Supplement help

It'll be 6 cycles on Clomid, and the side effects are really starting to ramp up on me. My PMS is worse, my mood swings are crazy, and my cramps are awful. I think my body needs a break from those meds for awhile.

That, and after last month when my daughter, husband and I all had the flu, it was MISERABLE. We struggled just to make it through each day, and both of us just kept thinking about how much harder it'll be with 2 kids. I think it freaked us out a little bit! So we decided just to go through cycle #6 and hope for the best - but if it doesn't work, try again around the time DD turns 2. A break from the obsessing and temping will be nice too :)

Long cycles suck. 28-day cycles mean 13 chances to conceive in a 12-month period. 32-day cycles mean 11 chances. Not fair!!! (I know, I'm whiny, LOL).
Oh I see. Will you not ovulate once you stop taking it? Maybe you'll conceive naturally once you're on your break from the clomid.

Sometimes I think about how hard it will be with two, but I want to be pregnant so much!

Good luck for this cycle, lets keep each other company!! I can't wait for af to go. The bleeding has stopped now, just a hideous brown discharge (sorry, tmi!!). I like the dtd stage best :winkwink:
No, I don't ovulate without Clomid. At least, not regularly or to where I could even track it. My body gears up for O and I sometimes even got positive OPKs, but my body doesn't release the egg. Every now and then it will, but it's impossible to tell! We do plan on NTNP when we're on our break. My mom had PCOS as well and used Clomid to conceive my older brother, me, and my younger brother. Then at age 35 she suddenly started ovulating regularly and got pregnant on accident. Our bodies do strange things! LOL. I'm 30, so I might have to wait a little longer for that to happen!

My periods are relatively short. I have 2 days of heavy flow and then 1 light day and then I spot for a day or so. And that's usually it. So I have a big window for DTD ;). That part of the cycle seems to go by quickest, doesn't it? I think you're just very well distracted for a few days. :)
Oh ok, I see, how long will you take off the clomid? If you don't get bfp this cycle that is, hopefully you will!! I think not knowing what's going on with your cycle when ttc is the most frustrating thing. It's like a limbo land isn't it, waiting.

How many children would you like in total? I'm thinking 2, maybe 3 but I'm 33 already so we will see!

My af used to be short when I was on bcp. I haven't had many natural ones in years as I stopped bf dd in October, had 1 af and got pregnant again so I guess this is what they are like for me haha!
I originally thought 3, but these days I'm thinking 2. I'm 30 but hubby is almost 39, and I know he doesn't want to be an old man when they get to high school!

Will probably be off Clomid until July/August, around DD's 2nd birthday. So I guess 4 months or so? I'm nervous about it either way. I'm antsy to be pregnant again (which is funny because I was a TERRIBLE pregnant lady!) but also scared about baby #2. I keep going back to the fact that my SIL has 6 though, and they do just fine - so I can handle 2!

I got my first period around 8 months pp, but I think it was because I missed a few days of my mini-pill, and my hormones just got whacked out. I didn't get another one until 3 months after that, when I *again* forgot to take my pills for a few days. LOL. So I have no idea what would be going on with my cycles. Once we stopped BF in September, we were already on our first month TTC with Clomid, so I don't think I'll know for awhile!

So, random TMI - I went to the restroom today and wiped off a big glob of CM. Like, the size of my thumbnail, and thick. But it wasn't like EWCM, it was more solid. Not too stretchy, more rubbery. I have no idea what it is. I have no idea if all of these supplements have started doing something, LOL! I guess I'll go home tonight and take an OPK and the DTD? I'm only on CD7, too early for fertile CM, right? Even if I did have a sudden normal-length cycle!
Hmm that's weird, the big thick glob sounds like mucas plug, but you just had af right?! So def not pregnant? I guess it could just be all the supplements you've taken creating loads of cm.

2-3 months off will give your body a good break and if you conceive sept/oct the baby will be a summer baby like your dd so you'd have a 3 year gap, sounds lovely!! I ideally wanted exactly a 2 year gap and my mc baby was due 23 July so it was perfect, but I'm now excited at the prospect of a newborn at Christmas time! And hiding in big jumpers not tight summery clothes just before/after having a baby!!

