Super early...just wanting some info


3 boys and a cat <3
Sep 2, 2009
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Hello Ladies

I will be 10 weeks tomorrow and am already thinking about my labour!!! I have been hoping that I can go to the midwife lead centre, however after meeting with my midwife she said that they would not accept me as I do not meet the criteria and I will have to be consultant led....

I had a not so great time with my son, issues with my kidneys, severe anaemia and various other small 'non life threatening issues', I ended up being induced this did NOT work. I only got to 1.5 cms after 23 hrs of labour....I use the term loosely and it all ended with an emergency c-section. I said I really didn't want to be stuck on a bed with a monitor like last time.... the midwife said this is what will probably happen.

However she said depending on how low my iron levels (I am allergic to iron tablets, so have to monitor it through diet, but I have IBS, so body doesn't absorb it properly) were I would qualify for home birth....she said we could talk about it nearer the time, but it is something I never considered, as we are in a horrible house, but we are moving to a lovely new home at the end of this month....and want to know, what I should know and how you go about it. Also I do not know how I can be too high risk for midwifery led centre located next to the hospital, but not for a home birth 20 -25 mins from hospital????

Anyone who has any advice or information would be greatly appreciated!!!

I think that midwife-led centres just like to cover themselves and make certain that there's literally no room for forseeable emergency, because they could get sued ect, whereas at a homebirth, it's all on your own shoulders. I'm not sure whether iron deficiency makes you high-risk, I'm sure one of the other girls can advise on that. Congrats on your pregnancy though, hope you have a wonderful pregnancy & birth!
I am not Lorraine, but I guess birdie could be?
good luck with things hun you have time to sort out risk factors, my mw hasnt gotten in touch yet but im hoping to go back to the MW unit both my otheres were born there even though one was induced the labour ward was full so i ended up in one of the rooms on the MW unit lol
You are right that it is utter rubbish that you can't have a birthing centre birth, but they might advise a home birth.

There isn't a criteria, there are only recommendations. You can of course have a birthing centre birth or a home birth - either of these options are wide open to you, it is your decision.

If you are labelled as "high risk" then in either case your MWs continue to have a duty of care towards you - however, they also have a duty to let you know the limits to the services they can offer at both locations as apposed to a Obst unit birth in hospital. I think your fully aware already that you couldn't have a c-section at home or in the birth centre!! lol!

A home birth is just like a birth centre birth (which is set up to be more of a home-from-home environment) - they bring all the same equipment and you will be supported medically in the same way. However, my personal feelings, are that you will be in better care at home - your MW doesn't leave you to attend to another women in labour, so you will get 1-to-1 care at home.. and any potential difficulties will be picked up earlier and you will be better supported.

Diet is the best way to get your iron levels up anyways - so I don't see any problems with you being intolerant to iron tablets. Also if you have had a previous c-section this should not label you as an automatic "high risk" and into consultant lead care (my hospital has recently scrapped this policy, to reduce c-section rates, and to increase normal births)

If you wish to proceed with a home or birth centre birth, then if you are still "high risk" closer to term (36-37wks), then your MW have to support your choice and will prob arrange a meeting with you, your MW and a supervisor of MWs or head of midwifery to make a care plan for you.

Also remember it is your choice and you can change your mind about where you would like to have your baby right into labour - so don't feel because you are "booked" for a particular birth, means that is what you HAVE to do!

Keep eating your greens! Hope you have a fab pregnancy. Let us know how you get on.
Sorry I just remember a poster who was mrsq2b and she got married and her name was lorraine. didnt know if she had changed her username.

Also if you have had a previous c-section this should not label you as an automatic "high risk" and into consultant lead care (my hospital has recently scrapped this policy, to reduce c-section rates, and to increase normal births)

I wish mine would do this too, it is really wrong to label us who've previously had to have a cesarean 'high risk' as it obviously doesn't actually have to be, it depends on the individuals circumstances.

As for where to labour, you've got plenty of time to read up on home births/hospital birth and decide where you'd feel more comfortable. And if you do decide you'd prefer to be in hospital (as it's hard to get them to budge on midwife led unit policies) you can refuse to be strapped to the bed, even if the MW said that'll probably happen again. It's your choice how much monitoring you have, they can't force you into having it. So at least you'll have a better idea of what you want or don't want and discuss it all thoroughly with your MW prior to your labour as such :)

Good luck with your pregnancy, hope you aren't in the height of morning sickness, I was at 10weeks, I'm so thankful to be past that point! :flower:
thanks for all the advice ladies, think I will definately talk to my midwife more, although she will be changing soon as we are moving house in a month, to another area, but my original one is going on mat leave, would be changing anyway....maybe my new midwife might be a bit more....what I need.
It's weird I dont have high risk stamped any where on my notes but clearly policy dictatesd that I need OB care as well as MW as I had to see them but I didnt bother going back to see them at 34 weeks as everything was straight forward no complications and I want to HBAC which they were dead against so on my MW's advice didnt bother going back to see them.

It seems the OB thinks I am high risk but my MW's dont - they're chuffed Im choosing HB!
that's good,

I have just read through my notes and deffo says High Risk!! BOOOOOOO!! But I think maybe if the pregnancy progresses well, then who knows.....I was kinda wondering do you have to buy/rent a pool...and if so how far in advance...its the practical side I am thinking of. I want to have a more natural labour and also the way I bring my child up. We did quite well with Oliver, co sleeping, Breast feeding, home made food etc, this time I want to try baby wearing and reusable nappies!
Just looked at mine and only just noticed how many times it days 'Charlotte is aware of the risks'

...covering their backs much. LOL
Just looked at mine and only just noticed how many times it days 'Charlotte is aware of the risks'

...covering their backs much. LOL

Imagine having that written on your drivers license or something. Or writing it on your plane ticket. I swear midwives and their "risks"
The VBAC clinic was the worst one!
I've yet to go to the clinic.....I have been referred to 8 or 9 seperate clinincs....its crazy!!!
Crikey thats a lot of clinics....choose which yo think are most important you dont have to attend them all.

I didnt bother going back to see my point seeing that repugnant old git again.
Lol, well going to general one first and then will see what they say!

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