thank you so much Kim, i really needed that message right now.
the docs want to give her another lumpectomy, but she is opting for a double mastectomy, she is goign to speak with her main oncologist tomorrow and set something up. its just very stressful. And you're right, my mom is the same, she wouldnt want this to change anything, and would probably enjoy the distraction, but part of me feels like i would be taking something away from her, like i wouldnt be giving her time to deal with it or something, my head is in jumbles.
and unfortunantly i wont be able to go home for her surgery. i was just on holidays last week, Meico, hence the bfp!! I am out of time to take off and honestly, because of my last loss, im terrified to fly. I will figure something out if it comes to that though, if i have to drive 5 days to see her, i will. again, thank you.