My hubby is 40 and I'm 33 so I know what you mean. I'm desperate to be pregnant now and I'm not very good at being pregnant either! I miss wine terribly haha!
Ps I stopped bf end of sept/early oct so we bf for the same amount of time too!!
Too funny on the bf!

I was going for 2 years between babies too. But you're right, a baby right at Christmastime would be amazing. Plus I'd have a reason to be on maternity leave and not work throughout the holidays. Bonus! And yes, I will love a reason to hide my post-baby body and not look funny doing it. Don't have to wear shorts in December!

I'm okay with the timing either way. Even if it takes us longer, I'm okay with it. I'm just anxious! We've had a series of pregnant girls in my office. At first it was me - and a few months after I came back from maternity leave, a girl announced she was pregnant, so I was living vicariously through her. Then she moved - but another girl announced she was pregnant too! And then another one! (All having girls!) I got so jealous looking at them rubbing their bellies absentmindedly. I miss that. I don't miss the morning sickness. I don't miss the acid reflux. I don't miss the backaches. But I would SO take it all to have another baby!

And, so sorry about your mmc, especially having gone so far in your pregnancy. I can only imagine that difficult that must have been on you. Fingers crossed that you'll see a sticky BFP soon!
Thank you Hun. Yes it's been very difficult, I still have days where I want to lie on the floor and sob and sob but you've got to move on so I'm trying to focus on the positives in my life and the fact I will hopefully have another pregnancy soon, this time with a baby at the end!

Luckily no one in my team at work is pregnant at the moment (there was a spate of about 4 of us when I was pregnant with dd and another 3 who went off just after I got back from mat leave!) but my best friend is pregnant and 3 of my closest friends are too. I just don't want to see them at the moment because its so hard. I feel bad about it but I'd rather be on my own just now.

I feel so guilty as I didn't enjoy pregnancy with my dd and I hated it with the mc. I just felt so ill and tired and was just miserable. Next time I will relish every day I'm exhausted or feel sick as it will all be worth it. I can't wait!!!
I feel guilty too for not enjoying pregnancy with my daughter. I was excited to be pregnant, but just plain miserable. It was also a little stressful for me because my company was bought when I was about 7 weeks pregnant. I knew about it since the day before I found out I was pregnant, and knew I'd be losing my job. So I spent those first couple of months throwing up, and worrying about whether I would find another job, or try to stay at home. At the time we could afford it, but our house was too small to raise a family in - it was barely big enough to fit me and the hubby! LOL. I was lucky to find a job almost right away. I had about 2 weeks off between 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, which was awesome, because I was actually feeling good during that time!

I took for granted how easy it was to fall pregnant the first time. We told everyone - EVERYONE - right off the bat because we are terrible at keeping secrets. We were lucky to have a completely healthy pregnancy, but I cringe now to think about what if we hadn't? I think we'll be a little more conservative next time. Hopefully there is a next time!

Some days I wonder if it would be so bad to have an only child. My daughter is a pistol and she wears us out, but I love her so much I can't imagine being able to replicate that with another baby. I was the 2nd of 4 kids, though, and I also can't imagine my daughter growing up without siblings, other kids in the house all the time. I can already see that she's spoiled and very much catered to, and that lends itself to behavior issues - maybe having a sibling would help that?

I'm sorry I'm just rambling. It's early yet and I'm not even halfway done with my coffee, so I need to work on that ;)

Halfway to ovulation this cycle! We're getting closer!
Ooh Marie half way to ovulation, that's really cheered me up! Good point! My app ovuline tells me that today as our oestrogen starts to rise ready for ovulation we should feel more positive and have more energy and I definitely do! Mad how your hormones can control how you feel so much. Wouldn't normally have noticed but since I read it I was like, oh yeh!!

Gosh it sounds like you really went through it with your first pregnancy, no wonder you struggled to enjoy it. Have you got a new bigger house now? What do you do for a job? Do you work full time? 20 questions!!

I told a few close family early both times and I think we'd have ended up telling those people when we lost the baby anyway as we needed the support. Next time I know I'll tell hardly anyone until I have to, just incase. Sad really that we can't enjoy such an exciting time as much as we'd like to, just incase.

