keep updating! :cloud9::happydance:
this is my first pregnancy too, my other one was only 4 weeks, and im 4.5 weeks now, so this is my first time this far along, even though i am still crazy early.

I could have lost a good 30 lbs before i got pregnant, but now i am just going to try to not gain much weight other than my baby weight :)

glad we have each other in this thread now,
just found out my mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer a second time, first time she had 2 surgeries and radiation, fast forward a few years later and its back, her consult date for her next surgery is nov. 7, so now we have to play the waiting game. Did i mention she is on the other side of the country? :( sorry to be downer, just hard to be away, and she doesnt know my news yet, and i feel like telling her now wouldnt be fair.

Ahh Kate i'm sooo sorry to hear about your mom. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, so i understand and i can't imagine going through that a second time. Good Luck!! My mom had a single masectomy, what surgery is your mom going to have?

And wow being across the country, that's sooooo hard.. only you know your mom, but my mom would have enjoyed the distraction with some good news!!! and also would not have wanted her diagnose to change what i was doing. Are you going to come home for when she has the surgery?

Big hugs :hugs::hugs:

Hey there Jill and Cecelia!!!

Welcome:) Sorry I am all late, still trying to work at the same time:)

Kim - That is great on your weight loss:) I lost 50 lbs before the wedding last year and gained part of it back afterward but so far this year I have lost 40 more lbs and I still have a little bit to go, hopefully I can still work on my weight loss lightly while preg (at least if I cant, Im going to do everything I can to keep from gaining weight that doesnt relate to the baby).

I feel like the only one here thats preg with their first baby. This is all new to me and I notice every little ache my body is giving off (maybe a little too much).

Your first pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting journey! It is a huge learning experience for you and your man.Cherish ever minute and feel as many symptoms as you want! The only pain about a first pregnancy is that everyone you know who already has kids think they are some kind of expert and tell you how you should be doing everything.Very annoying! Listen to people and educate yourself with the good knowledge you get,but you will also get some crappy advice.I learned that strangers gave better advice than family members did.Dont ever be affraid to ask questions,even if they seem silly.The more you know the more relaxed your pregnancy will be.Have fun and enjoy! You dont have to eat more while pregnant,just better.Personally, if I dont give into my cravings,I will go crazy and get super moody,so i end up eating alot of not healthy stuff.

Very well said!!!
So this is my second preganancy, with my son i was induced because of high blood pressure at 39 weeks (i was high risk) i laboured for about 24 hrs, dilated to 6 cms, but then would not progress. i had an epidural at 5 cms. Then i ended up needing a c-section, i wasn't surprised since no women in my family have delivered naturally, i had asked my doc ahead of time about it and he said none of their reasons for having a c-section were considered hereditary, but my labour was EXACTLY like my sisters. Anyways we'll see what he says this time but i assume i'll be sectioning again but planned this time, which is nice because labouring for 24 hrs then having surgery is very hard on the body. i did end up being in the hospital for 6 days!! becaue my blood pressure wouldn't come down, it's one of the reasons that i'm going to try so much to keep my weight down because although no one said anything i'm sure it was a factor.

And Kate.. don't worry most women don't get morning sickness until 6 weeks ;) me it's not morning sickness as much as alll day nauseousness... hahaha oh well it's worth it!!!

well gotta run.. chat later


P.S. Kate thanks for setting this up ... it's an amazing thread :) i'm so excited to have some ladies to have on this journey with!!!
My Aunt and my cousin(her daughter) both have breast Cancer. My cousin had one breast removed with inflammatory breast cancer,now 3 years later she has it on the other side and her doctor said its 2 different kinds of breast cancer.So sad.My oldest son and her son were born 2 weeks apart so its hard to hear what she is going through.She is on an experimental drug so we will see what happens.The only reason she even found out she had it is because she got really sore,and a rash appeared when her breasts began to produce milk when her son was born and they took a closer look.If it wasnt for the birth of her son, it would have been undetected for God knows how long.She is VERY busty. My aunt is on Chemo.
thank you so much Kim, i really needed that message right now.

the docs want to give her another lumpectomy, but she is opting for a double mastectomy, she is goign to speak with her main oncologist tomorrow and set something up. its just very stressful. And you're right, my mom is the same, she wouldnt want this to change anything, and would probably enjoy the distraction, but part of me feels like i would be taking something away from her, like i wouldnt be giving her time to deal with it or something, my head is in jumbles.
and unfortunantly i wont be able to go home for her surgery. i was just on holidays last week, Meico, hence the bfp!! I am out of time to take off and honestly, because of my last loss, im terrified to fly. I will figure something out if it comes to that though, if i have to drive 5 days to see her, i will. again, thank you.
Cancer is so prevalent these days. Makes me think that everything we use is toxic in some way. I'm sorry about your mom's diagnosis, Kate. And I'm sorry about your Aunt and cousin Cecelia. My best friend's mom had breast cancer, and she had a double mastectomy and underwent radiation. She is doing well 4 years later now.
Ok, so what does everyone think they are going to have? Boy? Girl? I know that everyone here wants a healthy baby above all else, but are you kinda leaning toward wanting one sex more than the other? The Chinese calendar was wrong with one of my children and right with the other,so I dont believe its that acurate.Anyone else have luck with that? It says Im predicted to have a girl. Hmmm....I plan on finding out at 16 weeks!
I just generated mine, and it says Boy. But I don't believe the hocus pocus. I already have a girl, so a boy would be nice. But then again I favor girls :blush: They just have the cutest little clothes and accessories. Boys are sooo different, behavior wise, every time I observe them. I just don't know. With my first pregnancy I really wanted a girl. One night I had a dream that I birthed a boy and I just had this feeling of elation and I felt so much love for him. So I knew everything would be okay no matter what we would get. But when it came time to find out we saw that it was a girl.
Well, from writing this, I think I have figured out that I want a girl :dohh: But "Whatever will be, will be."

My husbands aunt always does a test by dangling a necklace of the pregnant woman above the pregnant womans wrist. Depending on the shape the bracelet makes when hanging, it will predict the sex. She got our first one right, so we'll see what she says this time. But I still don't really count on it. We won't be telling anyone about the pregnancy until mid-Nov, when I have my first appt with the nurse.

Is 16 weeks when you can find out? I think over here I''ll be able to find out at 18 weeks.

Is anyone showing already? I mean I'm not really, but I can tell it's starting to get a little chubby ; )

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