I've always dreamt of having 2 or 3 children so I think I'm pretty set on being preggo asap for no2. I do know some parents who only have an only want 1 child and I know there are benefits to it, having more attention and more money for nice holidays and private school or whatever. But for me I always wanted a busy bustling house and I can't wait for another one. Plus I have a sister and I always wanted more siblings. I ended up getting a half brother and 2 step sisters and I love them all! Plus we've been lucky with our dd, she is laid back, has always been a very good sleeper and although I'm finding the tantrums quite tricky, I can't complain, she's been quite easy. I bet no 2 never sleeps when they come haha!!

It's weird you've just got up and it's nearly tea time here! My cousin has been round most of the day so think we are just going out for a walk and then dinner.

Have you got any plans for the weekend? X
It's so funny that you read that, about the energy and optimism, because I was seriously thinking this morning that I'm more energetic than I've been in a couple weeks!

So great that your daughter is easy and a great sleeper! My daughter, Chase, is a great night sleeper. Always has been. I've been lucky with that. But naps? She hasn't been good at naps since she was 5 weeks old. She'll take them great at daycare, or for her grandparents, but not for us! She's a stinker that way. I'm hoping to get another good sleeper - I'll take great nights with no daytime naps any day! I'd much rather have a good solid night's sleep than have to nap when my kid naps. Although, my house is usually a mess...but I've started to embrace that for the length of toddlerhood!

Plans this actually, my parents are in town. They currently live in Arizona, about 1200 miles away from where I live in Texas. My older brother lives about 30 minutes from me, with his 5 (6 in two weeks!) kids. So, my parents have both recently retired and they are moving here! They came for a visit this past week and have bought a house here. They're headed back to Arizona on Sunday, to pack and close on their house. It's so exciting - can't wait to have family close by!!! Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have my brother close - but with that many kids, I can't exactly count on him for help if I need someone to watch my daughter while I go out for a run or an errand ;)

So we are doing some shopping tomorrow, going to see their new house on Sunday, and will probably hang around outside and grill something for dinner with all the families. That's always an event, with my brother's rather large crew! I love them all, but it's just overwhelming. I'm torn on 2 or 3, but I definitely know I don't want 6!

Work...I work in human resources. I manage the employee benefits and information systems for a hospital here in the states - we have about 20 locations. It's a pretty great job, actually - I really enjoy it! I'm kind of a geeky girl at heart and I love that my job lets me play with spreadsheets and numbers all day, LOL. I do work full time. I kind of hate being away from my daughter for that long every day - but sometimes I really think I'm a better mom because of it!

What do you do for work?

Yes, we got our bigger house! (One of the reasons I work full-time, hahaha.)
We moved to this great little suburb into an older home, but completely renovated, on just about an acre of land. We love it out here. Lots of room to run around! But still close enough to the city that we're not inconvenienced.

Where do you live? City? Country? In between? :)
My house is always a mess too! It's up for sale at the moment as we need a bigger place and its a pain getting it perfect for show rounds! I wish it would just sell so we can get in with finding somewhere. Your new house sounds gorgeous!! We live on a really lovely lane near the sea on the south coast in England. We are in a village and the nearest town is 5 miles or so but is quite a small town/city. I really like it here, love being by the sea.

Yes I agree I'd take a good night sleeper over most things, I think you can cope with anything better in the day if you've had a good nights sleep. Freya is pretty good at naps too although she only needs an hour or two in the day nowadays.

That's so cool that your parents are moving closer!! My family live 2 hours away from me and hubby's are spread around but his parents live in Wales, maybe 3-4 hours from us. It never bothered me before f was born but ow we have a family I wish they were closer. Hubby's parents will move closer one day but now whilst his nan is still alive and in Wales as his mum understandably wouldn't leave her. I just want weekends like you describe, all getting together, barbecuing food outside. It sounds lovely! Enjoy x

Your job sounds great, I totally agree I'm a better mum for having a job. I work 3 days a week but I love being becky on those days and she definitely benefits from nursery and has gained confidence and learned loads. Does chase go to daycare? I'm a project manager for a sales team but at the moment I'm covering a maternity which is sales and revenue manager, we sell hospitality for motor sport and horse racing, it's fun, I totally love it!

I'm a bit confused today. I decided to take an opk and I got a line?! It's not as dark as the control line but its pretty dark. It's thrown me because normally I have no line at all on an opk until I'm about to ov, then I get a faint line, I rarely see a positive it just gets darker and then disappears. Last cycle after my mc I had positives all cycle so I never knew if or when I ov-ed. so I guess we will start dtd tonight but I'm just down now because I think my hormones are probably still all over the place meaning I'm not likely to get a bfp this month. Sigh.

Have a nice weekend x
SHUT UP! Sometimes I think we're the same person!
So I've been taking OPKs too, and getting some lines, getting darker, which is weird for me. I actually took a picture to share, because I thought it was odd. I usually get a very very faint line most of my cycle, but it only gets darker leading up to O.

So the 1st one is CD7 evening, 2nd is CD8 evening, and 3rd is CD9 evening. I took two more today, CD10 am and pm, and they're exactly as dark as the CD9 one in the pic below.

Chase goes to daycare. We got lucky when we moved, there is a great private school just across the street - literally a 2 minute drive. She's there 5 days a week. She loves it. Plays with kids, learns a LOT. She was at the airport with my husband last week and started hollering "airplane!" when she was looking out the window. We didn't even know that she knew that word! And she randomly starts "singing" songs she learns at school, it's so cute. She was going around the house singing "AH shee, AH shee, AH shee" for two weeks before we figured out she was singing Ring Around the Rosie and she was trying to say "ashes". Too funny.

Selling the house - I want to say I feel your pain, but we got so incredibly lucky on that front. When we started looking for a home, we happened to mention it to one of our neighbors - and he offered to buy our house! We took a little bit of a loss on the sales price, but we did it without any agent fees, no inspection, no repairs, and we never had to show the house. Never even had to clean it!! LOL. It was awesome. We even got to stay in the house for free for a month after we sold it, so that we could get prepared for our move. Between all of that, we probably broke even on what we would have made if we'd sold the house the traditional way, but without the hassle of selling it!

Did some shopping today. Saw some super cute newborn clothes and blankets, and almost got weepy in the middle of the store. Had to walk away.

What are you hoping for, gender-wise? Before I had Chase, I always wanted boys. I grew up with 3 brothers, 2 of them younger, so I was always around them. I was honestly disappointed when I found out we were having a girl. I got over it pretty quickly, but still. So now, part of me wants a boy, because I've always wanted a boy, and I'd love to give my husband a mini-him (since our daughter is a mini-me!). But after having my girl, I wouldn't mind a house full of them too. Plus I have ALL THE CLOTHES! Ha! So I think I'm honestly in the "I don't care either way" place. I don't know. I change my mind daily.

Hope you're enjoying the weekend!
Omg that is too weird that you're getting lines on your opks too?!! What do you reckon it means? Just more lh than normal? Yours are darker than mine even I think, maybe you are going to ov early? It's just odd that it's so early, I'd understand a few days but 10 days?!! Ill try and post a pic of mine later.

Lucky you with the house!! We actually bought our current house that way! We used to live next door and the tenants in this house were moving out and told us the owners were going to sell it so we asked them and they dropped the price abit to avoid estate agent fees etc. we had a viewing yesterday so we'll see. Did you get to see your parents house?

Marie I think we might be the same person....... So yesterday we went shopping to get a gift for dhs best friend who had a baby boy in Tuesday. I found it hard being in the baby store and then I saw a teeny prem baby gro and tears came into my eyes!!

Hmm so gender wise, I was pretty cool with either before f was born, I'd have swayed slightly towards girl so we could play barbies and stuff but I was happy with either. We were team yellow - were you too or did you find out before hand? Anyway I was convinced she'd be a boy and was shocked when hubby announced 'its a girl!!'. So now she's been SO amazing (plus like you said we've got all the clothes and toys etc) I'd love another girl. But on the other hand I know dh would like a boy and it would be nice to experience one of each. I don't really mind tbh, just desperate for a baby now really.

What was yor birth like with chase? I was due 5th July so I was induced at 14 days over (fed up doesn't cover it!!). I was in labour for 24 hours and they realised I wasn't progressing so went for emergency csection. She came out screaming but I had a major major haemorrhage, very scary. They stopped it but I had to go for intensive care for 24 hrs away from Freya which was awful. I've already been told I'm fine to try for vbac next time tho and that is what I would like.

Well it's Sunday morning now. I'm getting my hair cut & highlighted later. Going to make toast and coffee now!!

Have a nice day American twin!! X
So I took another OPK this morning and it came back lighter, kind of like the one I took on CD7. So I don't know. I'm also breaking out more than normal, so I'm thinking just hormones are out of whack. No changes in CM, so I can't imagine I already O'd or will O early.

Getting into the home stretch now (for the first half of the cycle anyway). I'm on CD11, and I usually get EWCM on around CD15, and pos OPK on CD17. I just have to make it through the week!

We saw my parents' house today, it is beautiful. Newer home, built in 2008, so very bright and clean and open. I'm jealous of their large kitchen! Ours is still pretty small, though the rest of the house makes up for it.

My birth experience was very similar to yours. I was due on August 1, and in March I found out that my OB was due on July 1! I love our OB and was sad that she wouldn't be able to deliver me. So after she went out on leave, we met with another doctor in her practice, and went with him to deliver us. And in mid-July, he told us that he'd be on a 2-week vacation right over our due date. We decided to induce on July 27, about 5 days off from our due date. I was already having contractions when I went in at 5pm on July 26, 7 minutes apart consistently, so I didn't think it was too off base to go in for the induction. I was wrong. Over 10 hours, I dilated to 1cm. They told us that we could keep trying the pitocin, but I was already maxed out on the dosage, and it wasn't helping me progress. So we opted for a c-section.

Looking back, I wish I hadn't induced. I spent 99% of my time with the nurses, not with my doctor. I didn't realize that I guess. If I had, we probably would have waited. The c-section wasn't bad, I was prepared for it mentally. I had a feeling from about 4 months along that I was going to have a c-section. No particular reason why, just a feeling. My OB has told me that I can do a vbac so that's what I plan to do. And with experience on my side, I know to be more patient this time around! I don't care what doctor delivers my kid, because I'm going to be spending most of my quality time with the nursing staff anyway!

We did find out gender. Neither of us are good with surprises! Plus both of our moms are excellent shoppers, and if they knew gender they would buy everything they came across. And they did! My mom sent us 3 boxes full of clothes before we even had my daughter, and when they came to visit when she was born, they brought us a half-dozen more! We actually had a gender reveal party, two years ago on March 17th, my husband's birthday. We threw a big party and we had the u/s tech write the gender on a piece of paper, which we gave to a friend (we didn't see). She baked cupcakes with pink frosting inside, and then we tore open a cupcake in front of everybody. It was so much fun.

DH's birthday has always been kind of a special day for us. It's also the anniversary of our first date (almost 6 years ago now!). I'm really hoping for that BFP this month so I can tell him on his birthday!

I wish I were getting my hair done. I need highlights bad, my roots are atrocious. Just don't have time to go right now! Need to set some time aside but we just seem to have so much going on. DH went golfing yesterday and he's at his cousin's house today hanging out with the boys, so next weekend I'm going to probably take a few hours to myself too and try to get that done. I just feel guilty sometimes taking time for myself, away from Chase, because of how much I'm gone during the week. Mommy guilt is the worst!

Okay. It's Sunday afternoon and I have some cleaning and meal prep to do for the week. Hope your weekend was good!
Hey Marie!

Hmm weird with the opks. I guess either you did ov early or your body had an lh surge but didn't ovulate and you will probably have another surge and ovulate soon? How are the opks now?

I'm totally confused, my hormones are cycle are so unrecognisable I'm feeling really stressed tonight. So this morning my opk was dark and tonight I'd say it was positive. My temps haven't shifted at all, we will see in the morning. Then, this afternoon I had major cramping and started bleeding?!! I'm like wtf is this all about? I don't think it's ov asits too early. I think it's just crazy crazy hormones. I feel like its going to take me months and months to get pregnant again and I'm so stressed. I hate not being in control! I'm in this roller coaster and I can't get off.

Mmm my kitchen is too small for my liking too. It's sort of country cottage style with an aga so very quirky and quaint. But I'd love a big modern kitchen with an island and loads of cupboard storage!! One day maybe :) no feedback from Saturdays viewing yet.

How odd that you ended up with a section as well and want a vbac next time. Hopefully we get to be bump buddies :) I'm thinking of trying hypno birthing next time. I had back labour and the agony really scared me, I totally panicked and fought the pain and I think if I could have relaxed into it I might have been ok. Not sure but worth a try I thought.

Your gender party sounds so cool!! I love the idea of that. Ooh how lovely to tell your dh on his birthday, fingers and toes crossed. It would also be fitting, seeing as you are my twin, because with my bfp last November I found on on my dhs birthday 13th November hehe!!

Do get your hair done next weekend, I feel so much better after having mine done. Really pleased with it.

Right I'm shattered, couldn't sleep last night and off to have my shower and bed. Hope you had a good start to the week.xx
Hello twin!
I was looking through some stuff on FF today and realized that I didn't log my last AF correctly. I started in the afternoon, but it was full blown, not just spotting. I didn't log AF until 2/13, but it should have been 2/12. So I'm actually on CD 13 of my 32 day cycle. I should be getting EWCM within 3 days or so and pos OPKs by the end of the week! Yay!
OPKs are steady. Def not positive. I'm thinking I just have a higher "normal" threshold of LH in my system all the time. When I get positives, it's very clear and bold, so I'll just wait to see that. Don't think I ovulated yet. My temps are still low.

I had back labor too. It didn't last 24 hours (OMG OUCH!) but 10 wasn't very fun. I have had back problems for years so it didn't surprise me. I used heat pads and those helped SO much. I wouldn't have made it 10 hours without them, I have so little tolerance for pain! Hypnobirthing sounds interesting. Is it just mentally distracting yourself from the pain? When we did our birthing class, one of the techniques for managing pain was to have our partner ask us questions and walk us through a calming scenario. Babbling brook, breeze through the trees, yada yada. It was actually pretty helpful during class but we didn't even think about it during labor.

Pos OPK this early? I mean it's def possible. CD 13 isn't unheard of! Maybe you'll get lucky and have a short cycle.

So my brother and SIL are due in less than 2 weeks with their 6th kid. All of their children are stairstepped, 20 months apart. Planned that way. She seriously decides when she wants to get pregnant, and then it happens. She even told me with #4 that she didn't think it was going to happen, because my brother went out of town 3 days before she O'd and was gone for a week. But it did. She got pregnant. My mother calls my brother "Super Sperm." Funny how they can do it so easily and quickly and very much on demand, and I can't make #2 happen.

I have a good feeling about this month, though. I really feel like the last 5 months have been a series of bad luck and not really trying hard enough. With my daughter we got pregnant right away, but we worked at it - BD every day! Hubby said I got militant about it, LOL. But it worked! So I'm thinking this month should be good.

I have so much cleaning to do. Laundry. All that fun stuff. Need to get one last load in before I go to bed tonight.

What does your daughter like to eat? I think my daughter lives off grilled cheese and green beans! Can't get her to eat much more but I don't even know what to try anymore. Suggestions?
So on the COQ10, you should be taking 400mg? I just bought 100mg...I also have have 800mg folic acid and in my prenatal it has 800mg folic acid in there. I just started taking B6 as well 100mg...should I change anything. By the way now stalking this thread lol :)
So on the COQ10, you should be taking 400mg? I just bought 100mg...I also have have 800mg folic acid and in my prenatal it has 800mg folic acid in there. I just started taking B6 as well 100mg...should I change anything. By the way now stalking this thread lol :)

LOL on the stalking. Must be a weird one to stalk, I think we've gotten WAY off the topic of supplements!! :)

I started taking 300mg of CoQ10. My pills are 100mg as well and I just take one with each meal. here's the rundown of everything :)

CoQ10 - 100mg 3x/day
B50 complex, extended release - 1x/day
B6 - 100mg 3x/day
Prenatal vitamin (includes 800mg folid acid)
Kelp (I have an iodine deficiency)
Evening primrose oil - 3x/day until O
Guaifanesin - 2x/day from O-5 to O+1
Maca Root (for libido, or so I hear!) = 525mg 3x/day

That's my list. We'll see what it does for me this month! I can say that so far it's really helped with the CM - not sure about EWCM yet, but I pretty much have a constant wet feeling, never any dryness. That can't be a bad thing!

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